Chapter 133
The news on the Internet fermented quickly, and there was no movement from the official side.

It can be said that the night passed until dawn.

Tang Zhixi, Fengshang Entertainment and the crew did not respond.

This seems to be the default.

However, there was no response on the Internet because everyone was contacting Tang Zhixi.He Yuzhe is also contacting Ye Hanzhi.

But the mobile phones of the two could only get through, but no one answered.

It was easy to control the news on the Internet, but it was very difficult to find things from Tang Zhixi's residence.

So everyone can only wait for the news to confirm what is going on with Tang Zhixi before they can clarify and respond.

He Yuzhe couldn't contact anyone, so he called Zhenlei immediately.

Then I found out that in the photos on the Internet at the entrance of the police station, the person whose father didn't know who was beaten was Ye Hanzhi.

After knowing that Tang Zhixi and Ye Hanzhi went to the police station together, He Yuzhe instantly felt relieved.

And knowing that they were busy with 319, I didn't rush to contact them.

In contrast, that matter is more urgent.

In this matter, Tang Zhixi herself was innocent. There were so many of them, no matter what, they would not let her suffer this wrong for nothing.

But for that matter, one minute and one second missed, and perhaps the best time to catch someone was missed.

So he, the official monk Duan Nian, Zhou Kening and the others spoke to reassure them.

With Ye Hanzhi around, even if the sky exploded, he could suture Wuhen.

The news on the Internet was also controlled by him, so he didn't care anymore.

Song family
Song Anrou watched the news on the Internet and didn't sleep all night.

[Is there no problem with Jiang Nian? ] She sent a message.

[Don't worry, even if she tells the story, she won't find me.Let alone find out where you are. ] The other party quickly returned her a message.

Song Anrou felt relieved, she wanted to take a shower at first, but after thinking about it, she didn't.He didn't change his clothes either, so he leisurely found a coat and put it on before leaving the room.

Downstairs, Song Zhengde and Mr. Song were sitting opposite each other, their expressions were not very good.

He Yanxin sat on the side, and didn't talk at this time to make himself feel bad.Just looking in a good mood.

Song Anrou smiled inwardly, then immediately changed into a worried expression, and trot downstairs: "Grandpa, parents. I saw the news on the Internet just now, saying that sister, sister, she was wronged."

"Why did you come down like this?" He Yanxin asked.

"I, I just saw the news. I'm a little worried about my sister." Song Anrou wrapped her coat, sat on the sofa, and said anxiously, "Is my sister in trouble now?"

"It's not just her that's in trouble, the whole Song family is in trouble now." Song Zhengde said coldly, "The Song Group's stock is still falling, and it's all thanks to her."

Song Anrou frowned, and only read the news about Tang Zhixi at night, but forgot about her company.

She was also curious when people of their age were still so concerned about the news on the Internet. It turned out that the company was affected.

Recognize your relatives, why don't you recognize them.What Ziwei star is obviously a broom star.

"But, isn't it time to officially notify the media of the wedding ceremony today?" Song Anrou whispered, "Now, what should I do now?"

No one spoke.

During the preparation process, Song Zhengde has been disclosing with individual media all the time.Many media have also been following up on this matter.

So when Tang Zhixi had an accident, the stocks of the Song family, who wanted to confess their relatives, also fell.

"Will things turn around?" Mr. Song said in a deep voice.

"The chance of a turnaround is almost zero." Song Zhengde said wearily, "She has all entered the police station. It has been so long, and the results of all inspections should have been released. If nothing happened to her, she would have come out a long time ago. Even If she doesn't come out, as long as she's fine, the company will have responded long ago. Now...all the places are quiet, it's equivalent to waiting for the official sentence."

The living room fell into silence again.

He Yanxin and Song Anrou looked at each other.

Song Anju said: "Then, what should I do? Sister and her"

"Get rid of the relationship. The cleaner the break, the better." Song Zhengde said, "She has done such a rebellious thing, and no one can keep her. Whoever gets involved with such a person will be in great trouble."

"Yes." Mr. Song said, "Find a few trustworthy media outlets and ask them to write a good manuscript. Get the Song family clear."

"Yeah." Song Zhengde got up and said, "I'll do it now."

Song Anrou exhaled lightly, lowered her eyes, and smiled.

He Yanxin also breathed a sigh of relief, and the smile on his face deepened without any concealment.

Police station
Ye Hanzhi and Tang Zhixi stayed up all night, watching the surveillance before the homeless man came to report the crime.Hope to find some clues from the monitoring.

So the monitoring is extremely slow, watching bit by bit at slow speed.

"Zhixi, go and rest for a while. I can see."

"I'm not sleepy." Tang Zhixi didn't take her eyes off the computer.

Zhao Lanchuan put another glass of steaming water next to her.

Ye Hanzhi glanced at him, this is already the fifth cup.this person
Tang Zhixi suddenly pressed the pause button: "Ye Hanzhi, look at this place."

As soon as the voice fell, the office door was knocked open.Fang Yulin turned around and said, "What's wrong?"

Xiao Qin stood at the door and said, "The Prohibition Brigade said they want to find Miss Tang Zhixi."

Ye Hanzhi, Tang Zhixi, and Zhao Lanchuan were all watching the surveillance, and upon hearing that, they all looked up at the door.

"Tang Zhixi? Is there anyone named Tang Zhixi here?"

Fang Yulin never asked who Ye Hanzhi brought with him.

But he could see that he was not right about that woman, he cared too much.When did he care about who was sleeping or not.He would only wake others up with a kick when they were about to doze off.

"What's wrong?" Ye Hanzhi asked.

Fang Yulin looked over and remembered that he still didn't know the name of the person he brought.

"That...the anti-drug brigade said that Ms. Tang was involved in drug smoking and cooperated with the investigation."

The anti-drug brigade found Tang Zhixi from the surveillance of the Fengmao Hotel and the surveillance at various intersections.

I watched her go to the police station
After searching for hours, I found that the person I was looking for was in the same place as myself.

So they took the surveillance camera and asked Xiao Qin if he had seen the woman on the surveillance camera.

Then Xiao Qin knocked on the door.

Ye Hanzhi's eyes turned red, and when he heard this sentence, his expression became serious.It was as if his eyes were bloodied, which was extraordinarily scary.

After hearing this, Zhao Lanchuan's expression was not very good either, as if he was about to scold someone.

Tang Zhixi didn't show any expression, she just glanced at Xiao Qin and then at Zhao Lanchuan: "5 minutes."

Zhao Lanchuan left the office without saying a word.

Tang Zhixi looked at the computer again and zoomed in on the monitor: "Here, there are two figures on the glass."

That place is a corner, and homeless people will rest at that corner every night, which happens to be a blind spot for monitoring.

But diagonally across the corner, on the glass facing the monitor, two figures were reflected.

"Really." Fang Yulin said.

Ye Hanzhi reversed the monitor a little bit, and played it again in slow speed.

The figure on the glass is not very clear, and can only be seen vaguely. One person is sitting below, and the other is leaning over, seemingly talking.

Then the sitting one struggled, and the standing one seemed to push the sitting one, and then walked in the opposite direction.I deliberately avoided the cameras here.

But the one sitting there didn't react at all, judging from the shadow on the glass, he didn't move at all.

Ye Hanzhi played it at double speed.

It was after seven o'clock the next day that the shadow on the glass moved.Then the bum came out around the corner.

If you count the time, you should go directly to the police station.
(End of this chapter)

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