Chapter 135

Ye Hanzhi and Tang Zhixi waited for Jiang Nian to come out at the gate of the police station.

While waiting, Ye Hanzhi had already arranged everything to be clarified.He Yuzhe, Zhou Kening, the crew and Fengshang Entertainment will all send clarifications.

Because he is a public figure, the incident has a great impact.

The police station will also issue a statement confirming his innocence.

And just when all parties were arranging clarifications, a response about the Song family on Weibo became a trending search.

Tang Zhixi clicked in and took a look.

There is a video in which a group of reporters are surrounded in front of the Song Group building.

When Song Zhengde appeared, all the reporters rushed up and surrounded him.

[Mr. Song, I heard that you are preparing for a relative banquet recently and want to admit Tang Zhixi back to the Song family. Is it true? ]
[Mr. Song, have you read the news on the Internet?What do you think of the news on the Internet? ]
[Mr. Song, do you have any explanation for Tang Zhixi doing such a thing? ]
[Mr. Song, did you know beforehand what Tang Zhixi did? ]
"Everyone be quiet, everyone be quiet." Song Zhengde was surrounded by security guards and said loudly, "Listen to my explanation, listen to my explanation."

All the media fell silent, and the microphones and cameras were all focused on him.

Song Zhengde straightened his expression and said: "I saw the news on the Internet. To be honest, I was very shocked and very guilty when I saw it. I was shocked because I didn't expect Tang Zhixi to dare to do such a rebellious thing. Guilt It's because, although I didn't know her existence in the past twenty years, I still feel guilty because I didn't give her a good education and let her become like this. So I'm sorry, what she brought to the country and society So many bad influences."

"So, is it true that Tang Zhixi's drug use is true?" The reporter asked suddenly.

Song Zhengde's face froze for a moment, and then said: "The official will give us an answer, so I won't say much here."

"Did you not know beforehand?" Someone asked again.

"We don't know at all. If I knew she had done such a thing, I would have sent her in immediately." Song Zhengde was waiting for the official news, but the matter had already been settled inside and outside the words. It is true as it is said on the Internet.

"Since Tang Zhixi came to Yancheng, we have met several times." Song Zhengde plucked himself clean, "And these few times, we broke up on bad terms. She is really stranger than a stranger."

"Then what about the banquet?" The reporter asked again.

"The Song family has never thought of having a family recognition banquet, so why talk about the recognition banquet." Song Zhengde said, "It has been said on the Internet that the Song family is preparing a relative recognition banquet. I would like to take this opportunity to clarify today. The Song family never thought of recognizing relatives, because of various reasons back then."

Song Zhengde hesitated to speak, and then said: "But after all, the child is not wrong. So after knowing Tang Zhixi's existence, I have paid due compensation. Afterwards, the company will announce it to everyone. But I never wanted to admit my relatives." But, there won't be."

"What's more, she has done such a thing now. Although we are businessmen, we can still be clear about the righteousness of the country, right and wrong." Song Zhengde said righteously, "Even if there were no previous things, she is like this, our Song family I will never recognize her."

"Mr. Song, I hear what you mean. Back then, you had sex with someone else because of the woman's mistake." The reporter asked sharply.

Song Zhengde sighed with remorse on his face, "The deceased is gone, those things have gone with her, so don't mention them again."

There were still more than ten seconds left in the video, but Tang Zhixi didn't watch it and turned off her phone directly.

The coldness in his eyes froze inch by inch.

In a few words, Song Zhengde blamed Tang Xueche for his cheating back then.He also said that he didn't know about Tang Zhixi's existence for more than 20 years.

Is he sure that no one has evidence?

Ye Hanzhi was beside her and also saw the video.Seeing that Tang Zhixi was angry, he wanted to raise his hand to rub her head, but just as he was about to raise his hand, he saw a camera sticking out from behind a tree in the distance.

He didn't raise his hand, and said, "Sister Xi, don't be angry. How arrogant he is now is how miserable he will be in the future."

Tang Zhixi also saw the camera, turned around and looked into the police station, and asked after two seconds, "What's the date today?"

"March NO.16." Ye Han said.

Tang Zhixi didn't speak, but a ruthlessness flashed across her eyes, a ruthlessness that would bring bad luck to someone.

Ye Hanzhi watched, his eyebrows slightly moved.He had noticed it last time, she seemed to have been waiting for something.

After Jiang Nian came out, the three went to the car.

Ye Hanzhi drove, and the two of them sat behind.

Jiang Nian, who was always happy in the past, could always feel that she was happy even if she didn't speak, came out of the police station without saying a word.

The car drove for 5 minutes, and no one in the car made a sound.

Tang Zhixi looked at the things Luo Nanchen sent her, it was very detailed.

Just looking at the things found out, I can feel how angry Luo Nanchen was when he checked.

After reading everything, she sent Luo Nanchen: [Get rid of that hacker. ]
Luo Nanchen: [OK, I'll scare him first.Let him know what fear is.Damn it, you dare to be so arrogant after offending his father. ]
After understanding the situation, Tang Zhixi turned off the phone and looked at Jiang Nian: "What do you want to tell me?"

As soon as she made a sound, Jiang Nian was taken aback, looked at her in a daze for a while before making a sound: "I, I, I have."

Jiang Nian's eyes turned red after speaking.

Tang Zhixi looked at her quietly.

Jiang Nian sniffed and said, "Sister Xi, someone is going to kill you. He, he. He gave, gave me a bunch of things, let, let me put them in your, your room."

As soon as she made a sound, tears fell, and then she choked up and said.

Tang Zhixi watched her tears fall down one after another: "And then?"

"Then I didn't let him go. I, I lied to him, saying that I let him go." Jiang Nian said, "Then, last night, just last night, the police went to the hotel."

Ye Hanzhi put the tissue on the armrest box.

Tang Zhixi took it and placed it on Jiang Nian's lap.

Jiang Nian took a few cards, pressed them on his eyes and said, "I, I'm afraid. Then, that person, he, he monitors my mobile phone. He, he also threatened me, saying that he would kill my mother. I , I don’t know what to do, what to do.”

"Then why didn't you let it go?"

"I, I don't, I can't hurt you, I can't hurt you." Jiang Nian said, "I, I am a hero, the future family member of a hero. I, I still have this consciousness, I still have this awareness."

Tang Zhixi looked at her, and suddenly laughed.

Ye Han glanced at her in the mirror, and then raised the corners of his mouth.

"Sister Xi, what are you laughing at?" Jiang Nian asked.

"It's nothing." Tang Zhixi said lightly, "What happened to the loose powder in the makeup box?"

Jiang Nian was at the police station, so he had heard of it all.She said: "I don't know, I don't know that there are loose powders in the makeup box. I, I haven't seen it either. When the police searched the things from the room, I, I thought, thought they didn't believe me, and they didn't believe me. , I still looked for it, don’t, someone else hurt you.”

Tang Zhixi: "." It seems that it was really just a misunderstanding, just a coincidence.

"Go on," Tang Zhixi said.

Jiang Nian took two deep breaths, calmed down and said, "I'm scared, and I don't know what to do. So, I agreed to them, thinking that it can be delayed for a day. If you stabilize them first, you can always find a way."

"Have you figured out a way?" Tang Zhixi raised her eyebrows.

"No. They asked me yesterday if the things were put away. I told them that I wanted to tell you. I really can't think of a way." Jiang Nian said, "But you were so tired after filming for a whole day yesterday. I just wanted to talk to you again at night, but the third master came again at night. I didn't find a chance. I didn't expect them to act last night. "

Tang Zhixi thought about it, a little girl in her 20s has no money, no power, no power.Things like hackers, she probably never thought that she would be so close to her.I have never experienced anything before, and I must be terrified to encounter such a thing suddenly.

"I wanted to talk about this at the police station." Jiang Nian said, "but the person who found me said that even if I call the police, I can't find him. And all the things he gave me are still with me .I was afraid that I would not be able to find him, and in the end I had something in my hand and I couldn’t explain it clearly. I didn’t have any evidence, so I didn’t say anything.”

"He scared you." Tang Zhixi said.

"But... don't they all say on the Internet that hackers won't let people know where they are." Jiang Nian calmed down a little, and looked at Tang Zhixi with red eyes, "He can monitor my mobile phone, so powerful .”

Tang Zhixi: "...don't insult the word "severe."

"Sister Xi, what do you think I should do now. He must know that I didn't put that thing in your room. I'm really afraid that they will attack my family." Jiang Nian said, "That hacker knows me very well, and I'm also afraid that he will hurt me. My boyfriend. Also, and, who is going to kill you? If you don't find out, there will be trouble in the future. "

"Zhenlei has already led people to catch that hacker." Ye Hanzhi said, "Now... we have almost caught that hacker."

Jiang Nian was stunned for two seconds before he understood Ye Hanzhi's words, and said in a daze, "Ah? Caught, caught?"

Tang Zhixi also took a look at Ye Han: "Did Zhenlei find out?"

"Yeah." Ye Hanzhi said, "Besides that he can't attack Tianshu, he is quite easy to use at ordinary times."

Tang Zhixi raised her eyebrows, and said in her heart: The technique is not bad.I don't know if Luo Nanchen can still scare people.

"Xi, sister Xi?" Jiang Nian looked at Tang Zhixi in a daze, and said in disbelief, "Third Master, just now, what did you just say, is that the hacker caught it?"

"En." Tang Zhixi said lightly.

"Just, that's it, caught it so quickly?"

"It's just rubbish. What effort does it take?" Tang Zhixi said contemptuously.

(End of this chapter)

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