Chapter 140 We are at odds
"You are at home. It's rare."

When Ye Hanzhi got home, as soon as he entered the living room, he saw Lin Naiyi winding wool, and Ye Tingjue, as a tool man, supported her wool with both hands.

Ye Tingjue heard the voice, glanced at him, and then called out unhurriedly: "Third Uncle."

Ye Hanzhi glanced at him, but didn't respond.

When Lin Nai saw him coming back, his eyes lit up.But only glanced at him, stretched his neck and looked behind him.

Ye Hanzhi took off his coat to the servant beside him, and said with a smile, "Mom, what are you looking at?"

"You came back by yourself?"

"When did I not come back by myself?"

"Where is my daughter-in-law?" Lin Nai glared at him and said, "What are you doing back here? I asked you to come back to see my daughter-in-law!"

"So. Have I fallen out of favor in this family?" Ye Hanzhi laughed.

Lin Nai glared at him and ignored him.

Ye Hanzhi went to wash his hands, sat opposite them and said, "Mom, we will see each other sooner or later, there is no rush right now."

"So I couldn't hold my grandson a year ago?"

"Mom, you have grandchildren. I think you can consider having grandchildren before the year." Ye Hanzhi looked at Ye Tingjue.

Although there was a smile on his face, but that smile made people panic.

Ye Tingjue raised his eyes and looked at him with a straight face.It's also not easy to mess with.

"Ting Jue hurry up, there's still time."

"Third Uncle has a girlfriend, so the speed should be faster." Ye Tingjue countered with a glance at the bracelet on his wrist.

Ye Hanzhi raised his eyebrows: "Yes, I have a girlfriend."

After finishing speaking, he changed his tone of an elder again: "Tingjue, you are not young anymore. It is time to solve your personal problems. I, as the third uncle, worry about you."

"Don't worry about third uncle." Ye Tingjue said.

"If you had married at a normal age, our family would have lived under the same roof for four generations."

Ye Tingjue: "."

Lin Naiyi was wrapped in wool, as if directly shielding the two of them. They couldn't hear their voices, and couldn't see the atmosphere of their swords being drawn.

A look is already used to it.

When he stopped talking, Ye Hanzhi looked at Lin Naiyi and asked, "Where's my dad?"

"The front hall of the north courtyard." Lin Nai glanced at him and said, "Ye Sheng is here."

Ye Hanzhi's expression paused for a moment: "Why is he here?"

Ye Sheng is his father's younger brother, a half-brother, more than 20 years younger than his father.He wants to call Second Uncle, and Ye Tingjue wants to call Grandpa.

But he was driven abroad by his father more than ten years ago, and he has not been back these years.

"It was said that something was delayed during the Chinese New Year, so let's take a look." Lin Nai said together.

Ye Hanzhi and Ye Tingjue looked at each other, then stood up and said, "I haven't seen this second uncle for a long time, go and see how he is still alive."

Lin Nai glanced at him, spoke, and let him go.

When Ye Hanzhi came back, it was already more than an hour later.

The sweater in Linnai's hand is already knitted.

Ye Tingjue has also been by her side to accompany her.He saw that Ye Hanzhi didn't enter the living room after he came back, but stood on the porch.

Only Ye Lin came in.

"Grandpa." Ye Tingjue called out.

"Yes." Ye Lin responded, "Your third uncle is outside."

"Yeah." Ye Tingjue put away all the wool beside him, got up and went out.

Ye Hanzhi was sending messages to Tang Zhixi in the corridor, when he heard footsteps, he turned around and took a look.

Ye Tingjue lit a cigarette and said, "Does Ye Sheng not want to leave?"

"Come back and have a look if you say so, and leave the day after tomorrow." Ye Hanzhi said without raising his head, "The one who came to apologize, knelt and cried. It's a pity that he didn't make it to our stage."

"Really?" Ye Tingjue said.

"He said so." Ye Hanzhi put the phone in his pocket and said, "Be careful in everything."

"Yeah." Ye Tingjue said, "Be careful on your side, in case he attacks the people around you."

Ye Hanzhi naturally knew that he was talking about Tang Zhixi, so he smiled and said, "He can try."

Ye Tingjue glanced at him, but said nothing.

"However. He is more likely to win me over." Ye Hanzhi said, "After all, you are the eldest grandson, and the Ye family is under your control now. I don't have anything in my hand. And we are at odds."

Ye Tingjue: "."

At one o'clock in the morning, Tang Zhixi finished work and went back to the hotel.

She and Jiang Nian got off from the parking lot.The place where the driver lives is near the elevator from the other side.So they separated.

The two went to the elevator, Jiang Nian held the makeup box in his hand, and said, "Sister Xi, the third master said, let me watch you drink the medicine to protect your throat, and then let you sleep."

Tang Zhixi: "...don't listen to his nonsense."

Jiang Nian smiled and said, "But if I don't watch, Sister Xi will definitely not drink."

Tang Zhixi: "." People are not here, and no one will live in peace.

While complaining in his heart, suddenly a figure walked over from the side.Tang Zhixi glanced at it from the corner of her eye, but didn't take it seriously.

On the contrary, Jiang Nian turned his head to take a look, and saw that the man was staring at Tang Zhixi, and his eyes were a bit wretched.

She moved closer to Tang Zhixi, then turned her head and glanced at the man.The person wearing it looks like a dog, why does it look so wretched.

"Sister Xi, let's go quickly." After Jiang Nian finished speaking in a low voice, she went to press the elevator first.

The elevator was on the third floor and came down quickly.Jiang Nian pulled Tang Zhixi into the elevator quickly.As a result, just as Jiang Nian pressed the close button, the man quickly walked a few steps and raised his hand to block the elevator.

The elevator that was about to close opened again.

There was no one around, and when Jiang Nian saw the hand suddenly appear, he shivered in fright.

He Zhuo stood outside the elevator, a gentleman with a smile on his face, his eyes fell on Tang Zhixi, and he said, "I'm sorry. I don't mind being together."

And he didn't wait for them to speak, and walked into the elevator.

Jiang Nian looked at him warily.Tang Zhixi saw that his gaze had been on her, so she also turned to look at him: "What's the matter?"

Elevator closed.

He Zhuo snorted inwardly, sure enough, she would catch up by herself without making a move.It's a big wave.

"Filming here?" He Zhuo said.

Tang Zhixi looked at him with distant eyes, and said three words slowly: "Speak the business."

Still quite anxious, He Zhuo thought about it, and the smile on his face became more and more frivolous: "Miss, are you alone at night? I am alone too."

"What do you want to do?" Jiang Nian stood in front of Tang Zhixi first.

He Zhuo glanced at Jiang Nian, he looked good too.But compared with Tang Zhixi, it was too far behind.

Tang Zhixi was half a head taller than Jiang Nian, and He Zhuo looked at each other across Jiang Nian: "Well, we are indeed alone."

The smile on He Zhuo's face deepened again: "Then Miss and I tonight"

He Zhuo paused at this point, and then thought of a word that he thought sounded elegant and interesting: "Spend a good night together?"

Jiang Nian rolled his eyes.

Tang Zhixi was wearing a mask, because she took off her makeup on the set, and her hair was tied up in a random mess.There was no makeup on those phoenix eyes, and the tails of the eyes were raised, indifferent and glamorous.

She didn't speak, and turned her head to look at the floor, the twelfth floor.She pressed the fourteenth floor and pulled Jiang Nian behind her.

"Sister Xi."

Tang Zhixi squeezed her hand, signaling her to be at ease.

He Zhuo looked at her operation and smiled a little: "It turns out that Miss still has her own secret place."

After saying this, the elevator opened on the fourteenth floor.Tang Zhixi glanced out and motioned for the man to go out first.

He Zhuo smiled ambiguously and walked out.

As soon as he took a step outside, Tang Zhixi kicked him out.With such strength, He Zhuo directly lay on the outside of the elevator.

"Damn it! You're fucking." He Zhuo's chin rubbed against the floor, faintly bloodstained.

Jiang Nian was startled, seeing the man get up.Responding, quickly press the close button.He was afraid that the man would beat Tang Zhixi when he got up.

But Tang Zhixi pressed the elevator and looked at him.

The cruelty in his eyes frightened He Zhuo, who had just stood up, and held back any words he wanted to scold.

"Don't disgust me in front of my eyes again." The voice was lazy, full of disgust.

He Zhuo's chest rose and fell, and his legs moved accordingly.

It was obviously because she was angry with her words, but also because she was afraid, she wanted to move but dared not move.

"Did you hear that?" Tang Zhixi said again.It's just a light sentence, but it's as ruthless as a knife.

"Listen, I heard." He Zhuo answered her subconsciously.

After receiving the answer, Tang Zhixi let go of her hand.The elevator door slowly closed and went up.

Jiang Nian also breathed a sigh of relief, and stood behind Tang Zhixi, watching her secretly.The eyes are about to turn into star eyes, full of admiration.

Tang Zhixi turned on her phone to check the time, and then sent a message to Luo Nanchen: [Fengmao Hotel, the elevator on the east side, the monitoring on the fourteenth floor, less than a minute ago, it was dark and clean. ]
And He Zhuo, who was on the fourteenth floor, watched the elevator go up.After being dazed for a while, he kicked the trash can next to him.

"Damn it, bitch! Pretending to be innocent! I'll get you sooner or later."

"Hiss—" he finished cursing, touched his chin, and rubbed his knees again, "It hurts me to death. Damn it!"

(End of this chapter)

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