Chapter 164 It's Okay
The car body gradually sank to the bottom of the water. Ye Hanzhi unfastened his and Tang Zhixi's seat belts. Seeing that Tang Zhixi had her eyes closed, she didn't respond after shaking her twice.

He was so anxious that he didn't care about the two fainted people in front of him. He took Tang Zhixi out of the car and prepared to take her upstream.

But as soon as she got out of the car, Tang Zhixi opened her eyes.He opened his mouth to take a breath, but choked on saliva.

Ye Hanzhi immediately covered her mouth, looked at her anxiously, and asked her if she was okay.

Tang Zhixi saw Ye Hanzhi's appearance clearly, and immediately regained consciousness.

Both of them were underwater with their hair floating.

It was rare for Tang Zhixi to see Ye Hanzhi look so anxious, she shook her head, and frowned at the bleeding wound on his forehead.

Seeing that she was fine, Ye Hanzhi took her further upstream.

But Tang Zhixi tugged at him and pointed into the car.

Ye Hanzhi's thoughts were all on her, and only then did he realize that there were two other people in the car.

He pointed and asked Tang Zhixi to swim up first, and then went down to save people by himself.

The car is still sinking, the car has been filled with water, and the water pressure inside and outside the car is about the same.Ye Hanzhi pulled open the driver's door with force.

He took the driver out first, and when he wanted to pull Jiang Nian, Tang Zhixi opened the door on the other side and pulled Jiang Nian out.

The two looked at each other, and one took the other upstream.

But as soon as they went upstream, the two of them saw a person swimming from a distance.

The two looked at each other, and Ye Hanzhi frowned and shook his head, indicating that it wasn't him.

Since it wasn't his people, if it wasn't for the rescue, then it was probably the one who killed them.

And the five people who swam over quickly gave them the answer.

After seeing the five of them, Ye Hanzhi and Tang Zhixi had the same thoughts, but they just ignored them and continued to swim upstream.

Because not only the two who were dizzy, but even the two of them couldn't stay underwater for a long time.

Until the five people approached, they moved their hands first.The two are the ones to solve it.

At the beginning, the five people didn't hold anything in their hands. They probably wanted to cover their mouths and noses with their hands and let them suffocate underwater.

But when there was resistance underwater, Tang Zhixi put her arms around Jiang Nian's waist with one hand, and knocked him unconscious with the other.And after Ye Han knocked him out with a punch.

They all showed their knives and stabbed at them.

Ye Hanzhi dodged sideways when they stabbed him.He directly snatched the knife from their hands, and with a twist of his wrist, inserted the knife into the man's right rib.

No mercy at all.

On Tang Zhixi's side, after grabbing the switchblade, the blade touched the man's neck.Just a little bit of force can wipe his neck.

But Tang Zhixi was afraid that it would be troublesome to solve it later, so she withdrew her hand in time, inserted the knife into his right shoulder, pulled it out again, and kicked him.

At this moment, another person came up behind Tang Zhixi with a knife, very close.As long as the knife is a little further forward, it can penetrate Tang Zhixi's back heart.

Ye Hanzhi immediately swam up to Tang Zhixi's side, without hesitation, he held the knife directly.

In fact, there was a visual error at the angle Ye Hanzhi was in. The knife wasn't that close, so Tang Zhixi could dodge it.

But for Tang Zhixi, he didn't want to make a mistake.Even if she was injured or made a mistake, she didn't want to take any risks.

Tang Zhixi turned her head and saw Ye Hanzhi holding the knife, when blood and water mixed together and floated out.

Her eyes sharpened suddenly, and she raised her hand and stabbed the switchblade on the man's neck.She and Ye Hanzhi kicked him together, kicking him away.

Tang Zhixi opened her mouth to speak, but as soon as she opened her mouth, a string of bubbles popped out.

Ye Hanzhi shook his head, signaling that she was fine.The two hurried upstream together.

After breaking through the water, Tang Zhixi took a sharp breath and wiped the water off her face.Immediately go to see Ye Hanzhi's injury.

Ye Hanzhi's face was also covered with drops of water, and all his hair was pulled back.The whole delicate face was exposed.

After being underwater for a long time, he was panting a little, and the corners of his eyes were red.

But Tang Zhixi didn't have time to admire his face, so she looked at his hands immediately.

The surrounding water was stained red.

Tang Zhixi scolded: "You are fucking crazy, grab it with your hands."

Ye Hanzhi choked when he heard her swearing.

No matter how indifferent and alienated Tang Zhixi was on the surface, the calmness and politeness that could always be felt suddenly disappeared.

In this way, he looked like a bandit leader.Fierce, cold and ruthless.

"There! People are there!" shouted all over the bridge.The rescue team arrived soon, found them, and the lifeboat hurried over here.

Tang Zhixi ignored the others and immediately grabbed his hand. There was a wound on the palm and four fingers.It should be not shallow, and has been bleeding outside.

"Did you get hurt anywhere?"

"you shut up!"

"I'm fine"

Tang Zhixi looked at him coldly.

Ye Hanzhi coughed twice more, then closed his mouth resentfully, not daring to speak.He just silently observed whether Tang Zhixi was injured or not.

Soon the lifeboat came over.

Get the driver and Jiang Nian up first, and the lifeguard saves them first.

Ye Hanzhi and Tang Zhixi went to another one.

The driver and Jiang Nian woke up on the lifeboat.But the four of them were sent to the hospital in time.

On the way to the hospital, Ye Hanzhi borrowed his mobile phone to call Lu Shang.

When they arrived at the hospital, Lu Shang and his people had already arrived.

Because Tang Zhixi was photographed at the scene, many reporters were waiting at the hospital gate.

Lu Shang asked people to control the reporters, preventing them from sneaking into the hospital.He Yuzhe and Zhenlei also controlled the news on the Internet.

He Yuzhe directly told the media that if anyone dared to report randomly.That Zeyue media is their fate.

In the hospital, all four were checked.

Both the driver and Jiang Nian had mild concussions, and were temporarily hospitalized because of dizziness and nausea.

Ye Hanzhi's shoulders were bruised from the car, and there was a light wound on his forehead.Nothing else happened.It's just that the injury on the hand is a little serious and needs stitches.

Tang Zhixi was fine.I just bumped my head against the car, and it hurt a bit, and I was fine after the pain passed.

After being checked, she hurried to Ye Hanzhi's side.

As soon as the door opened, Ye Hanzhi was waiting for her outside.

"What did the doctor say?"

"How are you?"

The two spoke together.

Ye Hanzhi smiled: "I'm fine, the wound is not deep, only the flesh is hurt, and the bleeding has stopped. I'll be fine with stitches in a while, don't worry."

Tang Zhixi frowned: "Will there be a scar?"

"No." Ye Hanzhi held her in his arms with the other hand, "How are you? Is there any injury?"

"No. Everything is fine." Tang Zhixi buried her face in his chest, listening to his heartbeat, her voice was muffled.

Ye Hanzhi used a lot of strength to push her down on the seat, minimizing her damage.But he didn't take care of himself.

"It's fine." Ye Hanzhi held her arm with a little strength, and hugged her in his arms, his voice full of fear, "It's fine."

The moment he couldn't wake Tang Zhixi up, he felt for the first time that people were afraid that they would really lose their strength.

It's really cold in the bottom of my heart, and my head is blank.

"What about the wound on your head?"

"It's just a little scratched." Ye Hanzhi said.

 Chapter one

(End of this chapter)

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