Chapter 168 Let's Eat Soft Rice (Fifth Watch)
"Sister-in-law, don't just admit it just because of her two words." He Yanxin said suddenly, "She lied to you, she lied to you! What are you talking about! Don't blame yourself for everything, she framed you."

"We haven't said anything since we came in." He Yuzhe said, "She said and admitted everything just now. Why did we frame it?"

Originally, after this matter was settled, Tang Zhixi was already planning to leave.But when she heard He Yanxin speak, she paused and looked at Song Zhengde and He Yanxin.

When the old man saw her looking over, he hurriedly said, "Zhixi. Is there some misunderstanding?"

Tang Zhixi still ignored him, looked at Song Zhengde and his wife and said, "You two haven't done the public apology yet. Remember to hurry up, or you will bear the consequences."

"You want me to apologize to you, you are dreaming!" He Yanxin scolded.

Song Zhengde pulled her again: "Shut up."

"Sure enough, Xiaosan's words are tough." He Yuzhe said, "I didn't believe it when I heard it before, but today it opened my eyes."

"You" He Yanxin blushed as if his tail had been stepped on.But because it was He Yuzhe, she didn't dare to scold, so she could only hold back in the end.

"Hey, this person. When you slander others as a mistress, that's a good idea." He Yuzhe sarcastically said, "And she herself is a real mistress, so don't let anyone say it. Sister Xi, have you ever seen such a shameless person?" ?"

Tang Zhixi cooperated and said, "No. It's the first time growing up this big."

He Yuzhe laughed loudly, which made people's hearts tremble: "I have opened my eyes today."

The Song family, especially He Yanxin, were all blushing.But everyone dared not speak out.His face looked like a boiled crab.

Tang Zhixi glanced over them, and then paused for a moment on Song Anrou.I almost forgot, the live broadcast has not been counted yet.

Luo Nanchen took precautions and did not let the live broadcast leak out, and did not affect her.But what does this have to do with Song Anrou, the score must be settled.

She said: "I originally wanted to solve that matter privately. It was your good daughter who spread rumors on the Internet that I was an illegitimate daughter all day long, making it known to everyone. I had no choice but to solve it publicly. If you think It's shameful, I feel that the Song Group's reputation has been damaged, and it's all thanks to your good daughter."

Song Zhengde and Mr. Song both looked at Song Anrou.

"You're talking nonsense! Stop framing me!" Song Anrou immediately got up and said, "Dad, grandpa, I don't. I don't. She's talking nonsense, she's talking nonsense."

Tang Zhixi was too lazy to listen to the messy sounds of their house, so she turned around and left.

And He Yuzhe came out after seeing Song Zhengde slap Song Anrou.

Whenever the Song family's interests are damaged, such as a good daughter or a little padded jacket, they will all end up in the same way.

"Young Master He, help the police to arrest Li Jin," Tang Zhixi said.

"Well." He Yuzhe said, "Don't worry, the rest is up to us. Hanzhi will not let them go."


When Tang Zhixi left the courtyard of the villa, the people in black withdrew from the villa.

Then Tang Zhixi let them leave directly.

A group of people, well trained, got into the car quickly.But it didn't start the car.

Until Tang Zhixi got into the car, He Yuzhe drove the car away.The car of their group drove away.

In the car, Zhen Lei was still studying the live broadcast with his computer in his arms, with a sad expression on his face.

"Miss Tang, Song Anrou's live broadcast content seems to be locked, I can't get in." Zhen Lei said.

Sitting in the back, Tang Zhixi closed her eyes, and when she heard him speak, she opened them again.

"Are you still doing the live broadcast?" He Yuzhe saw that he was holding the computer all the time, so he drove the car. "The live broadcast is locked, and Sister Xi's people locked it."

"Ah?!" Zhen Lei turned to look at Tang Zhixi.

Tang Zhixi hummed lightly.

Zhenlei opened his mouth wide, as if his head had exploded.There was only one thought left, that she really had a really good hacker around her.

"Wait for you, everyone in the world has seen it." He Yuzhe complained.

Zhenlei was even more wilted holding the computer, like an eggplant beaten by Shuang.

Tang Zhixi wanted to tell him to show her the computer.But her head suddenly hurt again, and she closed her eyes without speaking.

He Yuzhe originally wanted to provoke Zhenlei a few more words, but seeing Tang Zhixi closed his eyes again, he stopped talking and drove quietly.

But the car didn't drive very far when He Yuzhe's cell phone rang.

After he answered the phone, he parked the car on the side of the road.

In just 1 minute, the back door of the car was opened.

Tang Zhixi opened her eyes when she heard the movement, and saw Ye Hanzhi standing outside the car, looking at her.

Maybe it was because I was too anxious to come here, and I was still a little panting.

Tang Zhixi was startled, and immediately looked at his hanging hand.Wrapped in thick gauze: "Is the needle on your hand finished?"

"Yeah." Ye Hanzhi got into the car, looked at her and said, "You haven't been bullied, have you?"

He Yuzhe rolled his eyes speechlessly when he heard this.Your daughter-in-law has surrounded the entire Song family, who dares to bully her.

Tang Zhixi was still looking at his hands; "No, I bullied them."

Ye Hanzhi heaved a sigh of relief, smiled and said, "That's good."

He Yuzhe automatically blocked the inhumane conversation, and started the car again.

"How is the hand sewing?" Tang Zhixi asked again, "Does it really not leave scars?"

"No." Ye Hanzhi stretched out his hand in front of her, and showed her, "The stitching technique is very good, very neat, and won't leave scars."

Tang Zhixi looked at that hand, and after a while, the palm of her hand grabbed his hand from under the back of his hand, and then held his thumb.

"It's okay, it will be fine in two days."

"Yeah." Tang Zhixi gently held his hand, leaned back on the seat, "sleepy."

Ye Hanzhi smiled, leaned closer and kissed her on the forehead: "Go to sleep for a while."


He Yuzhe couldn't stand his gentleness.As soon as he looked up, he saw Ye Hanzhi kiss her from the rearview mirror.

He Yuzhe: "." Can you think about the single nobles in the car!
After driving back to Weiyang Palace, Tang Zhixi fell asleep all the way.

When they arrived at the parking lot, Ye Hanzhi didn't call her, but directly carried her out of the car.

Tang Zhixi woke up as soon as he hugged her, opened her eyes and looked at him, and said, "Hand."

"It's okay." Ye Hanzhi said, "I didn't touch it, go to sleep."

"Yeah." Tang Zhixi tilted her head and rubbed against his shoulder, then fell asleep again.

She didn't know what was going on, she had never been so sleepy since she was so old, she was so sleepy that she couldn't open her eyes.

Ye Hanzhi carried her to her side, he reported the password and asked He Yuzhe to open the door.

After he went in, He Yuzhe stood outside the door and rolled his eyes again.

Knowing the password, he still knocks on the door every time he comes over, waiting for someone to open it.

Ye Hanzhi came out after he settled Tang Zhixi down and felt her pulse to make sure that she was really fine.

He Yuzhe and the others returned to his side.Then he told him everything that happened in the Song family.

Zhenlei and He Yuzhe were afraid that they wouldn't be able to achieve the effect of the scene, so they even made gestures and said, directly giving Ye Hanzhi a melodrama.

"Han Zhi, you don't know her aura at that time." He Yuzhe said excitedly, "I think she rushed to kill the Song family."

Ye Hanzhi listened quietly.

"Fuck, you didn't see it. I don't even know how she held Li Jin's hand, and then she broke her finger with her thumb." He Yuzhe said, "I thought about it for a long time, anyway, I It can't be done. It's too cruel."

After he finished speaking, he paused and said again: "No, he's too handsome. I'm so handsome."

Ye Hanzhi glanced at his hands, then slightly raised the corner of his mouth.

"You're beautiful." He Yuzhe sat on the sofa and said, "Third Master, if you want me to tell you, why don't you plan to eat soft meals at home."

"I think your proposal is good." Ye Hanzhi said.

"You want shame."

"Is it important to have a daughter-in-law?" Ye Hanzhi was in a good mood.

He Yuzhe choked for a moment.Well, he has no wife.

(End of this chapter)

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