Chapter 170 Conflict (seventh update)
Su Qian had been looking at the painting, while Tang Zhixi was sitting on the chair behind, nibbling the melon seeds in her hand.

After she finished knocking, Su Qian had already negotiated the price with the boss.

Although this price is relatively cheap in Su Qian's mind, there must be a link in bargaining.

Five minutes later, when the two of them came and went because of 5 yuan.

Five more people came in the store. While knocking on the melon seeds, Tang Zhixi stretched out a finger, poked up the brim of her hat, and turned her head to look at them.

The leading man looked to be in his 40s.

Tang Zhixi's first impression of him was that this man was very good-looking, among all the men she had seen so far.Ye Hanzhi ranked first, he can be ranked third.

As for the second Yunzhan, he has not been squeezed out yet.

And this kind of mature man. A mature but not greasy man is a plus.

He maintains a good figure, with a tall and straight posture, and there is a sense of sharpness all over his body.

It's somewhat similar to Zhao Lanchuan's temperament, but also somewhat different.This difference should come from the original family.This man's sharpness is a bit restrained, or a bit elegant.

Some contradictions are also somewhat interesting.

The four men behind him are all young and stand tall.

The man noticed Tang Zhixi's gaze, and turned his head to look over.But when he looked over, Tang Zhixi had already pushed down the brim of her hat and lowered her head.

So I only saw her fair chin and thin pink lips.But with just one glance, he withdrew his gaze and walked towards the counter.

Tang Zhixi also continued to kowtow at the melon seeds with her head down, without looking at him again.

But she didn't expect that this man came directly towards the writing in Su Qian's hand.

Tang Zhixi listened and got a general idea.

This man didn't know where he heard that there was this calligraphy here, and he came here specially to buy this calligraphy.

But what Su Qian likes, how can it make people.

Over the years, the only time Su Qian failed to get what she was looking for was at the auction at the Doomsday Hotel.

Let Ye Hanzhi take away a hairpin.

And that time, she told Su Qian not to keep bidding, so she stopped.

Otherwise, Su Qian might end up with Ye Hanzhi.

This time it's on the bar again.

Especially when she was showing her financial resources to the boss, Su Qian immediately thought of the time when she lost to Ye Hanzhi in the Doomsday Hotel.

Immediately ignited her desire to win.

The pair bid up the price of a painting fivefold.

When the boss saw these two people raising prices endlessly, he knew that neither of them was short of money.So leave them alone.

Leaving them to figure it out, the boss went to the counter next door and called a clerk over.

"Look carefully, if they damage something in a fight, remember to ask them to compensate." The boss said.

The clerk nodded and stared at the two groups of them.

"I don't want to do anything." The man said in a deep voice.

Su Qian tapped on the glass of the counter with her fingertips: "Who isn't? But I won't give you the words."

This is the real thing, which is hard to come by.

Her dad must be very happy to buy it back.

"Then this girl is offended."

"You are quite polite."

But Su Qian is not a polite person, so after saying this, she started to do it first.

The man didn't expect her to be so ignorant of martial arts, he was shocked for a moment, but he avoided it immediately.Then the four men behind him started.

"Ninth Brother." Su Qian called out to Tang Zhixi.

Tang Zhixi patted the dregs of the melon seeds on her hands, put on her mask, and got up to help.

She can't help in bargaining, but she is best at fighting.

And she was fighting here, at the intersection of Heijie, Ye Hanzhi and He Yuzhe got out of the car.

"I thought you would go to Sister Xi as soon as you came here." He Yuzhe said, "Why did you come here first?"

"See if there are any new gadgets and buy her two to play with," Ye Hanzhi said.

He Yuzhe and Lu Shang took a look at Ye Han together.

litter thing?Things here will be gadgets.Anything can cost a million or more.

Does this master have some misunderstandings about Gadgets?

"Meet my brother by the way." Ye Hanzhi said again.

"Ah?" He Yuzhe was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help lowering his voice, "Why is Commander Ye here?"

"The original calligraphy work that my father likes very much, I heard it appeared here." Ye Hanzhi said, "My brother happened to have two days off, so he came here."

"Just what kind of emperor's?"


"Commander Ye is really filial." He Yuzhe said, "I'm usually so busy, but I have a holiday, and I still travel so far. Since you came, why not let you buy it back."

"After I came here today, I realized that he is here too."

The two talked on the phone in the afternoon, and Ye Hanzhi knew that his brother was coming, so he came here first.

It's too chaotic here, but he's not afraid that his brother won't be able to defeat him.Although Commander Ye is over 50 years old, he is still young in all aspects of physical fitness.

It's just that his brother's status is special, in case of any trouble, it's more convenient for him to take action.

In the end, something really happened.

After Ye Han got out of the car and walked more than 100 meters, Lu Shang received a location message on his mobile phone.

"Third Lord, Commander Ye seems to be in trouble." Lu Shang handed the phone to Ye Hanzhi, "This is the location sent by the person following him."

Ye Hanzhi's expression became serious: "Go over immediately."

On Tang Zhixi's side, these five people were a bit difficult to deal with.

Especially the leader, who speaks politely but can fight very well.

Occasionally, Su Qian would have a pair of three, and occasionally Tang Zhixi would have a pair of four. The small shop was in chaos.

Gradually, the five men lost ground.One of them immediately put his hand into his pants and pressed the phone's off button three times.

Send out their location.

Nearly 5 minutes later, Tang Zhixi quickly kicked the man in the right rib.

The man took two steps back, Tang Zhixi stepped forward quickly, and twisted his hand behind his back with one hand.I also came behind him.With the other hand, the knife that slipped out of the sleeve was pressed against the man's neck.

"You lost." Tang Zhixi said softly, "Do you admit it?"

The man did not expect to lose to a little girl.Although unwilling, but also had to accept.There is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people. The blue is better than the blue.


As soon as the leader was subdued, the other four immediately became honest.

They stopped fighting with Su Qian, and all looked at Tang Zhixi defensively.

Tang Zhixi raised her eyebrows and let him go.Then he said a little arrogantly: "Go slowly, don't send it off."

The man turned to look at her and said nothing.

But he walked towards Su Qian again, wanting to try one last time, and asked, "Girl, is there really no room for negotiation? Just leave it to me, and you can make a price as you like."

Tang Zhixi sat back on the chair just now.

This person is really not suitable for doing business in this kind of place.

This place, as long as it is replaced by someone else.You can't fight here, and you can't get things.Definitely go right away, find more people, and start fighting directly at the next location, and grab it directly.

(End of this chapter)

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