Chapter 172
"What?! You met the third girlfriend!"

When the group came out of the store, Ye Hanzhi took Tang Zhixi back to the car first.

The rest of the people, including Su Qian, were walking along the street with Ye Hanxiu.

However, after walking around for a while, Ye Hanxiu let a group of them walk around by themselves, and he went to make a phone call first.

So that's how it is now.

Ye Hanxiu went into a dead end to call his wife.

He Yuzhe and the seven of them stood guard outside the alley.

"What does it look like?! How is the person?" Yan Tong didn't even listen to Ye Hanxiu's words, and interrupted him when he heard the five words "Han's girlfriend".

Ye Hanxiu is often in the military area, and he is used to speaking as a leader.Moreover, almost all the people I come into contact with are men, and I occasionally come into contact with some girls, and almost all of them are subordinates.Or some strangers, just say a few polite words.

He suddenly encountered such a situation, and he didn't know how to deal with it.

After all, she was his future sister-in-law, neither a subordinate nor a stranger.

He was afraid that if he wasn't considerate enough, and the other girls felt that the Ye family was rude, it would be troublesome.

Ye Hanzhi finally got a girlfriend, and it seemed that he loved her on top of his heart.

If it's because of something wrong with him.

Will Ye Hanzhi deny his brother?

"Uh..." Ye Hanxiu, who was interrupted, thought for a while and said, "It's very beautiful. She can fight."

"What can you do?" Yan Tong asked.

"Very powerful. I can't beat her." Ye Hanxiu said truthfully, "When people are quiet, they are quite stable and polite. It just seems that they are not easy to provoke and not easy to get close to."

Because of Ye Hanxiu's introduction, within an hour, the Ye family knew that Ye Hanzhi had found a girlfriend whom Ye Hanxiu couldn't beat, and who was not easy to mess with or approach.

Yan Tong was silent for a moment, and a fierce and fierce image appeared in his head instantly.But on the basis of this image, there must also be a good-looking face.

This is what kind of girlfriend I found.Does her third child like this image?Sword slant?
After a while, he said, "What's your name?"

"Ah..." Ye Hanxiu thought for a while, as if no one told him what her name was, "I don't know. No one told me."

Yan Tong: ".What use are you for?"

Ye Hanxiu: "."

"What did you just say you were going to do?"

"Hanzhi wanted a meeting gift for his girlfriend." Ye Hanxiu said, "What do you want to give?"

"Of course you have to give a meeting gift, not to mention Han Zhi said it." Yan Tong said, "Didn't you go to Bliss City? Did you go to the black street?"

"I'm here."

"Look at the good things in Heijie. You must buy the best ones. If you don't have enough money, I'll let the bank transfer it immediately." Yan Tong said.

Both Ye Hanzhi and Ye Tingjue were raised by Yan Tong.Although he is a younger brother-in-law, Yan Tong has always regarded him as his son.

"Of course I know this, but what do girls like?" Ye Hanxiu asked.

"You" Yan Tong said disgustedly, "You hang up, come to the store and play a video for me in a while, I will accompany you to choose."

"it is good."

Ye Hanxiu hung up the phone, and when he walked out of the alley, he regained his leadership dignity.It's a different person from the one in the alley just now.

However, Yan Tong hung up the phone and hurried to report the situation to Ye Zhai.

As for Tang Zhixi and Ye Hanzhi.

After the two got into the car, Tang Zhixi looked out the window and ignored Ye Hanzhi.

"Why are you still angry?" Ye Hanzhi reached out and touched her face.

Tang Zhixi dodged, and said indifferently, "Don't make any moves."

Ye Hanzhi smiled, put his arms around her waist, hugged her into his arms, and kissed her on the cheek: "My fault, next time if you pretend not to be familiar, I will absolutely cooperate."

He still wants to have a next time.

Is she shameless?
"My brother has been in the military region for a long time, but he looks fierce. He always talks like an old cadre." Ye Hanzhi said, "In fact, he is very talkative."

Tang Zhixi grabbed his wrist and took his hand away from her waist: "Don't be so affectionate, we don't know each other well."

Ye Hanzhi: ".But I just kissed you."

"So?" Tang Zhixi had a cold face.

"Since I don't know you well, I won't let you suffer if I kiss you." Ye Hanzhi looked at her and said, "Why don't you kiss me back."

Tang Zhixi narrowed her eyes and clenched her fists instantly.

Ye Hanzhi suddenly felt a murderous aura, and immediately took her hand and said, "I was wrong, don't be angry."

Tang Zhixi felt the scar on Ye Hanzhi's palm on the back of her hand, and she didn't move the hand she wanted to withdraw.

"It's because I didn't think about it." Ye Hanzhi looked at her seriously, and said in a warm voice, "I saw you, and I saw my brother. I really want to introduce you to my family. I was a little excited, and thought that my brother would not How about it? I didn't stand on your side, so I'll think about it for you. "

Tang Zhixi's spirit suddenly became a little lower.

"It's the first time I'm in a relationship, and I can't handle some things well enough." Ye Hanzhi raised his hand and tucked her hair behind her ears, "Please forgive me, my little girl, and give me some progress and strive to do better. Great opportunity. Okay?"

Tang Zhixi pursed her lower lip, let go of her fist, and leaned back on her seat.

Silently cursing in my heart: Damn, there is a leak!

Seeing that she wasn't angry anymore, Ye Hanzhi held her hand and said, "Did my brother hurt you?"

Tang Zhixi glanced at him, thought for a while and said, "I kicked your brother in the ribs, it was not light."

Ye Hanzhi: "."

"You can take a look at it later."

"Okay." Ye Hanzhi thought for a while, his brother's state should be fine, "Let's just assume that he paid the debt for me."

"You can count."

"Brother, don't worry so much."

Tang Zhixi glanced at him again, she really felt that the Ye family really doted on him.Maybe it's a matter of age difference, his brother also dotes on him very much.

So he was kind of lawless.

"That picture, for your brother." Tang Zhixi said.

"No need." Ye Hanzhi put his hands on her waist again, and pulled her into his arms, "You keep it."

"It's useless for me to keep it." Tang Zhixi looked down at Ye Hanzhi's palm.It's been a while since the stitches were removed, but the scar is still there.

The scar is still a little red now.

"Su Qian wanted to give it to her dad. Her dad took it back for research." Tang Zhixi said, "But your brother seems to like it very much."

"My dad likes it very much." Ye Hanzhi said, "My brother wants to buy it back for my dad."

"Then take it back."

"Okay." Ye Hanzhi said, "My dad will definitely be very happy."

Tang Zhixi didn't think much about this sentence, thinking that whoever said it meant that his father would be very happy when he saw this painting.

As a result, when Ye Hanzhi took it back, he told his father that it was a gift from his future daughter-in-law.

And in order not to make her mother jealous, Ye Hanzhi also prepared a gift for her mother.

Although according to Yan Tong's description, everyone thinks that this future daughter-in-law is Li Kui's beautiful face that is not easy to mess with.

But they were all coaxed happily by this future daughter-in-law whom they had never met.

(End of this chapter)

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