Chapter 175 Ten Years of Memories

Tang Zhixi then added a few close-up shots, and then called it a day.

As soon as work was over, Ye Hanzhi took her back to the hotel first.

And the crew took a few more scenes in the afternoon, and the shooting in the desert was over.

After returning to the Imperial Capital to shoot a few scenes, the whole drama can be completed.

It just so happens that the entire crew has free time.

So in the evening, He Yuzhe invited the entire crew to eat and play whatever he wanted in the name of Tang Zhixi at the hotel.

One is to give Tang Zhixi a good reputation in the crew.The second is that the scene this afternoon was filmed several times, and all the staff were tanned and oily in the desert.

It can be regarded as a companion.

Everything was arranged by He Yuzhe.

After Tang Zhixi and Ye Hanzhi returned to the hotel, they didn't go out again.

Even dinner is eaten at the hotel.

Tang Zhixi's legs knelt in the desert for a long time, and the temperature of the sand was very high.Not to the extent of being burned, but the part below the knee was very red.

The red one is a little abnormal.

Ye Hanzhi applied medicine on her, but after that, a layer of skin would definitely peel off.

And because the scene in the morning was a fighting scene, there were some bruises on his arms, shoulders, and back.

Ye Hanzhi also applied medicine to her by the way.

Tang Zhixi was wearing shorts and suspenders, sitting cross-legged on the sofa, letting Ye Hanzhi apply the medicine.

She lowered her head and played games on her mobile phone.

Ye Hanzhi's movements were very gentle, and he applied the medicine carefully, but when he applied it on her shoulders, he still couldn't help but look at the injury on her collarbone.

From the shoulder to the collarbone, there are still three such long wounds.It looks like it was scratched by an animal.

"How did you get hurt?"

Tang Zhixi was stunned for a moment, glanced at the injury on the collarbone, and said casually, "It was accidentally scratched."

This answer seems to be perfunctory for a fool.

But seeing that she didn't want to say anything, Ye Hanzhi acted like a fool.

"Why not remove it?"

According to Ye Hanzhi's understanding, this little girl still cares about her image.Such a long scar has already affected wearing beautiful skirts.

With her temperament, she should want to get rid of it.

"Is it ugly?" Tang Zhixi asked.

"Not ugly." Ye Hanzhi said without hesitation.

It's not ugly, it's just that on this fair skin, the red is a bit hot.

Tang Zhixi didn't speak any more and continued playing the game.

And Ye Hanzhi didn't ask any more questions, but when he rubbed the medicine on the other shoulder, he took a few more glances at her tattoo.

The red crown has a strange totem on it.

It looks like some kind of totem got out of order somehow and got tattooed on it.

But just looking at it like this, I can't spell out the specific pattern.

Perhaps he had been looking at it for a long time, but Tang Zhixi suddenly looked up at him.Looking at him, he raised his eyebrows meaningfully.

Ye Hanzhi met her with downcast eyes, hooked her chin and said, "What look?"

"What do you say?"

Ye Hanzhi smiled and said, "I just thought the totem on the tattoo was a bit special, so I took a look."

"See what it is?"

"No." After Ye Hanzhi finished speaking, he asked again, "What is it?"

"I asked you because I couldn't tell." Tang Zhixi said.

Ye Hanzhi: "."

Tang Zhixi smiled at his speechless expression, then looked down at her left arm when she lowered her gaze.

Seeing that nothing appeared above, she continued to play games with peace of mind.

After a while, Ye Hanzhi asked, "When did you get the tattoo?"

"Can not remember."

Ye Hanzhi: "."

Tang Zhi did not perfuse him with the question about tattoos.

It's all the truth.

She has a memory that is missing, and she only has nearly ten years of memory now.But obviously, she is more than ten years old now.

The tattoo on the back has been on her shoulders since she could remember. She has researched for a long time and tried many methods for the totem on the top that can't be put together, but she couldn't figure it out.

Finally gave up.

She didn't know who she was, where she came from, what her name was, or how old she was.

After applying the medicine and sitting in the living room for a while, Tang Zhixi went to sleep.

The two rooms are together, the living room is in the middle, and the two rooms are divided into two sides.

Tang Zhixi went to bed, and Ye Hanzhi cleaned up the living room.Then he went to the room to get the computer and sat in the living room.

Although after Tang Zhixi came back from the set, everything was normal, no different from usual.

But he was still a little worried.After all, on the set in the afternoon, her reaction was too abnormal.

So he went to get the computer and sat in the living room.

In case of any situation, he will know immediately.

At one o'clock in the morning, in the dark and silent room, a voice suddenly sounded.


It wasn't loud, but it sounded like a suppressed growl.

Tang Zhixi opened her eyes suddenly, staring fiercely at the dark night, her breathing was a little short.

After a while, she got up and leaned against the head of the bed.

But just leaning against the head of the bed, the door of the room was gently pushed open.Tang Zhixi immediately reached out and touched the hairpin beside the pillow.

Ye Hanzhi stood at the door, keenly aware of the sudden murderous aura.He said, "It's me."

Hearing the familiar voice, Tang Zhixi slowly let go of the hairpin in her hand, and leaned back on the bed.

Ye Hanzhi walked to the bed and turned on the bedside lamp.

The dim light came on, forcing the surrounding darkness back.

Ye Hanzhi saw that Tang Zhixi's neck was sweating profusely, it was crystal clear under the light, and her lips were a little red: "Did you have a nightmare?"

Tang Zhixi looked at him. Just after waking up from a dream, she suddenly became wary for a moment and said, "What are you doing here?"

"I was in the living room, and I heard you shout something." Ye Hanzhi didn't care about her tone, and touched her forehead, which was a little hot, "I just came in."

Tang Zhixi's voice was actually not loud, but Ye Hanzhi heard it right away.

"It seems to have a fever." Ye Hanzhi sat on the edge of the bed, holding her hand with one hand, and put the other hand on her pulse.

Tang Zhixi glanced at the time on the bedside, and then at Ye Hanzhi.

It's already this time, and he's still in the living room.

Ye Hanzhi felt her pulse and frowned for a moment.

It was similar to last time, but she still had too much emotional fluctuations, and she forcibly restrained her emotions to hide her emotions.Excessive heart fire caused by qi stagnation and blood stagnation.

After Ye Hanzhi let go of her wrist, he took a few tissues from the bedside table and wiped the sweat from her neck: "Little girl, you have a fever again."

Tang Zhixi raised her hand to touch her forehead, only felt the sweat on one hand, but nothing else.She said in a nonchalant tone, "If you sweat so much, you will also have a fever?"

"Yeah." Ye Hanzhi took a few more tissues and wiped the sweat off her forehead.

Then he pulled the quilt up and said, "Be careful of sweating and catching cold."

"A little hot."

"It will be fine in a while." Ye Hanzhi looked at her and said, "Have you had a nightmare?"

Tang Zhixi looked at him, her eyelashes trembled slightly, but she didn't speak.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Ye Hanzhi hesitated for a moment and then asked softly: "Is it related to the content of the filming in the afternoon?"

Tang Zhixi raised her hand and pressed her throbbing temple, lowered her eyes, avoiding Ye Hanzhi's sight.
(End of this chapter)

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