The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 179 Zhang Jing, Finished

Chapter 179 Returning to Beijing, wrapping up

Ye Hanzhi looked at Tang Zhixi and felt that he might be too kind to her, which caused this little girl to become more and more skinny.

"Come here." Ye Hanzhi said calmly.

Tang Zhixi raised her eyebrows, and walked slowly, without fear, to his side.

Ye Hanzhi raised his hand and hooked her chin, and the words he spit out became more and more ruthless: "Little girl, if you mess with me again, I don't mind taking you to take a bath together."

Tang Zhixi could feel that he was not trying to scare people, but that he was really serious about it.

She feels that this loss cannot be taken.

So the topic was changed directly: "There was a misunderstanding between He Yuzhe and Su Qian, and now they are in Su Qian's room, pecking at each other."

However, Ye Hanzhi ignored what she said, but suddenly approached her, sniffed her and said, "Smoking?"

Tang Zhixi: ".If I say no, would you believe me?"

"Do you think I'm a fool?" Ye Hanzhi looked into her eyes and asked.

"It doesn't look like it." Tang Zhixi said, "But you can pretend to be a fool."

Ye Hanzhi: ".No more smoking in the future."

"Well, I'll try my best." Tang Zhixi said perfunctorily.

"Just try your best?" Ye Hanzhi felt more pressure all over his body.

"Just try my best." Tang Zhixi said these four words again in a declarative sentence.

Ye Hanzhi pursed his lower lip, his expression looked like he couldn't find a solution for a while, and there was nothing he could do.

Tang Zhixi looked into his eyes, then helped him straighten the neckline of his bathrobe.Leaving him with less exposed skin.

Ye Hanzhi looked down at her hand.

After tidying up the collar, Tang Zhixi rubbed his thumb against his collarbone, not knowing whether it was on purpose or not.

Very light, like a feather has been brushed.

But Ye Hanzhi's eyes still darkened.So much so that he lost the idea of ​​saying a few more words about smoking.

"I'm going to take a shower too."

After Tang Zhixi finished speaking, she walked to her room, and when she got behind Ye Hanzhi, she gently licked the corner of her lower lip.Then I went back to my room in a good mood.

When the door of Tang Zhixi's room was closed and the sound of the door being locked reached his ears, Ye Hanzhi reacted again.

After realizing it, this little girl did it on purpose.

On her way again.

Beauty deceives people, sure enough.
Tang Zhixi returned directly to the imperial capital from the desert.

On Nancheng's side is the Imperial Capital that Zhen Lei took back.

The scene to be filmed in the imperial capital is also the ending part of the whole drama.

The male and female protagonists are rescued by the imperial city, the male protagonist inherits the throne, and the female protagonist is named queen.The two accepted the worship of civil and military officials.

As simple as it may seem, the shoot took five days.

From the set, to the costumes, to the salutes of civil and military officials, and to every shot, they are very careful.

On the day of wrapping up, it was a good day.

Zhou Kening got divorced, and her husband was sentenced.It's because the scumbag is far away, the air feels fresh.

And on the day of the finale, the Song Group's official Weibo posted two videos.

It is a video of He Yanxin and Song Zhengde publicly apologizing.

Song Zhengde's tone sounded quite sincere.

It's just that He Yanxin was crying in the video, avoiding the serious and taking the light of it.Treating himself as a third party for destroying other people's families, bullying Tang Xueche and other things are very vague.

If someone who doesn't know the whole incident watched her video, they might think that she was the victim.

So there are many people scolding her under that Weibo.

Of course, there are many excuses for her.

[It's been so long, and I've already apologized, what else do you want?When no one makes a mistake. ]
[Are you trying to force a person to death?She is pitiful enough and has already been punished as she deserves. Are you free?Hold on to other people's affairs. ]
[Is it because Tang Xueche has no ability to keep his man and blame others for stealing it? ]
As for the apology video posted in the afternoon, there was an entry [He Yanxin committed suicide and was sent to the hospital] on Weibo's trending search in the evening.

And 10 minutes after this entry appeared, Song Anrou's Weibo was updated.Posted a Weibo of He Yanxin praying for safety.

Then, an hour later, an update was posted on Weibo telling everyone that He Yanxin was out of danger after being rescued.

Tang Zhixi attended the wrap-up banquet in the evening, and had a meal with the crew.

It was on the way home that she saw the online things Jiang Nian and Zhou Kening had sent her in the car.

Ye Hanzhi sat next to her, saw her reading the news on the Internet, and said, "I've got someone to investigate. He Yanxin is allergic to mangoes, causing respiratory obstruction. The symptoms are very mild, and the doctor wanted to give her an injection. But He Yanxin insisted on being hospitalized, so he gave her a bottle."

After Tang Zhixi heard this, she didn't respond.I flipped through my Weibo again.

My Weibo private messages are all questioning myself.

[He Yanxin almost died, so are you happy?You forced it. ]
[He Yanxin entered the hospital because of you and your fans, you and your fans are murderers! ]
[I really want to be popular and want to be crazy, and I want to grab attention with my mother's old past, why don't you die. ]
[When I wanted to solve the problem, I publicly said on the Internet that I was selling poor people.Now that something has happened, why are you silent and acting like a turtle again? !nausea! ]
Ye Hanzhi was beside her, so he saw all these words.His expression darkened, and he said, "Before He Yanxin and the others sent an apology this afternoon, Song Anrou bought the navy and led the comments."

Tang Zhixi snorted and said sarcastically: "This group of netizens who regard themselves as saints is really sad. A few days ago, they scolded an innocent person on the Internet until he was depressed and committed suicide. Now they are standing on the commanding heights of morality To speak for a former perpetrator."

Ye Hanzhi shook Tang Zhixi's hand.

"I really want to throw them into Hanqing Village, so that they can live a life that is unbearable every day." Tang Zhixi said, "And let them feel that their family has been destroyed by a third party. A life without father and mother. I don’t know if they will be able to say such things by then.”

"Do you want to respond?" Ye Hanzhi said, "I can get a certificate from Yancheng Hospital. I can also get the doctor to testify."

"No." Tang Zhixi said, "The brains of the sprayers are not easy to use, so don't add burden to their small brains. lest they become the guns of other people's mobile phones."

Ye Hanzhi laughed at her weird words.

Tang Zhixi glanced at him.

Ye Hanzhi said: "That's fine, if you feel unhappy, we can take the Song family away at any time."

Tang Zhixi laughed and said, "I think lingering on one's last breath can wear down one's willpower more."

It seems that hope can be seen, but hope will never be seen.

Ye Hanzhi raised his eyebrows.Sure enough, the little girl is very bad.

"Don't take those private messages and comments to heart."

"I'll take it to heart." Tang Zhixi looked out of the window and said softly, "I have to let them know that I have to be responsible for what I say."

(End of this chapter)

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