The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 188 Broke a lotus flower

Chapter 188 Broke a lotus flower

Ye Hanzhi's yard is not only larger, but also more luxurious than any yard Tang Zhixi saw along the way.

Pavilions, terraces and pavilions, flying eaves and painted walls, jade towers and golden towers.

The road leading directly to the living room in his courtyard was actually paved with cut emerald rough stones.

Tang Zhixi took a look with the lantern, and the piece of water she saw was in good condition.

If Yan Qi saw this road, he might pick up stones with a shovel.

The servants in his yard are all men, and they all wear long gowns, but the colors are different.All black.

There were quite a few people. Ever since Tang Zhixi stepped into this yard, everyone would have looked at her.The eyes are full of curiosity, but they don't dare to look too much, and dare not make mistakes.

In the evening, Ye Hanzhi gave up his room to Tang Zhixi, the guest room where he went to sleep.

Afraid that she would not be able to sleep well in a strange environment suddenly, she lit some soothing incense in the room.

So Tang Zhixi slept until after ten o'clock in the morning.

At eight o'clock, she heard someone come in once.

She opened her eyes and saw that it was Ye Hanzhi who brought her new clothes and brought them in.

In my impression, Ye Hanzhi seemed to walk up to her bedside and kiss her, and then she fell asleep again.

And she had a dream in a daze.

I dreamed that a three or four-year-old girl accidentally fell down when she was on a small wooden bridge.

It seemed to hurt a lot when I fell, but it didn't seem to hurt too much.

Because the little girl got up by herself and patted the dirt on her skirt.

But suddenly a big brother came from behind, squatted in front of her and asked her if she was in pain from the fall.

The little girl flung herself into his arms, started crying immediately, and wanted her big brother to hug her.

Tang Zhixi wanted to see what that big brother looked like.

But just when she was about to see it, she suddenly woke up.

Tang Zhixi opened her eyes, looked at the ceiling in a daze for a while, and felt that maybe she had such a dream because she stood on that bridge for too long last night.


Get up and wash up.

When changing clothes, Tang Zhixi discovered that Ye Hanzhi not only prepared a skirt for her, but also prepared underwear for her.

The skirt is Yunyi Nishang's regular clothes, and the underwear is also the brand she usually wears.

And the size is right.

When Tang Zhixi put on her clothes, she didn't know how to describe her mood, and there was always a feeling of being seen through for no reason.

After changing clothes and going out, there were only a few servants in the living room, and Ye Hanzhi was not seen.

One of them saw Tang Zhixi coming down, and immediately stepped forward and said, "Miss, the third master has gone to the front yard."

Tang Zhixi nodded.

"Miss, would you like to eat?"

"No, let's have lunch together."

Another servant went to pour her a glass of water.

Tang Zhixi accepted it and thanked her.

"The third master said, you can walk around as you like. You can go wherever you want." The servant said, "We can take you there. You can also find him in the front yard."

Tang Zhixi took a sip of water, thought for a while and said, "Take me to the lotus pond."

"Okay, this way please."


The 25-acre lotus pond blooms just right this season.

At a glance, there are layers of green leaves, and blossoming lotus flowers.

Walking on the corridor of the lotus pond, I found out that the varieties in each pond are different.

There are very slight differences in the color of lotus flowers, and the petals are thin or wide, more or less.There are some things that make a lot of difference in lotus leaves.

And each pool has a different name.

Looking at the signs hanging on the railing of the pool, they should all be written by Ye Hanzhi himself.

It is true that these lotus flowers are raised with heart.

When Tang Zhixi arrived at the lotus pond, she didn't let anyone follow her, and walked and watched by herself in the corridor.

She didn't know where the lotus pond led, so she walked along the corridor.

The sun was a little strong this month, Tang Zhixi started to sweat after walking for a while, so she stopped by a lotus pond.

Near the edge of the lotus pond, there is a lotus flower that blooms just right. The petals are very slender and there are many layers.She looked at it, then bent over and touched it with her hand.

The lotus swayed slightly, and she slightly raised the corners of her mouth.

Then I looked at a goldfish hidden under the lotus leaf.

The goldfish was very quiet and comfortable under the leaves, as if it didn't notice that there was a human being observing it.

After watching for a while, Tang Zhixi was about to scare it when she suddenly heard footsteps approaching.

The footsteps were a little soft, not Ye Hanzhi's, but like a girl's.

Hearing the approaching footsteps, Tang Zhixi stood up straight and turned to look over.

There is a girl walking here about five meters away from her.

Seeing her looking over, the girl immediately stopped and stood where she was.

The girl has a good temperament, dyed light blue hair, tied with a ball head.Fair skin, plain face.

The eyes are very standard phoenix eyes, and the lip color is very red, not like the color of lipstick.He was wearing what looked like exercise clothes, white clothes and black trousers, and his figure was very slim.

The two looked at each other for a while at a distance of five meters, and the girl suddenly laughed in surprise, and then walked quickly towards Tang Zhixi.

Tang Zhixi watched her walk in front of her, observed again and said, "Meng Lian! It's really you!"

Tang Zhixi looked at her indifferently, did not speak, and her expression did not change.

"No, Meng Lian is the name of the character. Your name is... Tang Zhixi." The girl looked at her and smiled, "It's Tang Zhixi, right! I really like your performance in "Begonia Falling", I like you so much .”

Tang Zhixi didn't expect to meet fans here.

"My name is Ye Chutong." The girl didn't care about her silence and alienation, and introduced herself, "Well, why are you here? Oh! Did He Yuzhe bring you here?"

Tang Zhixi from the Ye family thought about it, this girl should be Ye Hanzhi's niece and Ye Tingjue's younger sister.

"Hello." Tang Zhixi said.

"Hello, hello." Ye Chutong smiled, "Why did you come here by yourself? Why didn't He Yuzhe take you with you?"

"The scenery here is nice." Tang Zhixi said.

"The scenery is really nice, but the owner here is fierce." Ye Chutong thought for a while, and described, "Like a big bad wolf."

Tang Zhixi raised her eyebrows and did not speak.

"Really, don't believe me." Ye Chutong said, "He treats these lotus flowers as treasures, just look at them, but if he touches them, he will eat people."

"Slightly heard."

"Even you have heard about it." Ye Chutong said, leaning over and poking the lotus flower, "He Yuzhe told you, then he left you here. I'm not afraid that you will be eaten by the big bad wolf. "

Tang Zhixi watched her poke the lotus flower as if venting her anger, smiled and said, "Be careful. It will break"

As soon as this sentence was finished, Ye Chutong used all his strength, and at the same time he poked off a lotus leaf, the lotus stem broke.

The two watched as the lotus flower broke and fell into the lotus pond.With sharp eyes and quick hands, Ye Chutong caught it without letting it fall in.

Then bent down, leaning on the railing with one hand and holding the lotus with the other, he looked at Tang Zhixi in horror.

Tang Zhixi looked at Ye Chutong helplessly, her face turned pale instantly.

"Five, five digits"

Tang Zhixi: "."

"Plus, add my life." Ye Chutong was about to cry.

(End of this chapter)

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