The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 205 Little Ying Huo Before

Chapter 205 Little Ying Huo Before
At that time, Tang Zhixi was not as tall as she is now, and her face was still a little baby fat.The beautiful phoenix eyes curved when she smiled.

The whole body does not have the sharp aura of the present, compared with the present, it seems to be a harmless little white rabbit.

Wearing a garland made of peach blossoms on her head, her black hair reaches her waist, and her hair flutters gently with the dancing movements.

Even if Xingqi dances casually, it can be seen that the dance skills are very solid.Body rhyme, movement, skills have been perfectly interpreted.

Soft yet with strength, her dancing posture is light and agile, and her body is like clouds.The body is soft as if it has no bones.

Turning flat, keeping the head, the slender neck draws out beautiful lines, and every movement has reached the ultimate beauty.

When turning in place, the hem of the skirt floated up, and the hair also rose with it.

Another gust of breeze blew across the peach blossoms, and the petals fell one after another.

Tang Zhixi on the screen raised her hand to pick up the petals while twirling in circles.

The smile on the face is innocent and innocent, and the heart is relaxed and carefree.

It was a smile that none of these people facing the screen had ever seen before.

The picture in front of him was very high-definition, and Ye Hanzhi stared closely at the little girl on the screen, staring at the little girl who was completely different from now.

"Little Yinghuo."

Suddenly, a man's voice came from the screen.Some low, very magnetic, nice sound.

And the tone is very loving and gentle.

But in Tang Zhixi's ears, she only felt disgusted.

Hearing this voice, Ye Hanzhi's eyelashes trembled, and the sternness in his eyes instantly appeared.

The man on the screen did not appear in the mirror, but when Xiao Yingzhuo heard his voice, she stopped and turned to look at him.

The moment he saw him, the smile on his face deepened.

"Brother Yan." Xiaoying ran two steps towards him in confusion, "Didn't you say you will be back in two days?"

Only the peach blossom tree remained on the screen.

There is also the sound of two people talking.

Tang Zhixi, who was still confused by Xiaoying, had a childish voice, but it was very light and sweet.It's not like it's too cold to mess with now.

"I lied to you, I came back secretly to give you a surprise." Jing Yanbai said, "Is it cold? Wear it like this."

"It's not cold." Xiaoying said in confusion, "What season is it? Peach blossoms are in full bloom."

"Put on the clothes, and sweat cold in a while."

"All right." Xiao Ying put on her clothes in confusion.

"Let's go, go back. I brought you a gift, go and have a look." Jing Yanbai said.

"What gift? If I don't like it, I will lose my temper." Xiaoying said fiercely.

Jing Yanbai smiled lightly: "I'll give you a great one, I'll bring you a gift, and you lose your temper."

"Yeah. I can lose my temper a lot."

"Okay. Post it." Jing Yanbai said fondly, "Brother coaxes you."

Xiaoying laughed confusedly, and then a clothes corner suddenly appeared in the lower left corner of the screen, but disappeared after appearing for a while.

"Brother Yan, I'm recording a video." Xiaoying said confused, "Don't be in the camera."

"What's the matter? Brother can't see it? Can't be on the mirror."

"I want to take pictures of peach blossoms, you don't want to be in the mirror."

"All right, all right, it's getting harder and harder to serve." Jing Yan smiled whitely, and after a while, the voice sounded again, but it was a little far away, "Xiao Yinghuo, her hair is a little long, it's time to cut it. "

"It's not long at all, it's because your hands are itchy again." Xiao Yingzhuo shouted, her voice getting farther and farther away, "Don't even think about it, I won't let you cut it. Your craftsmanship is too bad, So ugly!"

"Run slowly, be careful not to fall."

"I'm going to see the presents!"

What Jing Qi said was right, Jing Yanbai was indeed very kind to her, holding her in his palm and pampering her.And she used to like him too.

At least before what happened to Chen Ming, she liked this brother very much, treating him as a family member, a reliable person, and the closest person.

But all of that is a flower in a mirror after all, and the moon in the water is an illusion.It's all Jing Yanbai's gentleness, kindness, and doting in front of her fashion.

Everyone looked at the screen and no one made a sound. Who could have imagined that Tang Zhixi standing in front of them now looked like that before.

Lively, laughing, and eccentric.
Ye Hanzhi looked at the peach blossom tree on the screen, and the veins in his hand hanging by his side bulged.Her complexion was also very bad, and her thin lips, which were originally bright red, had also turned pale because of the continuous pain in her heart.

How did that person turn such an innocent little girl into what she is now.

But Tang Zhixi didn't have any emotional fluctuations at all, she was extremely indifferent, as if she had lost her response to everything around her.

Suddenly another voice sounded, much louder and lower than the previous one, with a sinister smile.

"Little Yinghuo."

Tang Zhixi blinked her eyes lightly, looking at the scene in front of her that didn't change.

"Brother misses you so much."

"Fuck!" Gu Xia cursed in a low voice.

"Knowing that you will come, my brother specially left this surprise for you, do you like it?"

Ye Hanzhi saw that Tang Zhixi's expression had changed a little, so he drew the gun behind his waist and pointed it at the front screen.

But Tang Zhixi lowered his arm and stopped him: "No, listen to him."

Ye Hanzhi turned his head to look at her.

Tang Zhixi felt his gaze, and didn't raise her head, but pressed his arm down again with her hands.

There are some things that Ye Hanzhi should know, and he has the right to know.

Ye Hanzhi's hand was pressed down and he was not allowed to hit it.He put away his gun and took Tang Zhixi's hand in his.

Feeling his temperature, Tang Zhixi paused, but finally did not move.

Jing Yanbai's voice continued: "Brother misses my little Yinghuo's smile a little bit, and also misses Xiaoyinghuo's sleeping face very much. Did my brother ever say that you are very obedient and quiet when you are asleep? My brother has to watch it every day. It takes a while to fall asleep.”

Gu Xia really couldn't hold back, and turned around in a circle, now he wanted to punch a hole in Jing Yanbai's throat to see if he could still beep.

And He Yuzhe had goose bumps all over his body, and his hairs stood on end.

Fuck!Why is this man so disgusting and perverted.Is this a person?Who can bear such a person by his side.

Tang Zhixi's fingertips froze, and she wanted to take her hand away.

But Ye Hanzhi immediately tightened his grip.He finally understood why this little girl liked to sleep with her head covered so much.

It turned out to be his fault.

"Brother knows that you are looking into 319, and also knows that you have a lot of doubts. So today, I will give you two answers."

Tang Zhixi's pupils deepened.

Jing Yanbai's voice said: "My brother has been studying this thing for many years. It can be said that my grandfather has been studying this thing since he was young, and I have been studying it for three generations."

"At that time, my grandfather had already researched a potion that was more perfect than what you see now. But some accidents happened, and the research results were lost. Only a little information about the potion was left, so from my father to me , it means that 319 is today's [-] based on the completion of one-fifth of the potion. It's a pity that it still hasn't achieved the effect of the year. Even the one of the year didn't reach the point of success."

 Thank you for your monthly tickets and recommended tickets.And yesterday's reward.

  The little girl thanked you here.

(End of this chapter)

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