Chapter 208

In the dark, in a quiet room.

The two lay face to face.

Ye Hanzhi's hand stretched out from under Tang Zhixi's neck, letting her rest on it.

His other arm rested on her back, stroking her soft hair.

The two lay quietly for a while, and Ye Hanzhi suddenly asked in a low voice, "Are you thinking about why you don't want me?"

The voice was right next to her ear, and Tang Zhixi could hear a bit of grievance.She looked up at him.

Although the room was very dark, Ye Hanzhi's eyebrows could still be vaguely seen.

"The meaning of this silence is that you think I came here today to say goodbye?" Ye Hanzhi said.

Tang Zhixi still didn't speak, almost acquiescing.

Seeing that she meant it by default, Ye Hanzhi gritted his teeth, and after a while he gritted his teeth and said, "I'm here to settle accounts."

"What kind of?"

"It doesn't matter what I think of." Ye Han said angrily.

Tang Zhixi: "."

"Do you think that I will come here to say goodbye after hearing Jing Yanbai's nonsense?" Ye Hanzhi forced his voice to be softer, and then pinched her face, "Little girl, can you Really annoying."

"He's not talking nonsense." Tang Zhixi said lightly.

Ye Hanzhi was silent for a while, and couldn't help feeling distressed.He hugged Tang Zhixi into his arms and kissed the top of her hair: "Then tell me, he's not talking nonsense."

"Mostly true?"

"What about the small part?"

Tang Zhixi thought about it, but she still wanted to make things clear.She said in a flat voice, "This is the first time I've been in a relationship."

Ye Hanzhi seemed to be taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "Oh, I'm my first love."

Tang Zhixi suddenly felt that this man was unpredictable and his face changed too quickly.She even had reason to suspect that what he learned at home was Peking Opera Changing Face.

"Little girl, I like you, and I will get to know you bit by bit. My eyes can see, and I just want to believe what I see. I know how you are, and I don't need others to tell me."

Tang Zhixi lay her pillow on his arm quietly, because she was a little closer, she could still hear his heartbeat.

"Do I look like a scumbag? I like it when I say I like it, but I don't like it after hearing a few words from others."

Tang Zhixi still didn't speak.

Ye Hanzhi put his hand on her back and patted her lightly: "Don't think too much. Being Mrs. Ye is very easy. You don't need to do anything, you don't need much ability, high education, and good family background .You are the best as long as you are yourself. I like my little girl to be happy."

After listening to him, Tang Zhixi suddenly leaned against him and buried her face in his shoulder.

Ye Hanzhi also hugged her a little tighter, stroked her head, and didn't speak any more.

After a while, Tang Zhixi said, "I found Chen Ming's address."

Jing Yanbai lied to her at the time, saying that Chen Ming lied to him and took something important from him.That's why she helped.

She didn't expect that a few days later, she would see the bodies of the three of them.

Everything about Jing Yanbai was kept from her, and she was not allowed to know anything.

That day, it was Qianye who came back suddenly and said that he wanted to pick her up somewhere.

She didn't think much of it, and went along with her.

That was the first time she knew that there was a basement where she lived.

There was a strong smell of blood underneath, Qianye led her all the way.She first saw Jing Yanbai, and then she saw the bodies of Chen Ming's family of three.

She remembered very clearly that it was the first time she saw such a fierce and distorted expression on Jing Yanbai's face.

It was also the first time she saw Jing Yan get angry and hit someone.He slapped Qianye very hard, and asked why Qianye brought her there.

"It's not your fault. Chen Ming wasn't innocent at all." Ye Hanzhi didn't use a comforting tone, but just explained the facts, "He should know that that thing is harmful. It's just that he made enough money later, and he didn't want to continue I did it, so I ran away."

"But... his wife and child." Tang Zhixi checked it out herself. She knew all the information about the three of them. "That child is only four years old."

Because her face was buried on his shoulder, Tang Zhixi's voice was muffled.However, there was still no emotional fluctuation.Flat and cold.

It was as if he was describing something that had nothing to do with him.

Ye Hanzhi understood why her hacking skills were so good, but she never used them.

She felt guilty.

"You don't need to take other people's sins on yourself," Ye Han said.

Tang Zhixi did not speak.

Ye Hanzhi was silent for a while and said, "Tell me about it. What happened next?"

Later, she ignored Jing Yanbai for a long time. At first, Jing Yanbai would coax her nicely.

But over time, his viciousness was exposed.

He became more and more irritable, because of her ignorance, because of her refusal.

Don't accept his distorted three views, don't accept his insane fallacies, don't accept his so-called "truth" in his heart.

And the more she refused to accept it, the harder Jing Yanbai instilled in her, and finally the more she rejected it.

How could Jing Yanbai accept that she was a stranger to him.

So I kept stimulating her and brainwashing her.If he couldn't accept it, he forced her to become like him.

So like a lunatic, he would tell her every day that she was responsible for the death of Chen Ming's family.

Tell her that even if she hates it, she is already such a person.

He also threatened her with the people around her.

Telling her about Chen Ming's family is just the beginning, and she will use her hacking skills to kill more people in the future.

And if she doesn't obey, Jing Yanbai will kill someone who often serves her by her side.

So. Tang Zhixi broke ten of her fingers.

Jing Yanbai was terrified that time, and he didn't dare to provoke her for a long time afterwards.

The two entered a period of stalemate.

Later, taking advantage of Jing Yanbai's daring not to visit him often.Tang Zhixi planned an escape.

Tang Zhixi didn't talk so much with Ye Hanzhi, and simply said: "I ran away once, and Nan Xiao helped me. didn't work."

Ye Hanzhi knew the reason why Jing Yanbai wanted to kill Nan Xiao.

"I only escaped for 32 hours before I was arrested." Tang Zhixi said, "That's why Nan Xiao was killed."

For 32 hours, Ye Hanzhi remembered that she said that Nan Xiao had been stabbed 32 times.

One knife for an hour, watching with my own eyes, how his little girl carried it over.

Ye Hanzhi hugged her a little tighter, and said in a hoarse voice: "Little girl, the crime was committed by Jing Yanbai. You shouldn't feel so guilty because of his crime."

Tang Zhixi wrapped her fingertips around the buttons on his chest, listening to him quietly.

"Also, there is something wrong." Ye Hanzhi said, "Although you found Chen Ming with your hacking skills, you think hacking is not a good thing for you. But your skills can still There are more good uses, such as saving Chu Qingyan. There is no need to give up one of your skills because of a bad experience."

Listening to her words, Tang Zhixi was silent for a while, and said in a muffled voice, "You said this looks like someone I know."


Tang Zhixi lifted her head from his shoulder, then put it back on his arm, and said, "A person who looks very similar to Jiang Nian."

"So. Jiang Nian and I are somewhat similar?"

(End of this chapter)

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