Chapter 210 Hundred Ghost Pavilion

The Hundred Ghosts Pavilion was just a small gang at the beginning. The biggest difference from other countless small gangs is that there is a brother and sister in the gang, who are very capable of fighting, and their methods are also very ruthless.

This pair of brothers and sisters is now the black ghost and the ghost in the Hundred Ghosts Pavilion.

There are many small gangs of all kinds, but the top ones are almost always those few.

The two black ghosts and ghosts were very powerful at the time, and their commanding ability was also very strong.

From the age of fifteen or sixteen, the two brothers and sisters depended on each other for life, slowly moving forward, for more than ten years.
No matter what force offered them an olive branch, they never accepted it.

They have been suppressed by various forces, but they have not given up.If you win the battle, you will gain another reputation; if you lose, if you have your life, you will regroup.

Anyway, it is absolutely impossible for the two brothers and sisters to join someone else's command.

Just when everyone thought that among the various major forces, they would eventually have a place.

The Hundred Ghosts Pavilion suddenly appeared in everyone's sight.

And the two generals under the command of the Ghost King of the Hundred Ghost Pavilion are the brother and sister who have never been subordinated to others for more than ten years.

No one knows what happened, and there are too many versions of the story about their relationship now.

I don't know which version is true.

The most important thing is that since the establishment of the Hundred Ghosts Pavilion, within a year, battles have been waged in every continent.

And never lost.

The prestige of the Hundred Ghosts Pavilion can be said to have risen from the ground among the continents.The status has reached the point of being famous and intimidating.

In the past two years, the power of the Hundred Ghosts Pavilion has infiltrated all walks of life on all continents, recruiting talents.

The top-notch people in the industry around him may secretly be people from the Hundred Ghosts Pavilion.

And this ghost king is even more mysterious, men and women are unknown, and even spread among continents, it is not certain whether it is a human or a ghost.

Anyway, the most widely circulated version is that the ghost king is eight feet tall, has a black body, and can tear people apart with his bare hands.

"You don't seem to have a good impression of the Hundred Ghosts Pavilion," Tang Zhixi said.

"It can't be said that it's not good." Ye Hanzhi said, "After all, the person who can put the Hundred Ghost Pavilion among the major powers on each continent within two years, it's better to be careful."

Tang Zhixi raised her eyebrows lightly.

"The ghost king will kill people at will if the weather is uncertain." Ye Hanzhi threatened her, "Wouldn't it be very dangerous for you to live in the manor."

"You think I can't beat him?"

"No, I just feel dangerous."

"I heard that the ghost king is eight feet tall." Tang Zhixi said, "Have you seen it?"

"Little girl, the rumors can't be trusted." Ye Hanzhi smiled and said, " must be something bad. Not to mention anything else, if he can subdue Li Gui brothers and sisters, this person has a commanding power that ordinary people don't have."

"It's surprising that Mr. Ye can give such a high evaluation."

Ye Hanzhi heard her words, and the alarm bell in his heart rang again.

The last person she was interested in discussing was Chu Yimo.

She had thought of marrying into the Chu family.

"However. He must be an ugly monster." Ye Hanzhi knows how to deal with a serious face-controlling person.

Tang Zhixi turned her head to look at him.The eyes are surprised and puzzled.Why the sudden attack on looks.

Ye Hanzhi reached out and rubbed her head: "So do you want to go to my place?"

"No." Tang Zhixi looked away, raised her hand to touch her face, "I'll go back tomorrow."

"Aren't you going to play for a few days?"

"There's something going on in the country."


Ye Hanzhi drove to a snack street, where Tang Zhixi ate and bought while walking.

It took almost two hours on this snack street before she strolled out.

Ye Hanzhi found out that this little girl doesn't like shopping, but she likes shopping in the snack street.

After eating and drinking enough, Ye Hanzhi sent her back.Of course he also stayed.

The room Tang Zhixi lived in before, because she slept on the bed with her clothes on.She didn't want to change the sheets, so she slept in another room.

Ye Hanzhi slept next to her.

Woke up early the next day, when Tang Zhixi woke up after nine o'clock.Ye Hanzhi was cooking porridge with red dates and lotus seeds in the kitchen.

She could smell it on the second floor.

Gu Xia was sitting in the living room, applying medicine to Jiang Ye's wrist.

"What's wrong?" Tang Zhixi poured a glass of water to drink, and glanced at Jiang Ye's right wrist, which should be dislocated.

Jiang Ye glanced at her without saying a word, then stared coldly at the kitchen door.

Seeing that she ignored her, Tang Zhixi looked at Gu Xia again.

"It's not a big deal." Gu Xia said, "It's a fight between love rivals. Sister Ye and Ye Hanzhi had a fight this morning, but they didn't win."

"." Tang Zhixi raised her hand and gave Gu Xia a touch on the head, "Stop talking nonsense."

Gu Xia was so beaten that she shrank her neck and dared not speak.

"Where is it still hurt?" Tang Zhixi asked, taking a sip of water.

"Just the wrist." Jiang Ye leaned on the sofa.

Tang Zhixi pinched her shoulder: "It's okay, I can't beat it either."

These words not only did not comfort Jiang Ye, but made him even more worried.He glanced at the kitchen and whispered, "Boss! You can't even beat him! You can't beat him!"


"This kind of man cannot be married. If you marry him, you will be bullied!" Jiang Ye said, "Look at him, he looks dishonest. You can't beat him, and you will suffer. No, this door Darling, I don't agree."

"It's your turn to disagree." Gu Xia muttered softly.

"Why is it out of my turn!" Jiang Ye lifted his leg and gave him a slap, "Don't think that the boss is protecting you, so I won't beat you."

"Sorry, you can't beat me now."

"Heh!" Jiang Ye snorted, "I can't beat you, I can't beat you! Go, go to the martial arts arena now."

"The sun is so big, you have to go by yourself."

Hearing their voices, Tang Zhixi ignored them and turned to look at Ye Hanzhi in the kitchen.

Even in the kitchen, Ye Sanye did not lose his temperament at all.That quaint temperament adds a touch of elegance to the kitchen.

When Ye Hanzhi saw her, he smiled first: "Come here."

Tang Zhixi put her hands in her trouser pockets and walked to him in a few steps.

Ye Hanzhi didn't move, he lowered his head, and touched her forehead with his own: "It's not burning anymore."

Tang Zhixi didn't care too much about whether she had a fever or not, she didn't even know when she had a fever.She looked at the glutinous rice balls beside her.

"I saw it was in the refrigerator, so I cooked it. Do you want to eat it?"


Ye Hanzhi served her a bowl.Tang Zhixi held the bowl in one hand and the spoon in the other, eating glutinous rice balls, standing beside Ye Hanzhi, looking at his hands.

"Go to the restaurant, it will be fine in a while."

"No." Tang Zhixi blew on the glutinous rice balls and put them in her mouth, "Are you going back to China?"

"You go back first." Ye Hanzhi said, "I'll finish things here. Go back two days later."

Tang Zhixi chewed the glutinous rice balls slowly and nodded.

"I don't plan to bring people from here to China." Ye Hanzhi said, "But Uncle Jing Qi Rui."

"No." Tang Zhixi refused very firmly.

"Okay. Got it."

(End of this chapter)

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