Chapter 214

After Ye Hanzhi finished the call, he called the people in his yard to catch some goldfish and bring them to him, and then he went back to the living room.

After returning to the living room again, everyone was staring at the TV again.

Except that Ye Tingjue's face was ashen, after seeing him, he gave him a cold look.Everyone else's eyes were drawn away by the TV.

This time on TV, it was Tang Zhixi's performance on stage again.

The makeup is still Ye Hanzhi's.

The experts of the family watched the performances of the amateurs.

Ye Hanzhi sat down beside him and did not disturb them.

After a while, the scene was over, and it was someone else's scene again.Lin Nai said: "This girl is really good. Although she is an amateur, she must have worked hard. Even an expert like me is embarrassed to criticize."

"Yeah, yeah." Ye Chutong nodded in agreement, "I saw this clip on the Internet, and I went to chase the whole show. It's really serious, and the long shot, such a long scene, can't It’s great without a double.”

"Well, she has a good figure and solid dancing skills." Lin Naiyi commented, "It is indeed very talented, not worse than Chutong at all. I don't know how her voice is."

How is your throat?
Ye Hanzhi had never heard Tang Zhixi sing.But her voice is nice, and her singing should be nice too.

"It would be nice to meet such a talented person earlier, and he can also accept an apprentice." Lin Naiyi said regretfully.

"I heard that little." Ye Chutong swallowed the word aunt again, "Sister Zhixi is from Hanqing Village. There is that place in our family's poverty alleviation project. If I had known, every year when we went to inspect, our family would go to I'm alone. Maybe I've known each other a long time ago."

"Has she been in Hanqing Village?" Lin Nai said together, "It seems that she has learned this dance since she was a child."

Ye Hanzhi blinked slightly, the little girl's life experience is still a mystery.

"I'm not too sure about this." Ye Chutong said, then picked up the remote control and pulled the progress bar back, "Let's read it again."

Lin Nai looked at her: "You seem to like her very much."

"Yes." Ye Chutong smiled, "I'm her fan. Grandma, you seem to like her very much."

"I have a good impression of her. It's a pity that she has no fate with our family." Lin Nai paused and said, "But this girl's background is not very good, and she is indeed not suitable for our family."

Ye Chutong was suddenly taken aback when he heard this.

"Mom, when did you start talking about life experience?" Ye Hanzhi looked at his mother and said.

"It's not that your surnamed Ye has a lot of troubles in this high-school compound." Lin Naiyi said this very casually.

"Cough..." Ye Lin, who was watching TV quietly, immediately reacted, took her hand and said, "I'm the one who caused trouble for Madam."

Lin Nai looked at him and smiled softly.Even though there are signs of age on the face, those eyes are always so bright.Smile softly, affectionately charming.

In that era, the origin of an opera singer was really not good.Although there are many movie fans, it is almost unthinkable to enter such a wealthy mansion as the Ye family.

Lin Naiyi's family conditions are very poor. There are many children in the family, and she is the youngest.The family couldn't afford it anymore, so when she was very young, she was sent to the theater to learn opera.

Even if I met a good master later, he not only taught her opera, but also taught her to read, read, and learn Chinese medicine.

But who would value an actor from a poor background?

Ye Lin's pursuit caused her to suffer too many gossip.Until later, when she married into the Ye family, she also dealt with many of Ye Lin's rotten love affairs.

There is also the contempt from the Ye family, the obedience on the surface, and the ridicule behind the back.

Fortunately, Lin Nai's wrist is also strong, relying only on himself, he tidied up the whole Ye Zhai people, and sat firmly in Mrs. Ye's seat.

So she understood better than anyone present what would happen if she married into the Ye family, especially what would happen if a public figure with a bad background married into the Ye family.
Lin Nai watched that scene with Ye Chutong again, and then suddenly said: "Chutong, do you think this girl's scene has a shadow of poetry."

Shiqing is the name of the senior sister.The senior sister's surname is Yang, and her name is Shiqing.

When the senior sister heard this, she held her breath: "Is there?"

"It's true." Ye Chutong also suddenly realized, "Even that habitual little movement is the same."

Sister: "."

Tang Zhixi didn't know much about Peking Opera, and she didn't study for a long time.But the victory is better than a good memory.So she completely reproduced Yang Shiqing's movements within a limited time.

Be as identical as possible.

So she even learned the movements that Yang Shiqing has always regarded as her own characteristics.

"She learned it from Aunt Shiqing's video," Ye Chutong said.

"Very likely." The senior sister immediately said.

Lin Nai glanced at her, then looked at the TV again.My apprentice knows best.There is something wrong with this girl, she is hiding something from them.

Ye Hanzhi also saw the nervousness of the senior sister, and he glanced at the door.Then he stood up and said, "Senior Sister, I'm going out. Just drop by and take you back."

The senior sister immediately stood up: "Okay. It's really not early."

"Where are you going so late?" Ye Lin frowned.

Ye Hanzhi smiled and said, "Go and work hard to increase our family members."

Ye Hanzhi was talking about working hard to marry a wife, but what Ye Lin heard was that Ye Hanzhi was going to give him a grandson.

"If you really like it, marry it back early." Ye Lin said, "Don't bully other girls before marriage."

Ye Hanzhi: "."

"Did you hear me?"

"Am I like that?"

Ye Lin sized him up: "You look too much alike. You don't look like a good person."

"." Ye Hanzhi looked at his mother again, trying to find some comfort.

As a result, Lin Naiyi said, "Your father is right."

Ye Hanzhi: "." Is that what he looks like?

Ye Hanzhi took the goldfish and sent the senior sister back home.Then he drove to Tang Zhixi's place immediately.

When he arrived, Tang Zhixi was drawing with a tablet in the living room.

Hearing footsteps, she turned her head and glanced.His gaze first fell on the half-boiled cheese in his left hand, then he glanced at the fish in his right hand, and paused: "Nan Cheng is asleep."

"It's okay." Ye Hanzhi walked over and put the half-cooked cheese in front of her, "It happens that I can see it when I wake up tomorrow morning."

Tang Zhixi glanced at half-cooked cheese, and said, "What? Bribe me to give you a cheap rent?"

Ye Hanzhi smiled and went to put the fish into the bathtub.Then he came back, leaned over and kissed her first, and said, "I really want to bribe you. But this is a gift."

Tang Zhixi raised her eyebrows lightly: "What about the real bribe?"

"Me." Ye Hanzhi said in a low voice, "Can sex be ok?"

Tang Zhixi looked into his eyes, her phoenix eyes gradually deepened: "Then it depends on the sincerity of the third master."

Ye Hanzhi leaned closer to her again, with deep affection in his long and narrow eyes, and said in a tone: "I can satisfy any sincerity you want."

 Sister: "I played so early, I finally have a name."

(End of this chapter)

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