The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 216 This is Plagiarism!

Chapter 216 This is Plagiarism!

At the end of August, the weather is still hot, and the sun is releasing energy like a stimulant.The cicadas on the tree seem to be using their voices to fight the heat, and their voices are very loud.

Zhou Kening still didn't find a favorite script.

So Tang Zhixi has no job yet.

Every day I am either drawing design drafts or in the laboratory.

Therefore, I was photographed twice at Teikyo University.

Someone posted the photo online.Since it was posted online by an individual and nothing was leaked, it was not dealt with.

As a result, because of being photographed at Teikyo University, it caused some minor disturbances on the Internet.

Most of the reviews are good.But there are always some people who seem to be unable to see the good of others.

It was said that she was taking advantage of the popularity of Teikyo University.

It was also said that she, who had never attended school, went to that kind of place to desecrate the holy place of the school.

It was also said that she went to the Imperial Capital University to pose for a photo, deliberately to be photographed.

What's more, even if she went to Teikyo University, she couldn't wash away her illiterate poverty.

In short, it was a mess.

And Tang Zhixi didn't respond, and told Zhou Kening and An Ting to ignore it.

Her attitude towards these remarks online is to ignore them.

Otherwise, the more they clarify, the more motivated they will be.

Ignore them and gradually the matter will pass.

In addition, Tang Zhixi also went to do the finishing touches and was busy with several concept conferences, and the final date was set on August 28th.

On the 29th, it is the autumn and winter haute couture conference show of Yunyi Nishang.

Director Feng approached her a few times because of the variety show she went to school, but Tang Zhixi also refused.

And because there has been no script, there is no movie to shoot.There is no need to bring Mu Ying with the new script.Tang Zhixi was gradually conceiving the script again.

So Tang Zhixi was a little busy during this time, and her sleep time was shortened.

On the morning of the 28th, Tang Zhixi didn't go to the concept launch conference that was held on the morning of the [-]th, and didn't even pay attention.

She didn't sleep the night before, she wrote the script all night, and she didn't sleep until after dawn.When I woke up, it was already ten o'clock in the morning, and the press conference had started for half an hour.

But she didn't pay attention, but when she finished washing and went downstairs, she saw the live broadcast of the press conference on the TV in the living room.

There were many people at the scene, not only domestic reporters, but also some foreign reporters.

Ye Hanzhi, He Yuzhe, and Zhenlei Lushang were all there.

I don't know when it came.

Several people were on the sofa watching the press conference on TV and playing with Nan Cheng at the same time.

"Are you awake?" Seeing her, Ye Hanzhi got up and walked to her side, looked at her bloodshot eyes, and said, "Did you sleep well?"

"It's okay." Tang Zhixi and He Yuzhe greeted each other with their eyes, and then walked to the restaurant, "Today, there are quite a lot of people."

"It's relatively free today." Ye Hanzhi followed her, "Zhenlei said he hasn't seen you for a long time, so they all came together."

"It's been a while since I saw you."

"You've been a little busy recently." Ye Hanzhi knew that she was going to the Imperial Capital University, but he didn't know what she was doing specifically, and he didn't ask.

"There's a lot to do." Tang Zhixi sat at the dining table, and the servant brought over a breakfast, "Where's Uncle Rui?"

The servant said: "Uncle Rui and Young Master Gu have gone out."

Tang Zhixi nodded.

"Be busy and rest well." Ye Hanzhi sat opposite her.


Ye Hanzhi felt deeply perfunctory from the hum.

"Uncle Rui said you didn't sleep last night."

Tang Zhixi: "."

"He said this has happened several times recently."

Tang Zhixi looked up at him while eating a slice of bread.There is no expression in the cold eyes, but they are compelling.

Ye Hanzhi looked at her, smiled and said, "Uncle Rui said, let me take care of you."

Tang Zhixi: "." This man actually used the people around him as his eyeliner.

"After thinking about it, I came up with a way to control you."

Tang Zhixi took a sip of milk and asked curiously, "What?"

"I'll stay here." Ye Hanzhi lowered his voice, "I'll keep an eye on you personally. If you don't sleep, I'll..."

"What are you?"

"I won't let Nan Cheng sleep either." Ye Hanzhi said, "We'll stay with you together."


"Oh, the little girl doesn't like childish ones." Ye Han smiled, his narrow eyes revealing a sense of evil, "Then I'll carry you."

Tang Zhixi tore a piece of bread and stuffed it into his mouth, then blocked the rest of his words.

Ye Hanzhi took the bread from his mouth and laughed softly.

After dinner, Tang Zhixi went back to the living room, and Ye Hanzhi answered the phone in the dining room.

After returning to the living room, Tang Zhixi asked Nan Cheng to go to her room to take down the computer, and she continued to write the script.

While writing, I chatted with them while listening to the press conference on TV.

After coming over for a while, Ye Hanzhi came back after answering the phone.He Yuzhe said: "Han Zhi, did Yi Mo call you? He wants to get together tonight."

Ye Hanzhi glanced at Tang Zhixi, and seeing that she didn't respond in any way, he said, "Well, I just hit you."

He Yuzhe found that he glanced at Tang Zhixi, turned his eyes, and said, "Sister Xi, let's go together. Just introduce to Sister Xi."

Ye Hanzhi: "."

"Why do you look at me like that? Am I wrong?" Seeing Ye Hanzhi's murderous eyes, He Yuzhe shrank his neck and said, "Sister Xi has never seen Yimo before. You don't intend to let them Do you know me?"

Hearing what he said, Tang Zhixi smiled without raising her head and said, "I have something to do at night, so I won't go."

Ye Hanzhi suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

But He Yuzhe hadn't gotten to the point yet, and continued: "Sister Xi, are you really not going to meet? Chu Yimo is rarely in the capital once, and this time he came back because of his sister's schooling. I don't know when we see each other next time." What time is it?"

Ye Hanzhi stretched out his leg and kicked him.

He Yuzhe felt that he was inexplicable.After looking at him, he changed to a place close to Tang Zhixi and sat down, seeking his sister Xi's protection.

"Is Chu Qingyan going to school?"

"That's right." He Yuzhe said, "Chu Yimo is definitely a severe sister-control patient. My sister goes to school, and he has to come back and deliver it to the school in person. It's just a high school, and I have attended several high schools. Parents can just send it off, and he still needs it." Come back in person."

Tang Zhixi slightly raised her eyebrows: "After all, she is the little princess of the Chu family."

"It's almost the ancestor of the Chu family."

"Which school are you in?" Tang Zhixi asked casually while typing on the keyboard.

"It seems to be a private high school in Jujia." He Yuzhe said, "A private high school at the imperial level in the imperial capital."

Tang Zhixi's hands on the keyboard paused.Director Feng's variety show is also in this school.

"Well, I don't know if I can graduate smoothly this time." He Yuzhe took an apple from the coffee table, weighed it in his hand and said, "I've been worrying about Chu Yimo year after year."

Tang Zhixi stared at the computer screen and suddenly lost her mind.

But He Yuzhe suddenly called out and summoned her back.

She looked up and saw He Yuzhe pointing at the TV and saying, "Sister Xi, look at it. Is this necklace the same as the one in your drawing book!"

Hearing this, several people in the living room looked at the TV.

What was introduced at the press conference is the necklace of the Grain Rain solar term, and the rain produces a hundred grains.

The necklace is divided into upper and lower layers. The upper layer is a ring of raindrops made of diamonds, which gradually becomes smaller from the middle to both sides.

The lower layer is the sprouts of the grain.

In fact, it is different from the picture book. The upper and lower layers of the picture book are grains, but now they are sprouts.

But the design concept is the same.

Ye Hanzhi looked at Tang Zhixi after watching the necklace on TV.

And He Yuzhe was still yelling: "This is plagiarism! This designer is still Jiutian! The chief designer of the finishing touch! Fuck! The chief of the fuck. Plagiarism!"

Tang Zhixi: "."

Nan Cheng looked up at He Yuzhe who was flushed with anger, then lowered his head and shook his head helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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