Chapter 227
A very melodious tune was clearly playing at the venue.

But after Mu Fei finished speaking, the music in everyone's ears suddenly drifted away.It seems that music and people are separated in two worlds.

Everything around becomes more and more unreal.

"Damn! Fuck! Fuck!" He Yuzhe almost knelt on the ground. In two days, he knew Tang Zhixi's two identities.

Jiutian Yunshang
The chief designer of two domestic brands that can gain a foothold internationally is the same person.

What is he?
He Yuzhe walked up to Ye Hanzhi's side, and said in a fluttering voice, "Han, Hanzhi, can you tell Sister Xi, don't scare me like that. This series of surprises makes me feel a little sick."

Ye Tingjue, as usual, didn't show much expression, and looked relatively calm.Just glanced at his third uncle.

Ye Hanzhi's eyebrows moved slightly, and the look in his eyes deepened immediately.

He had thought about the relationship between the little girl and Yunyi Nishang.But I didn't expect such a big relationship between them.

It was only in the third year of Yunyi Nishang's establishment that it gradually emerged.And it was that year, after the attention was high.The founders became Mu Fei and Yun Shang.

But this was also seven or eight years ago, when the little girl was only very old.Based on time, he should still be by Jing Yanbai's side.

Thinking of this, Ye Hanzhi clicked his tongue lightly in his heart, feeling very upset.

Why does it feel like everyone got to know his little girl first, but he was the one who got to know him late.

The three of them looked calmer here.

Zhou Kening and the others glared at Tang Zhixi as if they were stuck.

Jiang Nian exclaimed directly, and quickly covered his mouth.

Mu Fan looked at their stunned expressions, took out his phone and took a few photos.

Zhou Kening was the first to react, and said through gritted teeth, "This is what you said you were a little friendly with me?!"

Afterwards, Jiang Nian also had a reaction: "Sister Xi, your so-called odd job is not the chief designer of Yunyi Nishang."

"There is no way to have clothes to wear." Tang Zhixi said this, as if she was forced by life.

The corners of Jiang Nian's mouth twitched.

Ye Hanzhi laughed.

Mu Fei also smiled when he heard that.

"You, you are Yunshang?" Mu Ying finally found her voice.

Tang Zhixi looked at him and said softly, "Yes."

"You, aren't you Jiuxi?!"

Hearing the word "Jiuxi", Shangguan suddenly reacted: "What? If it is Jiuxi, it can't be Yunshang? Who made the rules?"


Tang Zhixi looked at him indifferently: "Mu Yingdi, the most important thing about a man is self-knowledge. Not only does Yunyi Nishang not need your influence, we simply disdain your little influence."

Shangguan immediately understood why Tang Zhixi called him here today.

It was worth the boredom of the night.

Mu Ying was stunned for a moment, her face changed dramatically, she looked at Tang Zhixi helplessly: "Miss Yunshang. It's all a misunderstanding."

"Is it a misunderstanding, I know it in my heart."

Seeing her determined disagreement, Mu Ying looked at Mu Fei: "Mr. Mu."

Mu Fei received his gaze, smiled and said, "Yunyi and neon clothes are always decided by Xi'er."

Ye Hanzhi narrowed his eyes.This man is in his 30s and doesn't have a family.

Mu Ying looked at Tang Zhixi again.There is no look of pride and confidence at all.

He knew very well in his heart that if this matter could not be negotiated, it would mean what it would mean when he went back.

When he came, he promised repeatedly that the matter would be settled.

"Aren't Yingdi Mu going to leave?"

"Miss Jiuxi. I apologize to you for my recklessness tonight." Mu Ying thought twice, clenched her fists, and bowed to Tang Zhixi, "I'm sorry, please forgive me."

Tang Zhixi's expression didn't change at all, her eyes were soaked with a layer of indelible frost: "Aren't you leaving?"

Seeing that she was not wavering at all, Mu Ying's face gradually turned pale: "Miss Jiuxi, if you want, I can act in your script with zero pay."

"You deserve it too!" Shangguan crossed his arms and said.

Mu Ying didn't look at Shangguan, but just looked at Tang Zhixi, waiting for her to let go.

But this woman is much more difficult than he imagined.

Tang Zhixi acted as if she hadn't heard what he said, and said softly, "Since Mu Yingdi won't leave, then I have something to say, so I'll say it."

"Tell me." Mu Ying's face was very pale, but he felt his face was hot.

Outside, he had never spoken so humbly to anyone.Even his fiancée would give him enough face outside.

This is the first time.He wished he could kill the person in front of him, but if the matter was not settled, it would be over when he went back.The wedding date has been fixed, and the chain cannot be dropped at this time.So I can only give up my dignity.

Tang Zhixi glanced at the chair not far away, and felt that it was a little far away, so she looked at him again.

She's the best at poking people where they hurt.

Save face and show off your prestige.Then she put this face on the ground.

"I remember Best Actor Mu saying that he doesn't like domestic movies."

Mu Ying swallowed her throat and did not speak.

Tang Zhixi said: "Actually, what I said at night was not out of anger, I really don't like you as the best actor. You think domestic film awards have an element of consolation and hard work in it. I also think that you won the best actor There’s something about comforting you that so many movies don’t get paid.”

Mu Ying's fist was so hard that his knuckles turned white.The muscles on the face were also tense to rigid.

And Mu Fei walked towards the chair that Tang Zhixi was looking at.

"I didn't think the movie you won the award was very good." Tang Zhixi glanced at Mu Fei and continued to speak slowly, "It is true that the production technology in China was a little worse in the past few years. But recently The production in [-] is not bad at all compared to foreign countries. Even, I think it is better.”

"You're right." Mu Fei squeezed these words out between his teeth.

And Shangguan is not to mention how smooth it is.He suddenly felt a sweet smell in the air of the venue.

Mu Fei brought the chair over and placed it behind Tang Zhixi.

Tang Zhixi sat down directly, and said while arranging her skirt: "Everyone has different aesthetics, different concepts, and different hobbies. Everyone has the right to define "beauty". There is no need to belittle it just because you don't like it." .This kind of people."

Tang Zhixi paused for a moment, looked up at him, and saw his heart directly: "But it really sucks."

Ye Tingjue's impression of her suddenly changed as he listened to her words.Two words came to mind involuntarily.Strong and gentle.

Strength lies in being calm about everything.

And being gentle is knowing how to respect differences.

And the mouth is bad.

Obviously looking at such an indifferent person, he usually doesn't talk much.How to pick up people and stab people everywhere.

It looks like this, not only good kung fu, but also sharp mouth.

It's a perfect match with his third uncle.

Ye Hanzhi looked at Mu Fei, and then said to He Yuzhe, "This actor, where did he come from? Let him go back. Don't let me see him in China again."

"it is good."

"The core of a movie is the story. I always firmly believe that a good movie is supported by a good story." Tang Zhixi continued, "No matter how good the special effects are, no matter how sophisticated the technology is, there is a good story behind it. There is emotion in the story.”

"Different themes and different genres naturally produce different effects. Every country has its own characteristics, so there's no need to only advertise one characteristic everywhere."

Shangguan is not only smooth now, but also very excited.Rub your hands back and forth.Not only was he angry with Mu Ying, but he was also angry with someone who had been looked down upon for many years.

"Besides, winning prizes is not the only way to prove good or bad." Tang Zhixi looked at Mu Ying's expression that was about to vomit, and slightly raised her eyebrows, "There are some things that everyone knows, so you don't need to say it out loud. .”

"Yes" Mu Ying's voice was like a mosquito.

Tang Zhixi also calmed down a little, she didn't look at him again, and said directly: "I'm done talking, Mu Yingdi, please go ahead."

"Miss Jiuxi." Mu Ying didn't expect that after she said so much, she still didn't mean to relax at all.

But just as he took a step forward, Mu Fan stood in front of him and handed over his business card: "Mr. Mu, I will settle with you about the follow-up matter of your harassing Miss Yunshang."

Mu Ying glanced at his business card, then looked at Mu Fei: "Mr. Mu."

Mu Fei nodded and smiled at him, but did not speak, but lowered his head and talked to Tang Zhixi.

Tell her what dishes she has ordered for today, and ask her if there is anything else she would like to eat.

Mu Fan forced his business card to Mu Ying, and then made a gesture of invitation.

Shangguan is the oldest, but the youngest.He didn't wear glasses today, and the arrogance and complacency in those Danfeng eyes would go into Mu Ying's eye sockets.

She swayed in front of him for a while, and even raised her middle finger, which almost made Mu Ying angry.

Seeing this, Mu Ying looked at Jiuxi who had been blocked by several of their men.Although he was unwilling, he had no choice but to leave first.

Has been humiliated standing for a long time.It would be too embarrassing to stay any longer.

When he left, Tang Zhixi also stood up and glanced at the direction he left.

Shangguan immediately came to her and said excitedly, "Jiu."

Tang Zhixi raised her arm, trying to put it on his shoulder.But suddenly he met Ye Hanzhi who was standing not far away.

She turned her arm, put her hand on Shangguan's shoulder and patted: "Have you relieved your anger?"

"It's too relieved." Shangguan said, "I think Ren and Du's two veins are about to be opened."

"Well. It's mainly because you are old. I'm afraid that something will happen to your body."


Just as Ye Hanzhi and the others walked over, Shangguan didn't say anything more.

When He Yuzhe came over, he clasped his hands together and bowed to Tang Zhixi first: "Sister Xi, I'll give you a bow from my younger brother."

Tang Zhixi smiled lightly.

Ye Tingjue nodded and greeted again

Ye Hanzhi walked to Tang Zhixi's side, raised his eyebrows and said, "Can I get a discount when I buy clothes in the future?"

Tang Zhixi thought for a while, and said in a flat voice, "Yes, [-]% off."

"." Ye Hanzhi touched the bad girl's head, then looked at Mu Fei.

Mu Fei smiled softly and said, "Third Lord."

He naturally knew that they were together, Mu Fan had told him about it when he was in Yancheng.

But to him, no matter who Tang Zhixi marries, as long as she can be happy.

He had never expected so much.He just wants her to be safe, happy and happy.And as long as he could see her often.

Ye Hanzhi responded lightly.

Mu Fei said: "I booked a box upstairs, let's go up and chat while eating."

"Yes." Shangguan said, "I have to drink two glasses to celebrate."

The group was about to go upstairs, Tang Zhixi glanced at the direction Mu Ying left and said, "You guys go up first, I'll go to the bathroom."

Mu Fei glanced at her, wanted to say something but stopped it in time.Then he looked at Ye Hanzhi.

Ye Hanzhi also took a look at Mu Fei before saying, "I'll accompany you."

"No need." Tang Zhixi put her hands in her skirt pockets and said, "You guys go up first."

Ye Hanzhi looked at her profile, and said for a moment, "Mmm. 5 minutes?"

Tang Zhixi raised her eyebrows: "Yes."


Shangguan and the others looked at the two of them, what kind of dumb are these two playing in front of a group of them?
 The third chapter has not been coded, so this chapter is a bit longer.

  Goodnight everybody.

(End of this chapter)

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