Chapter 246 Slap in the face (the previous chapter has been revised)

Meng Lanyi looked at Tang Zhixi with wide eyes, her whole body seemed to have turned into a sculpture, stiff, shocked, and looked at her in disbelief.

How did you do it?how can that be?how is this possible?

Tang Zhixi ignored her mental activities and threw the gun at her.

Meng Lanyi subconsciously caught it, stared at the gun in his hand for a while, and then turned on the wheel.

The moment before opening it, she seemed sure that there was no bullet inside, but after opening it, the bullet was inside.

And with one more shot, the bullet will be ejected.

Ye Hanzhi's eyes were on Tang Zhixi from the beginning to the end, and when he caught a glimpse of the bullet from the corner of his eye, he still couldn't help being startled.

She pulled the trigger so resolutely, it's not like he didn't think that there might not be any bullets in it.

Seeing Meng Lanyi's actions, Gu Xia sneered: "Think my sister will play tricks? Tell you, the strength is here, and there is no need for those indecent methods."

"How is this possible?" Meng Yao reacted, looked at the gun, and murmured.

"How is it impossible?" Gu Xia crossed her arms, like Tang Zhixi's spokesperson, "If you can't do it, it doesn't mean my sister can't do it. My sister's ability is so strong that you kneel down and call him daddy."

The rest of the people gradually came to their senses and looked at Tang Zhixi.

That kind of admiration, even surrender, was engraved in his eyes.

This is no longer just predicting the position of the bullet, it is directly turning the bullet to the designated position, and then snapping it back into the gun.

And when the trigger was pulled, there was no hesitation at all.

This is 100% self-confidence, knowing clearly that there will be no mistakes at all.

Among the few people present, except for Ye Hanzhi, none of them dared to say that they had this ability.Nor did he have the courage to put the gun on his own head.

"Miss Meng, it's your turn." Tang Zhixi said with her hands in her trouser pockets, looking at her indifferently.

Meng Lanyi's gaze gradually shifted to Tang Zhixi's face, staring blankly at the sarcasm on her pretty face.

"What's wrong? Don't you dare?" Gu Xia maximized his taunt value, "Didn't you still look like you were invincible just now, and you were so arrogant that you couldn't tolerate others? Don't dare now?"

Meng Lanyi's face turned red and she was speechless.

"It's okay if you don't dare to compare, just admit defeat." Gu Xia said, "What did you say just now? Oh. Say that you are a wimp and a coward, and admit that you are not as good as my sister. Hmm! Admit it."

"Don't bully people too much!" Meng Yao yelled.

"The competition was proposed by you, and the conditions were also agreed by you." If it weren't for the difficulty in this place, He Yuzhe would have thought of knocking Meng Yao's head off in the past. "The method of the competition is also agreed with you. I can't afford it now. He also said that others deceived others too much. What's the matter? Your family took advantage of all the cheap things in the world?"

"If you really bully you, do you think you can still speak or breathe?" Ye Tingjue said lightly.

Meng Yao didn't dare to speak for a moment.

Everyone turned their attention to Meng Lanyi again.

Meng Lanyi looked at the gun in her hand, and then at these people.Especially Tang Zhixi's condescending contempt, and Ye Hanzhi's indifference.

Now she herself is put on the top, she has no ability to go up, but she has no steps to go down.

But if she was to admit that she was not as good as Tang Zhixi, then she would rather die.

So under the gaze of so many people, she gave Tang Zhixi a vicious look.Then he threw the gun Tang Zhixi used aside and took a new one.

He took the blindfold and covered his eyes again, opened the wheel, loaded the bullet, and turned the wheel.

This time, everyone seemed to have not heard the sound of the wheel, and they all looked at the pistol indifferently.

Watching Meng Lanyi finish turning, after a while, he manually stopped the wheel again.Then I touched the position of the bullet and moved it again.

Everyone could see that Meng Lanyi was nervous.

Not just tight lips, but messy breathing
Finally the runner snapped back into the gun, and the hammer was pressed down.When Meng Lanyi put the gun on her temple, her hands were shaking slightly.

"Sister" Meng Yao took a step forward and swallowed nervously.

Meng Lanyi ignored him, put her hand on the trigger, and pulled it twice.

"Click, click." After two clicks, she stopped moving.

After waiting for her for a while, seeing that she was still not moving, Gu Xia said, "What's wrong? Is it stuck?"

Meng Lanyi's lips trembled, but they still did not move.

According to her judgment, the bullet should be on the third or fourth shot.

She couldn't put the bullet to the end at all, she could only judge its approximate location.

And it's just an approximate location.

She knew she was too nervous and too aggressive.Psychology has been interfered with, and there is no precise judgment at all.

She couldn't bet her life on her own.

So after stopping for a while, Meng Lanyi moved the gun away and headed towards the shooting range.

Seeing her move, Tang Zhixi raised her eyebrows.

Then, as she expected, the gun emptied.

With a click, the world seemed to quiet down.

Meng Lanyi suddenly pulled off the blindfold and looked at the gun with shock, embarrassment, and anger in her eyes.

Gu Xia laughed out loud without showing any sympathy.

Tang Zhixi also laughed, and said softly, "I guess the next shot is still empty."

Meng Lanyi gave her a dark look, her eyes seemed poisoned: "How is that possible."

Tang Zhixi heard the phone vibrate twice, took it out and looked at it.While replying to the news, he said: "If the gun is not empty, you win."

"I don't need it." Meng Lanyi said, and fired.

The eyes are even ready to blink in advance.Result. No bullets.

"Pfft—" He Yuzhe couldn't help laughing.

"Hey, I can't do it anymore." Gu Xia smiled and bent over, "Girl, are you here to make me happy today? You are really laughing me to death. What do you think, what do you say? confidence."

Meng Lanyi looked at the gun in her hand, how could she make a wrong judgment? Impossible.She fired again, and this time it rang.

And when they discovered her intention, both Tang Zhixi and Ye Hanzhi covered Nan Cheng's ears.Hands bumped together, Tang Zhixi found that Ye Hanzhi's hands were cold.

Ye Hanzhi's hands are rarely cold.

The two met eye to eye and did not communicate too much.They just covered Nan Cheng's ears with one hand.

The gunshot kept ringing in Meng Lanyi's ears. It seemed that the gunshot didn't hit the shooting range, but hit her in the face.

Her pride over the years was trampled to the ground today.Still in front of so many people.

I am afraid that the entire military region will know in the afternoon.Everyone will say that she is inferior to others and nothing.

There was a burning pain on his face, as if he had been beaten and swollen.

But she is not willing to bow her head to a lowly girl, she is the eldest lady of the Meng family, and she is born noble.Never bow to a cheap girl.

Even if she loses, she must lose decently.So she straightened her back, looked at Tang Zhixi and said, "I lost."

Tang Zhixi and her glanced at each other, moved his hand away from Nan Cheng's ear, and was immediately held by Ye Hanzhi: "We all saw it."

Gu Xia immediately added: "Not only did I lose, but I also lost badly."

Meng Lanyi didn't want to talk to him, and took a deep breath: "Tell me, what do you want?"

The tone seemed to be giving alms.

Gu Xia clicked his tongue lightly, if it weren't for the fact that this place is not easy to touch.He had already tore the mouths of the siblings.

Tang Zhixi glanced at her, then fell on Meng Yao, and said softly, "Let him apologize."

"What is he apologizing for?" Meng Lanyi frowned.

"Apologize to Lu Shang and Zhen Lei."

 Changes were made from the previous chapter.

  This morning, when I was half asleep and half awake, I suddenly thought of this revolving gun. It seems that from the front, you can see where there are bullets in the reel.

  So I modified it a bit and added the blindfolded action.

  By the way, the previous chapter has also been revised.Changed the way the game was played.

  Everyone can take a look.

  Once purchased, no need to re-purchase.

  After noon today, I saw it after revision, and Meng Lanyi agreed to compare it with Tang Zhixi's method after revision.

  You don't need to watch it again
  The first chapter is published, and the next chapter is still being coded
(End of this chapter)

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