Chapter 252

The boys in the class cheered with the intention of booing, but Tang Zhixi suddenly smiled, and everyone looked at her after being stunned for a moment, and the applause became much more sincere in an instant.

"Eh? Let me go, this celebrity named Tang, why is he so beautiful." A boy whispered.

"I know she is beautiful, but she is much more beautiful in person than on the screen. Brother Shen, Brother Shen, isn't she beautiful. Even more beautiful than Chu Qingyan."

The boy called Brother Shen looked at Tang Zhixi casually with his hand on his chin.After a while, he smiled very shallowly.

"Isn't this Hanqing village said to be very poor? How come the people raised are so watery?" A girl whispered to her deskmate, "I always thought she was well-packaged, but now I don't think so .She is really amazing in her bones."

"Maybe it's packaged from the bones." The girl in front of Chu Qingyan suddenly murmured.

The camera installed in the classroom has a radio function, but the radio function is not turned on to the maximum, and the very small sound cannot be received, and only normal speaking voices can be received.

When Chu Qingyan heard it, she stretched her legs and kicked her chair, and said softly: "If you can't speak, just pull your tongue off."

The girl in front suddenly turned around and looked at Chu Qingyan.But meeting her cold eyes, he swallowed the words back.She just glanced blankly and turned around again.

It took Geng Meng nearly 2 minutes to say some very official words.From school boast to individual class.Then let the four who had been standing beside them introduce themselves.

The first introduction is Duan Nian.The introduction is very cumbersome.

Name, gender, animal sign, height, weight, hobbies, marital status, horoscope, lucky number, favorite color, favorite food, favorite sports, etc., etc.

Except for the age, I didn't say anything, it was almost according to the blind date standard.

It made Geng Meng and the students in another class laugh.

Then there is Yue Guyuan, whose introduction is relatively simple.I only said my name and age, and then said some polite words like looking forward to the future and asking everyone to take care of me.

Then came Fu Xue's introduction.

Fu Xue's introduction was more official.

He introduced some of the awards he had won in high school, his cultural class scores in the college entrance examination, and his college life.Let the students who are about to take the college entrance examination look forward to a wonderful university life.

Fu Xue was a little different from them, except for being a singer.She also has an even more admirable identity.

A student of the Palace Orchestra.

Even in the hearts of these princes, the status of the palace music workshop has a certain weight.

Everyone in the Ye family and Chu family respected Mei Yanchu, let alone them.

So Fu Xue was very popular and even respected.

After her introduction, only Tang Zhixi was left.

Tang Zhixi looked away from Chu Qingyan and took a piece of chalk.The words "Tang Zhixi" were written on the blackboard.

Very swaying and vigorous three words.Like her aura, it is powerful and cannot be ignored.

"Tang Zhixi, 26 years old." Tang Zhixi's voice was a bit cold, like falling snow, icy and cool, very pleasant to hear, "Please take care of me these two weeks."

No matter how much other people say, no matter how good you introduce yourself.

But as long as she stands there, everything around her will be overshadowed.She is the only one in everyone's eyes.

Just like her excellence is engraved in her bones, she will shine naturally without mentioning it.

The people in the class and Geng Meng were stunned for a moment, and after two seconds, Geng Meng asked in a low voice, "It's gone?"

Tang Zhixi looked at her and said, "Yes."

Geng Meng opened his mouth, nodded again, and said to the others: "Then let's allocate seats."

The four nodded.

Geng Meng looked around the class and said, "Shen Bocheng raised his hand. Duan Nian, sit next to him."

Duan Nian glanced at him: "."

Shen Bocheng looked at him and smiled.

"Chu Qingyan, raise your hand. Tang Zhixi, sit there."

Tang Zhixi watched Chu Qingyan raise her hands without even raising her head, thinking as she walked towards her.If this is really a coincidence, the two of them are really destined.

Walking to her side, Tang Zhixi greeted the two students behind with her eyes, then looked down at her, and said, "Little deskmate."

"The same table is the same table, you are young." Chu Qingyan glanced at her and said, "You sit inside."

Tang Zhixi raised the corner of her mouth: "Okay, get up, I'll go in."

Chu Qingyan stood up and let her in.

Tang Zhixi sat down, put the book in her hand on the table, and said, "Does this count as fate between us?"

The cold voice fell into Chu Qingyan's ears.Her long eyelashes trembled slightly, but she didn't speak.

Seeing her reaction, Tang Zhixi raised her eyebrows, then casually flipped through the newly issued book.

Geng Meng was arranging the seats for the other two, she took a look in the class, looked in Chu Qingyan's direction and said, "Meng Jingyi, why did you go there?"

The positions of the four of them are reserved in advance.
The seat in front of Chu Qingyan was originally vacant, but there was a boy in front of the seat where Tang Zhixi sat.

But this Meng Jingyi changed places with the boy and sat in front of Chu Qingyan.

"Teacher, I will also be a new classmate at the same table. It doesn't matter where I am." Meng Jingyi said.

"No, change it back." Geng Meng said, "Hurry up. Jiang Wan also packed her things."

Jiang Wan is the boy who should sit in front of Tang Zhixi.

Meng Jingyi curled her lips, packed her things quickly, and exchanged with Jiang Wan.Geng Meng asked Yue Guyuan to sit over.Let Fu Xue sit next to Meng Jingyi's original position.

When Jiang Wan walked to the seat, Tang Zhixi looked up.

The boy is a little thin, his skin is very white, almost sickly white.The hair is also a little long, and the eyes are covered.The zipper of the school uniform was also pulled up to the top, and the collar almost covered his mouth.

And kept his head down, not looking anywhere.

Tang Zhixi just glanced at him, without lingering on him too much, then lowered her head again.

After a while, she looked at Chu Qingyan and said, "Borrow me a pen."

".Didn't you bring a pen to school?" Chu Qingyan was looking for her extra pen while talking.

"I don't have a deskmate." Tang Zhixi said lightly.

Chu Qingyan glanced at her, then searched for a while and found that there was nothing else except the pen in her hand: "You have a good abacus."


Chu Qingyan squinted at her again, then threw the pen in her hand to her, turned around and said to the boy behind, "Give me a pen."

The boy immediately gave her the pen in his hand.

Tang Zhixi looked at the pen in her hand, turned it around, and began to write her name on the newly issued textbook.

As she wrote her name, she thought to herself: If you come to school with your name, it means we have gone to school together.

Seeing that she was quietly writing her name on each book, Chu Qingyan turned her head to take a look.

Because Tang Zhixi used her own handwriting to sign "Jiuxi" in the past, so now she started to use her own handwriting in front of the public.

The handwriting on the notebook is the same as on the blackboard.

It's just that the word "Xi" on the blackboard paused obviously at the end of that stroke, because when the chalk was written at that place, there were impurities in it and it got stuck.

So her swipe didn't end with an upward hook.

But in the name on the book, the word "Xi" was ticked off.

Chu Qingyan frowned suddenly when she saw this word, and then suddenly realized that her handwriting was very familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere.

(End of this chapter)

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