Chapter 255
Geng Meng looked at the group of ancestors in the class who were tired of studying every day, rubbed his temples and said, "Shut up, you guys. Alright, Tang Zhixi, go back."

Tang Zhixi nodded and walked back.

Just after taking a step, Duan Nian suddenly clapped his hands.What other people have, his Xishen also can't lack.

The hands clapped loudly, startling Shen Bocheng who was beside him.

But after Shen Bocheng took a look at him, he also started to applaud.

Shen Bocheng is the boss of the class. He is handsome and has a good family background. Many people in the class regard him as the first.

So as soon as he applauded, the others immediately followed suit.

Even Geng Meng reacted, smiled and clapped his hands.

Tang Zhixi: "."

So Tang Zhixi returned to her seat amidst applause.

Meng Jingyi clapped and said, "What's the air? You can't even go to school."

Fu Xue pursed her lips, and the smile on her face was slightly stiff.Director Feng worked with her once, and she has the identity of Jiuxi, so he might have secretly asked her a question to make her show off.

Tang Zhixi returned to her seat, and when the applause ended, Geng Meng said, "So, academic qualifications and knowledge are still two different things."

Everyone nodded in agreement.Then a boy said: "Teacher, I agree with what you said, so I don't understand why my father insisted on sending me here."

Geng Meng glared at him and said, "What do you think, I can't even put this little knowledge in your head. Can you still expect you to learn it by yourself?"

The boy was speechless.

"People don't have the conditions to go to school, and I know how to learn. Forget about you, it's useless to talk about it. Let's continue with the class."

After Tang Zhixi sat down, she first glanced at Chu Qingyan, and then she noticed that Jiang Wan at the front table glanced back at her.

Just glanced at it, then immediately looked away, bowed his head and sat down.

Seeing his nervous and careful movements, Tang Zhixi pretended not to notice.

The morning class passed quickly.

Because two teachers went to the Education Bureau for a meeting, the class in the morning was two math and two Chinese.

The math class is okay, because people will always ask questions, and everyone's mental state is fine.

It's just that in the next two sections of Chinese, more than half of a class slept.

On the one hand, everyone is fearless, on the other hand, everyone believes in the school and the post-editing.

In their state, it is absolutely impossible to broadcast.

However, the Chinese teacher also tried his best to keep them awake.

But the effect is not significant.

Chu Qingyan didn't sleep, but she didn't attend class either.Because I don't have a mobile phone, I have been wandering all the time.

She felt that she must have been crazy at the time. When she heard that they were coming to record the show, she applied for a change of dormitory, and even bribed the teacher to let Tang Zhixi sit next to her.

She must have been possessed.

Otherwise, why do you have to sit next to her.

And why is this person so courageous that he dared to snatch her mobile phone.

Even if she has Ye Hanzhi's support, Ye Hanzhi will control her to the limit because of her grandfather, her parents, and her brother.

What happened to this man.

So annoying.

Chu Qingyan was so bored that she wanted to skip class again.

Tang Zhixi kept observing her from the corner of her eye.The little girl is just a bit savage and willful on the outside, but she is gentle and kind in her heart.

The last class in the morning is over, day students have to go home, and boarding students have to eat in the cafeteria.

After the bell rang, the teacher had already left.

Tang Zhixi slowly packed her books, Yue Guyuan turned around and said, "Let's go have dinner together."

Tang Zhixi nodded her head, and looked at Jiang Wan who was still sitting in front of her, with her head lowered and motionless, and she didn't want to communicate with anyone, and even wanted to bury herself.

"Where are you going to eat?" Tang Zhixi handed the phone to Chu Qingyan and asked.

Chu Qingyan picked it up, checked to see if there was any news on the phone, and then said, "Send it at home."

"Okay, I still want to use your meal card."

"Why are you like this?" Chu Qingyan looked at her and asked.

Tang Zhixi looked at her with the same expression on my face.

Chu Qingyan clicked her tongue softly, and then began to look for her meal card: "Is no one caring about you?"

"I am the eldest in our family."

Chu Qingyan: "." Ye Hanzhi's wife is strict.Absolutely.

Chu Qingyan rummaged through her bag, but couldn't find the meal card, so she remembered and said, "I don't have a meal card!"

"You are so young, why is your memory so bad?" Tang Zhixi laughed.

"I want you to take care of it, it's not to make you angry." Chu Qingyan said, the mobile phone on the table rang.

The note is Aunt Wenren.

Wenren, a relatively rare double surname.

Looking at these four words, Tang Zhixi suddenly felt a headache.Her eyelashes trembled slightly, and she raised her hand calmly to press her temple.

Chu Qingyan glanced at the phone, pressed the answer button and said, "I'm leaving."

Then he left on the phone.

As soon as she left, Duan Nian and Shen Bocheng came over.

As soon as Shen Bocheng came over, many boys also surrounded him.

"Xi Shen, let's go to eat." Duan Nian said.

Tang Zhixi looked up at him, then at the boy beside him.

Boys at this age are already very tall, about the same height as Duan Nian.He looks very handsome, when he smiles, there is a shallow dimple on the left side, and he is a bit ruffian.

Shen Bocheng saw her looking over, and introduced: "Sister Xi, Shen Bocheng. Bozhong's uncle, the prime minister's prime minister."

Tang Zhixi raised her eyebrows lightly, always feeling that the look in his eyebrows seemed a little familiar, and said, "Hello."

"Hi sister Xi." Shen Bocheng's dimples deepened.

"Wow, there are so many people." Fu Xue came over and said, "Shall we go have dinner together? But we don't have a meal card yet."

"It's okay." Duan Nian looked at Shen Bocheng and said, "He invites you."

"Yes, please." Shen Bocheng said, "Let's go, sister Xi."

Tang Zhixi looked at the two of them and thought that they should know each other.But without asking too much, he got up and walked with everyone: "Thank you very much."

"Miss Xi is too polite."

Before leaving the classroom, Tang Zhixi took a look at Jiang Wan and lowered her head in her seat.But judging from the lowered shoulders, it wasn't as tense as before.

Ye Hanzhi watched the group of them go to lunch, and looked at a group of eighteen or nineteen-year-old boys around Tang Zhixi, who couldn't even eat lunch.

With his manly intuition, this Shen Bocheng looked at the little girl innocently.

But he doesn't have to worry, Shen Bocheng and He Yuzhe have the same temperament, the little girl will definitely not like it.

But don't worry, don't worry, there should be some warnings.

So he took out his cell phone and was about to make a call.

But before the call was made, a message popped up in the lower right corner of the computer.

He glanced subconsciously, and then spotted the word "He Yuzhe" on the title.

He was about to dial the number, and clicked on the message first.

The full title is: [He Yuzhe takes a strange woman into a room. ]
It's simple, just hit the point.

Ye Hanzhi looked down, and there were a few more pictures.

There are two pictures of He Yuzhe supporting a woman in the corridor of the hotel.There are also two pictures of He Yuzhe helping the woman to open the door of the hotel.

The photo of opening the door captured He Yuzhe's profile, but the woman's face was never captured.

But the acquaintance with the figure could tell at a glance that it was Su Qian.

Judging by He Yuzhe's clothes, this photo should have been taken in the desert after the banquet.

That night, He Yuzhe and Su Qian slept in the same bed and had a big oolong.

(End of this chapter)

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