Chapter 258 The Su Family
Fu Xue's gaze was too obvious, not only Tang Zhixi felt it, but even Chu Qingyan frowned.

Tang Zhixi picked up her phone and looked up at Fu Xue.

Seeing that the phone was taken away, Fu Xue also subconsciously looked at Tang Zhixi. Seeing her looking at him, her eyelashes trembled twice, and she forced out a hasty smile.

Tang Zhixi looked away, didn't look at her any more, pressed answer, and went to the balcony to answer the phone.

When there was nothing to do, the phone calls between her and Ye Hanzhi seldom lasted more than 5 minutes.

What's more, I made a phone call at noon today, so tonight's call may not even exceed 3 minutes.

Ye Sanye knew this very well, so he brought Xiao Nancheng to Ye Zhai, making Xiao Nancheng hold up for time.

So the call successfully lasted more than 10 minutes.

Because Nan Cheng wanted to live in Ye's house, before hanging up the phone, Tang Zhixi told him not to make trouble, and not to fall into the pond.

When he hung up the phone and returned to the dormitory, Wei Xingmian and the other two students had already gone to wash up.

Only Chu Qingyan and Fu Xue were left in the dormitory.

Chu Qingyan was also on the phone. Judging from the tone of her voice, Chu Yimo should be on the other end of the phone.

Hearing the sound of the balcony door opening, Fu Xue immediately looked at her, smiled and said, "boyfriend's phone number?"

Tang Zhixi looked at her.

Chu Qingyan looked at her while answering the phone.

Seeing that both of them were looking at her, Fu Xue was startled, and said with a smile, "Sorry, I'm talking too much."

"You talk too much." Chu Qingyan looked at Fu Xuedao while holding the phone, her voice was obviously much colder than before.

Fu Xue was stunned for a moment, then immediately looked at her.

But Chu Qingyan glanced at her, then turned the chair to look at her own table, her voice softened again, and she was a little bit coquettish: "I see. You talk so much, come back and see me. "

Seeing that she was no longer looking at him, Fu Xue pursed her lips and her expression darkened.

That's what he said to himself.

A 19-year-old stinky girl who couldn't graduate from high school, where does she have a sense of superiority?

She took a light breath and looked at Tang Zhixi again.

Tang Zhixi had already looked away, but when she felt her gaze, she looked at her again, and then slightly raised her eyebrows.

His expression was the same as usual, but there was a very shallow cold light in his eyes.

But in Fu Xue's eyes, she just felt provocative, as if she was saying, "Just talking about you?"

But Fu Xue could only get angry and dare not do anything to her.

Because she not only felt her provocation, but also her oppression.

So with just one glance at her, she got up and took her things to wash up.

Hearing the sound of her closing the door, Chu Qingyan glanced at the door, then at Tang Zhixi, and continued on the phone.

Tang Zhixi looked down at the phone and Nan Cheng sent a message.

Knowing that Chu Qingyan glanced at her, she slightly curled her lower lip.

Then he instructed Nan Cheng while listening to her call.

Chu Qingyan said: "Brother, don't nag like this when you are young, you are more verbose than Dad."

Chu Yimo laughed: "Be good, and I'll stop talking. Who were you scolding just now?"


"Don't be bullied." Chu Yimo said, "Call Han Zhi if there is something urgent."

"I know, you're about to hang up, I'm going to wash up."

"Well, fine. Be good."


Tang Zhixi listened quietly with downcast eyes, a shallow smile appeared in her eyes.

For a moment, she thought about why she liked this little girl.

There is probably one-third of envy.

The remaining two-thirds, she thought it might be fate.

"Are you going to take a shower?" Chu Qingyan threw the phone on the table, looked at her and asked.



High school dormitories are strictly controlled, and the lights are turned off when the time comes.If I couldn't finish washing, the teacher drove people back like ducks.

Both Tang Zhixi and Chu Qingyan were driven back.

Fortunately, both of them finished washing, and they didn't return to the dormitory with foam on their hair like the girl in the next cubicle.

Back in the dormitory, the two tidied up in the dark, and got into bed before the teacher came to check.

When the teacher left, Tang Zhixi said, "Qingyan, dry your hair before going to sleep."

The little girl who was usually sharp-mouthed suddenly lost her voice.

Tang Zhixi waited for a few seconds, and called her again before hearing her response: "Qingyan?"

Only then did Chu Qingyan respond: "Why? Don't call me by my name."

"Why?" Tang Zhixi asked in a low voice, "Can others call me?"

"Not allowed is not allowed."

"Okay." Tang Zhixi said, "Dry your hair before going to bed."

"Understood." Chu Qingyan replied impatiently.

The teacher in the dormitory has been strolling outside, and the six people in the dormitory chatted in a low voice while the teacher was away.

But after being warned twice, everyone fell silent.

Gradually all fell asleep.

Only Chu Qingyan suddenly lost sleep because Tang Zhixi called her name.

In fact, people who knew her better all called her by her name, but for some reason Tang Zhixi called her so that she panicked inexplicably.

Lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling, Chu Qingyan didn't fall asleep until after twelve o'clock.

However, 15 minutes later, Tang Zhixi's cell phone suddenly turned on.

Afraid of disturbing other people's rest, she muted her phone before going to bed at night and put it beside her pillow.

But as soon as it lit up, Tang Zhixi opened her eyes.

Chu Qingyan on the opposite side also just fell asleep, and because of the sudden light, she also opened her eyes.

Seeing that it was Su Qian calling, Tang Zhixi hung up first.Then put on the quilt and send a message to her.

Chu Qingyan, who was woken up, glanced at her, turned over lightly, and continued to sleep.

However, just as he fell asleep again, Tang Zhixi got out of bed again, opened the cabinet, and went out of the dormitory.

Chu Qingyan opened her eyes again and took a light breath, wanting to hit someone.

Tang Zhixi took two pieces of clothes from the cabinet and put them on in the bathroom.Then put on the earphones and listen to Su Qian's voice.

"Ninth brother, help! My father and my father came to the Imperial Capital, and went to He's house overnight!"

"How do I explain it to them, neither of them believe it."

"My dad handcuffed my hands to his and I was watched. I didn't dare pick the lock."

Tang Zhixi typed slowly: [Where have you been?Caught by your dad? ]
"I happened to be at home today... Then my dad tied me up when he saw the news on the Internet...Huh?"

Before the last voice was finished, Su Qian had no news.

The phone must have been confiscated.

Tang Zhixi sat on the toilet and looked at the time.It's almost a little later, Su Qian's two fathers took Su Qian to He's house...

Just as she was thinking, Luo Nanchen called again.

Tang Zhixi hung up on him again and sent a message: [Voice made. ]
Luo Nanchen's voice came back immediately: "Xiao Jiu, Su Qi has come to the Imperial Capital. He came overnight, and there is still a big battle."

"It should be because of Su Qian."

"Su Qian can't speak in front of his father at all." Luo Nanchen said, "Do you want to come forward and solve it. In case of a fight... First, it will hurt peace, because it is Su Qian's family after all. Second, the situation is easy to be turbulent. The matter of 319 has not been resolved, it is best not to let the imperial capital be in turmoil."

"Jing Yanbai will never let go of any turbulent opportunity to infiltrate the Imperial Capital."

Tang Zhixi naturally understood what Luo Nanchen said.She just didn't expect Su Qi to come to the Imperial Capital in such a big way.

If Jing Yanbai infiltrated the imperial capital, it would definitely be a big trouble.

Su Qi and Ye Hanzhi should know each other.But for my daughter.Su Qi can do anything.

Although Ye Hanzhi would definitely not be able to be moved, if there was a commotion, the capital might be in chaos.

But...Ye Hanzhi should have a sense of proportion.

I just don't know if it's within his sense for Su Qi to go to He's house in such a big fight overnight.

Tang Zhixi thought about it, and felt that this might be the excitement Ye Hanzhi was talking about.

Since it is lively, it should join in the fun.

[understood. ] Tang Zhixi sent a message to Luo Nanchen.Then he came out of the compartment and walked directly to the window.

The bathroom window didn't have a guardrail, so she opened it and looked down.

Then she put her hands on the window sill and jumped directly from the window.

Seeing that she hadn't gone back, Chu Qingyan came out to have a look.As soon as he entered the bathroom, he saw her jumping from the window.

She was startled, and felt her heart stopped, and immediately ran to the window to look down.

Then I saw Tang Zhixi wearing black clothes, walking towards the outside of the school.

Looking at her figure, Chu Qingyan's heart that was jumping to the throat slowly calmed down, and then looked down again.

third floor...

What was she doing jumping out so late.

Chu Qingyan stood by the window, watching Tang Zhixi's figure disappear.After thinking about it, I immediately went back to the dormitory and changed clothes lightly.

I left the dormitory and ran down the side stairs.

When she reached the first floor, she observed that there was no movement on the first floor, and immediately ran to the side door of the corridor lightly.

There is a side door at the end of the corridor, which is always locked.

She pulled a wire from a nearby broom, picked the lock, and looked back.

The corridor at night was eerily quiet.

She shivered for a while, feeling a little cloudy, so she quickly opened the door and went out quietly.

Then the door was locked again from the outside with the lock.

Unknowingly, he ran away from the dormitory.

Tang Zhixi climbed out of the school wall, walked to the main road, and called a car with her mobile phone.

While waiting for the car on the side of the road, she suddenly heard footsteps.

It was so late, but it was still coming from the direction of the school wall.

She immediately turned her head to look over, and saw Chu Qingyan walking towards her.

Chu Qingyan must have run some distance, her thin lips parted slightly, panting a bit.

Tang Zhixi saw her frown suddenly, and her voice was a little cold: "How did you come out?"

Chu Qingyan came over: "What? You are allowed to come out, but I am not allowed to come out."

Tang Zhixi looked at her and said nothing.

Chu Qingyan was a little afraid of her eyes, pursed her lips and said: "The lock on the side door on the first floor was picked. Who is like you...jumped out of the window."

Hearing what she said, Tang Zhixi's expression softened a little, and she said, "Oh, it's because I came out."

"You think well, I will come out because of you!" Chu Qingyan walked to her side and stood with her arms crossed, "I can't sleep, so I came out to catch my breath. By the way, I'll see if you have any broken arms or legs."

There was a bit of wind at night, and the hair of both of them was blown a little messy.

Tang Zhixi raised her hand to straighten her hair and said, "Don't learn from me. They are all bad habits."

"Who wants to learn from you. I can come out as long as I walk."


"Don't talk nonsense. I only got to live this year. This is the second time."

Tang Zhixi laughed: "The second time. Once again, I will send the monitoring of your climbing over the wall to Mr. Chu."

Chu Qingyan looked at her in horror.

Tang Zhixi: "Do what you say."

"You..." Chu Qingyan looked at her, and felt that she seemed capable of doing such a thing, so she turned her head and snorted softly, not wanting to look at her anymore.

Seeing her like this, Tang Zhixi slightly raised the corners of her mouth.

Chu Qingyan tilted her head, said quietly for a while, "Where are you going?"

"Go to He's house to watch the excitement." Tang Zhixi looked at her, and gave her a step down by the way, "Would you like to come together, I'm pretty boring myself."

Chu Qingyan looked at her, then looked down at her own toes, and said awkwardly, "That's fine."

After answering for a while, he said: "What happened to the He family?"

Tang Zhixi sent a message to Luo Nanchen, asking him to delete the monitoring of the two of them running out of school.Hearing her question, he said, "It's related to the scandal."

Chu Qingyan raised her eyebrows, with an expression on her face that she was ready to eat melons.


The two got into the car and arrived at the door of He's villa in more than 20 minutes.

The He family's villa was immediately surrounded by people.

With the door as the boundary, the people from the Ye family are on the left, and the people from Su Qi are on the right.

The two sides confronted.

And the door of He's villa was open, and the whole villa was brightly lit.

Tang Zhixi and Chu Qingyan got out of the car. Seeing this, the taxi driver made a sharp turn, stepped on the accelerator and ran away.

A gust of wind blew around the two of them.

Chu Qingyan: "..."

When the taxi stopped at the door, both groups of people became alert.

On the Ye family's side, Zhen Lei led people to guard outside.

After seeing the person coming, his expression immediately brightened.He ran towards Tang Zhixi.

"Master, why are you here?" Zhen Lei shouted, looked to the side, was surprised, and said, "Miss Chu?!"

Chu Qingyan glanced at him, but did not speak.

Zhenlei looked at Tang Zhixi again.

Tang Zhixi said, "How's it going inside?"

Zhenlei: "The third master and the eldest young master are inside. It's been almost 10 minutes, I don't know what they are doing."

"Ye Tingjue is here too?!" Chu Qingyan didn't want to gossip for a moment.

"Yes, Miss Chu."

Tang Zhixi looked at Chu Qingyan's reaction, which was too late to hide, and smiled and said, "We'll go in first."

"it is good."

The two walked in, Chu Qingyan said: "What happened, there was such a big fight. Who are those people?"

Tang Zhixi said: "The former Su family."

Chu Qingyan paused: "The Su family!"

Tang Zhixi knew what she was thinking, and said, "It will be fine."

Chu Qingyan thought for a while, with Ye Han around, there should be nothing wrong.


When the two of them walked into the living room, they didn't know what they had just talked about, but they were silent anyway.

The atmosphere in the entire living room was eerily silent.

It was only after the two entered the living room that the weirdness was revealed.

People in the living room looked towards the door when they heard footsteps.

Ye Hanzhi was sitting on the sofa, and when he looked over, there was no expression on his face.

The sharp sense of oppression emanating from the long and narrow eyes has the potential to overwhelm mountains and seas.

But after seeing the person coming, he was obviously stunned for a moment, and then all the sharpness faded away.

The brows and eyes immediately became softer.

Chu Qingyan watched him change his face: "..."

 The two chapters have been merged into one.

  I ran in the hospital all day today, and I had a headache at night.

  I have to go tomorrow.

  I don't know if I can go home, I'm afraid I don't have a time code.I'll post it when I have time, so don't wait.

  first say sorry
(End of this chapter)

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