Chapter 260

Ye Hanzhi and the others were of the same generation, so they naturally spoke a little more casually.

And the effect of this sentence is remarkable.

The two families fell into a state of thinking in an instant.

Seeing this effect, Su Qian almost applauded Ye Hanzhi directly.

I kept saying in my heart: Ninth brother is married well, Ninth brother controls his husband well, Ninth brother is mighty and domineering.

No one spoke in the living room, so Tang Zhixi said lightly, "I think what Ye Sanye said makes sense."

Everyone looked at Tang Zhixi again. They thought that Ye Hanzhi was right, but after hearing her push, they felt more reasonable.

Ye Hanzhi also looked at her, and for the first time felt that being supported could be so wonderful.

And these two sing together
This is husband and wife singing?

Tang Zhixi glanced at their eyes, then picked up the tea and took a sip.

It was just a faint glance, but everyone came back to their senses and looked away.

Su Qi coughed lightly and said, "Well, what the third master and Xiao Jiu said really makes sense. What do you think of my in-laws?"

Yan Qingbai coughed lightly again, if there were no outsiders around, I really wanted to scold him for being shameless.

Su Qian: "." It makes sense that you still call her in-laws.

On the other hand, Shen Weixi and He Qu responded quickly, and immediately agreed: "We respect Su Qian's opinion."

He Yuzhe: "."

"How about it." Su Qi said, "It's a one-year period, but you have to spend one week every month to cultivate your relationship together. What about your in-laws?"

He Qu looked at He Yuzhe.

He Yuzhe said: "Everything is arranged by Uncle Su."

"That's fine, there is no problem with Su Qian." Su Qi said, "That's it, I will check regularly."

"Why am I okay?" Su Qian couldn't help asking.

"What's your problem?" Su Qi looked at her and said.

"I..." Su Qian met his eyes, and immediately faltered, "I have no problem."

He Yuzhe smiled cowardly looking at her.

I can't wait to turn the world upside down outside, but I can't be a good baby at home.I can only be obedient and obedient, not daring to vent my breath.

"Then we've settled it like this." Su Qi said.

"Okay, okay." Shen Weixi was sitting next to Su Qian, and when he saw the matter, he agreed, "Xiao Qian, let's leave a contact information. It will be convenient for anything in the future."

Su Qian looked at Shen Weixi, even though she was almost fifty, the years seemed to have left no trace on her beautiful face.

Su Qi directly took out Su Qian's mobile phone from her pocket, then grabbed her finger to unlock it, and directly showed the QR code of the contact information to Shen Weixi: "Mrs. He, this is her contact information. "

But Shen Weixi still looked at Su Qian first, and asked for her opinion.Seeing Su Qian nod her head, she scanned the QR code and added it.

The four parents then exchanged contact information.

Everyone just dispersed.

Coming out of He's house, Tang Zhixi and Chu Qingyan walked together, while Ye Hanzhi and Ye Tingjue walked on each side.

Ye Hanzhi held Tang Zhixi's hand, Chu Qingyan walked beside Tang Zhixi, looking at Ye Tingjue from the corner of his eye.

I kept praying silently in my heart for him to leave as soon as possible.

But praying didn't work, instead it had the opposite effect. Ye Tingjue suddenly spoke.

That calm, even somewhat sophisticated tone suddenly startled Chu Qingyan.

"Why did you run out so late?"

Chu Qingyan pursed her lower lip and did not answer him.

Ye Tingjue looked at her and continued, "Won't you be sleepy in class tomorrow if you run out so late?"

Chu Qingyan still did not speak.

Tang Zhixi turned her head to look at Ye Tingjue.It seemed that he was sent by Chu Yimo.

Ye Hanzhi also glanced at him, as if scolding him.How could he be such a fool in their family.

It's hard to see each other. Is there anything else to say?

However, Ye Tingjue continued: "Didn't I promise your brother to study hard this year."

Ye Hanzhi: "."

"With your learning attitude, when do you want to graduate?"

Chu Qingyan was annoyed by the question, she looked at him and said, "Can you stop asking! Graduation will be next year, so why worry? Why are you all so annoying? I'm not a child anymore. A group of people are in charge I."

Ye Tingjue stopped and looked at her.Seeing her angry appearance, he suddenly swallowed his throat, not daring to speak out.

Or rather, I suddenly didn't know what to say.

Ye Hanzhi and Tang Zhixi also stopped and looked at them.

The four of them stood quietly for a few seconds, Chu Qingyan lowered her eyes, took a light breath, and wanted to leave.

But Ye Tingjue subconsciously held her arm first, not letting her go.

After Chu Qingyan got angry, she also felt that she was going too far, so she was held back and did not speak.He just lowered his head and didn't move.

"Qingyan." Ye Tingjue eased his voice and said, "The Chu family didn't follow you, so it's not safe to go out at night."

"I see." Chu Qingyan paused, then whispered, "Thank you brother Tingjue for your concern."

Tang Zhixi raised her eyebrows, she was really in a hurry.Come quickly, and know your mistakes quickly.

Seeing that she wasn't angry anymore, Ye Tingjue silently breathed a sigh of relief, raised his hand and stroked her head: "Okay. Let's go, I'll take you back."


After Chu Qingyan walked forward, Ye Tingjue immediately followed.

Tang Zhixi stood where she was and looked at Ye Tingjue for two seconds.Suddenly, he felt that this man was not sent by Chu Yimo.

"What's wrong?" Ye Hanzhi asked seeing her not moving.

Tang Zhixi withdrew her gaze and walked forward, "It's okay."

Although Chu Qingyan and Ye Tingjue walked ahead.But when they got to the car, Tang Zhixi and Chu Qingyan sat in the back seat in a tacit understanding.

After sitting down.Tang Zhixi looked at Chu Qingyan who had returned to normal, and said, "Enough of the excitement?"

Chu Qingyan leaned on the seat, glanced at her and said, "It's okay. I didn't expect this reversal. But the woman named Su Qian and Brother Yuzhe are quite a good match."

Tang Zhixi smiled, probably because Ye Hanzhi wanted to match He Yuzhe and Su Qian from the very beginning, that's why he made such a sudden move.

"Is Su Qian your friend?"

"Yes." Tang Zhixi nodded.

Chu Qingyan thought for a while and said, "Su Qi seems to be a little jealous of you."

Hearing what she said, Tang Zhixi slightly raised her eyebrows.

And Chu Qingyan looked at her and said: "I think you are a bit mysterious, not like what we know on the surface."


"What's so scary about that?"

"What if I'm not a good person." Tang Zhixi said, "What's the purpose of my approaching you?"

Chu Qingyan looked at her eyebrows, she didn't know why, even if she said that, she couldn't feel any sense of danger.

Her sense of defense seemed to have failed.

"What's the purpose of approaching me?" Chu Qingyan asked, "Why? You want to be in two boats, with my brother and Ye Hanzhi, the three of you?"

Tang Zhixi: "."

"Is that true?" Seeing that she was silent, Chu Qingyan asked again.

Tang Zhixi: "." This little girl, what kind of brain circuit.

The two of them were chatting in the car, while the two men outside the car stood on both sides of the car, looking at each other across a car.

Let the driver go with other cars, just for four people in one car.Ye Tingjue was driving, and Chu Qingyan was in the co-pilot.

Then Ye Hanzhi and Tang Zhixi sat behind.

But reality is always crueler than imagined.

Ye Hanzhi and Ye Tingjue stood outside the car and looked at each other
The two uncles and nephews despise each other no matter what they think.

In the end, Ye Hanzhi took one step ahead of Ye Tingjue and got into the co-pilot.

As soon as he sat in, Chu Qingyan choked back after half-speaking, not daring to speak out.

After a while, Ye Tingjue sat in again, the air pressure of the two of them was a little low, and the superimposed effect of double made Chu Qingyan want to hide herself.

The car starts and runs smoothly.

After a while, Ye Hanzhi asked, "Send you back to school?"

"Yes." Tang Zhixi said, "The back door of the school."

Ye Hanzhi smiled and said, "Little girl, you jumped the wall and left the school on the first day of school. It violated the school rules."

Tang Zhixi looked down at her mobile phone and said, "Blame me?"

"Blame me." Ye Hanzhi said, "It's because I didn't explain things clearly and made you worry."

Chu Qingyan: "." This is not the Ye Hanzhi she knew!
Tang Zhixi told Luo Nanchen that she was fine now, then put away her phone and said, "I'm just afraid that Jing Yanbai will infiltrate the capital."

Hearing this name, Ye Hanzhi's expression darkened, and he said, "He won't have this chance."

With a simple sentence, Tang Zhixi's heart also settled down.She laughed and said, "Then I'll just take it as a show."

Ye Hanzhi followed her with a smile and said, "Tell me about something in the future. You run out at night, and you have to record shows during the day. If you don't get enough rest, your body will be overwhelmed."

Apart from saying this to Tang Zhixi, it also meant to teach Ye Tingjue something.

Tang Zhixi responded.

Ye Tingjue turned his head to look at him, silently remembering it in his heart.

"There is still a distance, let's take a look in the car." Ye Hanzhi said.


Tang Zhixi did not sleep in response, but 2 minutes later, Chu Qingyan fell asleep.

And he fell asleep very soundly, and he couldn't wake up by knocking his head against the seat one after another.

After another knock, the car turned a corner.Because of inertia, Chu Qingyan suddenly fell over to Tang Zhixi's side.

Tang Zhixi subconsciously raised her hand to hold her face.

Both Ye Tingjue and Ye Hanzhi looked back from the rearview mirror.

With such a big commotion, Chu Qingyan still didn't wake up.

Tang Zhixi dragged her head with her hands, then moved to her side, letting her lean on her shoulder.

After leaning on her shoulder, Chu Qingyan rubbed her head to find a comfortable position, put her hands on Tang Zhixi's lap, and continued to sleep.

Tang Zhixi turned her head to look at her, then lowered her voice and said, "Ye Hanzhi, give me the coat."

Ye Hanzhi didn't move, but glanced at Ye Tingjue.Not only did this little girl like Chu Qingyan, but she was also a little too gentle towards her.

He didn't even get this treatment!

In the next second, Ye Tingjue slowly parked the car on the side of the road.He took off his coat and handed it to Tang Zhixi.

Tang Zhixi looked at the coat, paused for a moment before taking it, and put it on for Chu Qingyan.

And Ye Tingjue just watched like this, and waited for her to put on Chu Qingyan's clothes before restarting the car.

Tang Zhixi looked at the back of Ye Tingjue's head for a while, and then looked at Ye Hanzhi.

Ye Hanzhi turned his head, met her gaze, knew what she was thinking, so he smiled at her.

But Tang Zhixi suddenly stopped laughing.

Ye Tingjue is 31, 31.

Chu Qingyan is only nineteen...

The car stopped at the back gate of the school, Tang Zhixi poked Chu Qingyan's face with her hand, and called softly, "Little girl, wake up."

Chu Qingyan frowned, but did not open her eyes.
Tang Zhixi felt that her face felt good, so she poked it again: "Class is over, wake up."

Chu Qingyan frowned even deeper, and the hand on Tang Zhixi's lap suddenly grabbed Tang Zhixi's clothes.

She grabbed so hard that Tang Zhixi felt like she was being strangled by her clothes.

"Qingyan." Ye Tingjue called out to her.

Chu Qingyan exerted more force on her hands, and called out in a low voice, "Sister."

Although the sound was not loud, the three people in the car could hear it clearly.

Ye Tingjue was stunned for a moment, and Ye Hanzhi also slightly twitched his lower eyelashes.

"Sister, sister, sister" Chu Qingyan shouted one after another as if she had fallen into a nightmare.

And every time she yelled, Tang Zhixi's head hurt like being pricked by a needle.

She turned her head to look at her, although there was no pain on her face, but the hand on the other side was slowly clenched.

"Sister, sister don't go, don't go, don't go!" Chu Qingyan suddenly sat up straight and opened her eyes.

Her eyes were not focused, her eye sockets were very red and soaked in water, and she looked at Tang Zhixi a little blurry.But he held Tang Zhixi's hand precisely: "Sister?"

Ye Tingjue took off his seat belt, opened the door and got out of the car.Then he opened the back door: "Qingyan."

Chu Qingyan still didn't move.

Ye Tingjue raised his hand to hold his arm, and said softly, "Qingyan."

Only then did Chu Qingyan react, and her eyes gradually focused.

The blurry face gradually became clear, and the appearance in the impression gradually faded away, turning into a completely unfamiliar appearance to her.

There is nothing like the impression I just had.

They are two completely different people, even in terms of appearance, they are two completely unrelated people.

Chu Qingyan looked at her for another two seconds before slowly letting go of her hand.

Tang Zhixi kept looking at her, and seeing that she was getting better, she asked, "Did you have a nightmare?"

Chu Qingyan swallowed her throat and did not speak.

Ye Tingjue called her again: "Qingyan."

Chu Qingyan turned her head to look at him, and after looking at him for a few seconds, a tear suddenly fell from her eyes.She quickly raised her hand to cover her eyes, not wanting to be seen.

"Qing Yan"

Chu Qingyan's throat was so dry that she couldn't speak, she could only shake her head to show that she was fine.

Ye Tingjue looked at her like this for two seconds, then stretched out his hand to wrap her in his arms.

After Chu Qingyan leaned into his arms, she immediately grabbed the clothes at his waist, pressed her head against his abdomen, and shed tears silently.

Ye Tingjue felt for the first time that a person's tears fell on the skin, and it was also warm and hot.

Tang Zhixi sat on the seat and looked at her quietly.

Ye Hanzhi also turned his head to look at her. Suddenly, he seemed to understand why this little ancestor didn't go to college after a few years of tossing around in high school, as if he was rushing to ruin his own future.

Chu Qingge fell into the sea because of saving her.

At that time, Chu Qingyan was only nine years old, and everyone thought that it had nothing to do with her that it had been so many years and she was young, and that her family had subtly guided her at that time.

And she usually doesn't care much about it.

Even Chu Yimo was deceived by her, thinking that she didn't care much.

But with this kind of reaction, she cared about Chu Qingge no worse than anyone else.

Even this incident affected her more.

If I don't study well, I'm afraid I'm using this way of ruining my future to make myself feel better.

She feels that she doesn't deserve everything that such an excellent Qingge can't enjoy.

(End of this chapter)

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