The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 265 Guarantee Her Safety

Chapter 265 Guarantee Her Safety
The sun at noon is a bit strong, and there is no shelter on the roof.

After Chu Qingyan hung up the phone, she stood on the rooftop, her skin was a little reflective from the sun.

She stood facing the sun, her eyes were lowered, and her eyelashes formed a small shadow under her eyes.

The look of being coquettish and playful with Chu Yimo just now is gone.The pink lips were pursed lightly, with an indescribably lonely expression.

Her sister is also allergic to Terminalia, and also develops rashes.

I also told her that it’s okay to eat a little.

At that time, she was five years old. In the kindergarten, the teacher gave three slices of Yunpian Cake, and she thought it was delicious, so she left two slices for her sister.

After returning home, she has been waiting for her sister to go back.After her sister came back from school, Xianbao gave her both slices of Yunpian Cake.

He told her that he left it for her specially.

In order to live up to her wishes, her sister knew that she was allergic to Terminalia, so she ate one piece and left the other one for her.

As a result, a rash appeared all over the body that night.

That night, no one in the family slept.Her brother, parents, and grandfather all guarded her sister.It wasn't until her sister's rash subsided that everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Although no one blames her, everyone has been comforting her while worrying.

But she kept crying.

Her elder sister was lying on the bed, taking a drip while holding her hand, telling her that she was fine and that she would be fine if she ate a little.

Thinking of this, Chu Qingyan looked at the time, went down from the rooftop, and went directly to the infirmary.

Ye House
After Ye Hanzhi finished his work, he thought that Nan Cheng was still in Ye Zhai, so he went home first.

When she went back, Nan Cheng was raising her two little hands to help her mother stretch the wool.

"Mom, it's only September, why are you knitting again?"

Lin Nai glanced at him and said, "There are so many flowers and plants, you can't wear new clothes during the New Year."

Every year, Linnai knits coats for some vases of flowers and plants.

"Uncle Ye." Nan Cheng called him,
Ye Hanzhi pressed his head, sat down and said, "Where's my dad?"

"I don't know what to say to your brother in the backyard." Lin Nai said together, "Why did you come back at noon? What's the matter?"

"Yeah." Ye Hanzhi looked at Nan Cheng, "I have something to talk to Nan Cheng about."

Nan Cheng looked at him.

Lin Nai also turned his head and glanced at him, just this one.Lin Nai immediately understood what Ye Hanzhi meant.

She was overjoyed, and immediately asked the servant beside her to support the wool, and replaced Nan Cheng.

"Go, go. Go talk."

Nan Cheng got off the sofa: "Grandma, I'll be back in a while."

"Okay." Lin Nai smiled and touched his little face, "Grandma is waiting for you."

Ye Hanzhi took Nan Cheng away.

The two walked, as if they just found a way and left.

One big and one small, side by side, very quiet, no one spoke.

Ye Hanzhi slowed down on purpose, with one hand behind his back.A gentleman is like a bamboo, tough and straight.

Xiao Nancheng was wearing white half-sleeves and overalls, with loose hair, like a little half-blood prince.Follow him with small steps.

The two walked a certain distance quietly and stopped beside a bamboo forest.

The two stopped in the shadow of the bamboo forest and stood facing each other.

Ye Hanzhi lowered his head and said directly, "Nan Cheng, can I marry your mother?"

Nan Cheng raised his head, looked at him, and asked for a moment, "Did she agree?"


"Then I have no objection." Nan Cheng said, "I also like you quite a bit, better than other men who have plans for my mother."

Ye Hanzhi raised his eyebrows: "Other men with plans?"

"Yes." Little Nan Cheng crossed his arms and said arrogantly, "She is so beautiful and outstanding. There are so many people who like her."

Ye Hanzhi: "."

"But she treats you differently than she treats others." Nan Chengdao, "I can't say what's different, anyway, it's different. Grandpa Rui said it's because she likes you."

Hearing this, Ye Hanzhi felt a little better.

"Are you going to get the certificate? When?" Nan Cheng asked.

"For almost two weeks, she was recording a show."

"So fast." Nan Cheng muttered.

fast?Ye Hanzhi didn't feel fast at all, and even felt that the time suddenly slowed down, as if he didn't move much.

Nan Cheng was quiet for a while, then pulled up Ye Hanzhi's sleeves, looked up at him and said, "Are you going to have a baby?"

Ye Hanzhi's pupils trembled vaguely.He knelt down, looked at Nan Cheng and said, "If you don't like it, we don't want it."

"I don't dislike it." Nan Cheng still clutched his sleeves, and said with lowered eyes, "If you have a baby, you have to ensure her safety. Mother Jing died in childbirth when she gave birth to me."

Ye Hanzhi thought he was afraid of falling out of favor, but he didn't expect that he was worried about the little girl's safety.

And his mother's surname is Jing.
It's not surprising that the surname is Jing, many people around Jing Yanbai have the surname Jing.It should be someone they trained, so the surname Jing was used.

Like Uncle Rui, also surnamed Jing.

But Nan Cheng's mother should have a blood relationship with Jing Yanbai.

That's why the little girl resisted, and even disliked some genes in Nan Cheng's body.

These thoughts quickly flashed through Ye Hanzhi's head, and then he smiled and said: "Children are fate. Just like the little girl and you, I and you are all fate. If we still have such a fate, I will definitely do my best All I can do is protect her."

"Hook." Nan Cheng stretched out his little hand and said.


After Ye Hanzhi and Nan Cheng finished talking, seeing that he was fine and had a good time here, he planned to go back to the branch of the Yunji Consortium in Dijing.

After leaving the Ye residence, Lu Shang started the car as soon as he got into the car, and said, "Third Master, Ye Sheng has entered Beijing."

Ye Hanzhi raised his eyes, his eyes were full of gloomy sternness: "Let's keep an eye on it."

"Yes." Lu Shangdao, "But Jing Yanbai's people"

Ye Sheng and Jing Yanbai cooperate, Ye Sheng and the others can keep an eye on it.But Jing Yanbai's people are in the dark, and their whereabouts are unknown.

"Be careful." Ye Hanzhi took off the bracelet on his hand and twisted it in his hand, "Multiple people, strengthen the control."


Ye Han stroked Chen Xiangzhu with one hand, and sent Chu Yimo a message with his mobile phone in the other hand, telling him the news of Ye Sheng's entry into Beijing.

Carry out his borrowed knife killing.

If Ye Sheng had been honestly staying abroad, maybe he would have really let him go.

But this person is determined not to change his mind and wants to come to China.

More than ten years ago, this person almost killed Ting Jue.His father was grateful for the blood relationship, spared his life and drove him abroad.

But now. It turns out that weeds still have to be rooted out
After Ye Hanzhi left, Xiao Nancheng continued to support Lin Nai's wool, and after that, he played Lego next to her.

Lego was bought for him by Ye Tingjue, and the finished product after putting it together will be a bit taller than Nan Cheng. Nan Cheng is only building the foundation now.

There is no day to finish the fight.

He fought for a while, and Ye Lin came back with a cane. He called "Grandpa" and continued to fight for a while.

As he struggled, he aimed at Ye Lin and Lin Naiyi.

Although Ye Lin is getting older, his eyesight has always been good.In fact, he doesn't need to look at it. He is so old and has experienced so many things. He can't wait to see the changes of an era.

After all, Nan Cheng is a child, even if his back is turned to Nan Cheng, he can feel his little thoughts.

So as soon as he finished talking with Lin Nai, he looked at Nan Cheng and said, "Nan Cheng, do you have anything to say to your grandparents?"

Nan Cheng pursed his lips, put down the things in his hands, and walked in front of the two of them.

Lin Naiyi also put down the needle in his hand, looked at him, and smiled softly: "What's wrong? Are you unhappy?"


"Is there something on your mind?" Lin Naiyi asked, "Because of Hanzhi and your mother?"

Nan Cheng nodded.

Lin Nai sighed inwardly, a little blaming Ye Hanzhi for not doing his job well, so he ran away.

"Talk to grandpa and grandma." Lin Naiyi leaned forward and held his little hand.

Nan Cheng looked at Ye Lin and then at Lin Nai together: "Grandpa, Grandma, I'll tell you a secret, can you not tell others."

"Okay." Lin Naiyi agreed happily.

Nan Cheng looked at Ye Lin.

Ye Lin immediately responded, "Yes."

Seeing that they agreed, Nan Cheng said: "Actually, my mother is Tang Zhixi. We are not related by blood."

Lin Naiyi and Ye Lin were obviously taken aback for a moment, and then looked at each other.

Neither of them expected that the kid would suddenly say this to them.

Nan Cheng continued: "She adopted me. But... because she is young, she doesn't have the conditions to adopt me, so... Legally speaking, we have nothing to do with each other."

When Nan Cheng said that the two of them had nothing to do with each other, he was obviously a little lonely.

(End of this chapter)

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