Chapter 272 Madam
Students entering the auditorium are looking for seats under the teacher's arrangement.

And the group of people at the door were stunned by Yan Qi's words.

Everyone couldn't understand the meaning of Yan Qi's words.

After Duan Nian was stunned for a moment, he turned his head to look at Tang Zhixi.Doesn't this person have anything to do with Dot Eyes?

Jiuxi and Jiutian.
Thinking of this, Duan Nian shook his head, shaking his thoughts away.No, no.This is the chief of Yunyi Nishang, how could it have something to do with the finishing touch.

Impossible, impossible.

Fu Xue watched everyone's eyes being taken away by Tang Zhixi, and instantly vomited to death.

Seeing the puzzled expressions on the faces of a group of them, Yan Qi looked at the director, then at Tang Zhixi, and reacted: "Ah, no, it's not interesting."

Director Feng's stiff face twitched slightly, and then he laughed dryly: "Hahaha, Mr. Yan, let me introduce you to those of us who participated in the recording."

"Okay." Yan Qi glanced at Tang Zhixi again, and agreed with a smile.

Director Feng introduced him one by one, and Yan Qi shook hands one by one.After that, I chatted with Duan Nian: "I didn't expect Duan Actor to be here."

Duan Nian smiled, took a look at Tang Zhixi and said, "No way, there's no filming recently."

Tang Zhixi: "."

"I understand. I also felt the same way when our family didn't hand in the manuscript for nine days." Yan Qi smiled very kindly.

Listening to what he said, Tang Zhixi rubbed her fingertips.

"However, recently she handed in her manuscripts in a timely manner. I'm very pleased that she took care of her eyes in the midst of her busy schedule. She is very sensible." Yan Qi said, "You also know that our concept conference has just ended, and I have been very busy recently .”

Duan Nian had a polite smile on his face, but what he was thinking in his heart was, why is this tone so embarrassing?
Seeing this, Director Feng was about to praise Jiu Tian, ​​but he didn't say anything yet.Tang Zhixi said: "The students are all seated, it's time to start."

Everyone looked at Tang Zhixi.

Tang Zhixi didn't look at anyone else, she just looked at Yan Qi, and said in a low voice, "Boss Yan, this way please."

When Yan Qi was called out by her "Boss Yan", her heart was pounding and she almost jumped out.

"Yes, yes, please, Mr. Yan." Director Feng said.

"Oh, good." Yan Qi glanced at Tang Zhixi again, and said, "Let's be together, everyone be together."

After he finished speaking, he was about to move.Tang Zhixi moved one step ahead of him.

Then Yan Qi watched Tang Zhixi walk up to her, without even looking at her, and stepped on her feet.

"Hiss—" Yan Qi gasped.

He heard him inhale, but Tang Zhixi still didn't move her foot, and tried again.It can be said to be very deliberate.

Yan Qi directly bent over in pain.

Director Feng was shocked and sweated in fright: "Mr. Yan, Mr. Yan, are you okay. Zhixi didn't do it on purpose."

Duan Nian was next to Tang Zhixi, very close, it could be said that he hit the first scene directly.

Fu Xue was also shocked, and immediately went to Yan Qi's side: "President Yan, are you okay?"

After saying this, she glanced at Tang Zhixi again, and thought, "If you provoke someone, let's see how you end up here?"

The rest of the people all looked at Yan Qi, and after being shocked, they became worried.I was afraid that if he got angry, I would stop talking about this lecture and just leave.

Either he was holding his breath and not speaking, or he was expressing concern.

Seeing that he was bending over, Tang Zhixi moved her foot away, grabbed his arm, and supported him: "Ah, Mr. Yan, I stepped on you."

Tang Zhixi didn't sound guilty at all, even a little perfunctory.

Yan Qi leaned over, eyes level with her, looked at her, gritted his teeth, and lowered his voice, "I'm wearing my new custom-made shoes for the first time today."

Fu Xue was beside him, so she heard it, and her heart felt like it was ignited by his words for an instant, burning with pain.

Tang Zhixi: "I see."

"You!" Yan Qi said, "accompany me!"

"No money."

Yan Qi felt that the hand holding her arm was going to be stronger, so she quickly stood up straight and pulled her arm out.To the people around: "It's okay, it's okay. Small things, small things. Everyone, please take your seats, please take your seats."

Everyone looked at the two of them and then at Yan Qi's pair of high-end leather shoes, there was obviously a mark of being trampled on.

This is still trivial.Everyone was at a loss, and everyone was in a mess.

Director Feng's beating heart returned to its original position, he swallowed his throat, and said in his heart: This is not acquaintance, it is a relationship.

After the director and the leader said a few words, everyone was seated.

Duan Nian was still thinking about whether to stay "to entertain" Yan Qi, so Tang Zhixi followed them to leave.

But he didn't make it, and was held back by Yan Qi.

Fu Xue glanced back, and a moment of darkness flashed across her eyes.

Tang Zhixi looked at Yan Qi: "What are you doing?"

"Where are you going?" Yan Qi asked.

"Go down and listen." Tang Zhixi looked at him, and slowly uttered three words, "You give a lecture."

Yan Qi choked on the saliva: "Cough, cough, what's so good about this, how about you?"

"Speak well." After Tang Zhixi finished speaking, she raised her eyebrows at him, drew her arms and left.

Seeing that he had nothing to do with him, Duan Nian also left with Tang Zhixi.

Yan Qi looked at her back, her eyebrows twitching.Uh, no one told him that he had to face such a test.

If you don't speak well, you will be ridiculed. If you don't speak well, you will be ridiculed. If you talk too much nonsense, you will be stared at.

A nervous feeling suddenly flooded Yan Qi's heart.

If I had known about him earlier, I would have made good preparations and made a hundred-page PPT, a ten-page long draft or something.

But even though he was nervous, after going backstage, Yan Qi took a photo of his shoes first, then found Ye Hanzhi's contact information, and sent it to him.

And there is a sentence attached: [Third Master, your wife stepped on it.Your wife said she had no money. ]
The word "madame" was used very deliberately.

After sending this sentence, he sent him the invoice for customizing this pair of shoes.

It is so obvious that people will pay for it.

However, 5 minutes later, Ye Hanzhi replied: [Treading well. ]
Yan Qi looked at the message: "." Madam shouted the words for nothing.

But after a while, Ye Hanzhi sent another message: [I have a piece of red jadeite in my hand, and someone will send it to the eye. ]
Yan Qi's mood immediately became smoother, and those two words really made Ye Hanzhi happy.

Two "Madam Ye" in exchange for a piece of red jade, he seems to have found a way to get rich.

In the classroom, Chu Qingyan looked at the empty seats next to her and in front of her.

Tang Zhixi has only been here for two days, and she didn't talk much during class.

But when she left suddenly, she still felt that something was missing beside her, and Chu Qingyan felt more and more bored.

The class representative was distributing papers again, and in just two classes, Tang Zhixi's desk was thrown into a mess.

After looking at it for a while, Chu Qingyan sorted out the papers on her desk.

Chu Qingyan didn't hold a stack of papers properly, and the bottom one fell down.

It was the Chinese test paper written by Tang Zhixi from the self-study last night.

A whole paper, except for the final composition, almost every question was written.

Especially the poetry appreciation and reading comprehension in the back, which are full of words.

Chu Qingyan looked at the words she wrote for a while, and they felt more and more familiar.

After a while, her pupils trembled, and the hand holding the paper suddenly squeezed hard, piercing the paper.

Some things at home have been sealed for too long, and coupled with her own problems, she can't remember many things clearly.

She had secretly taken psychology courses, which was a sequela after being overstimulated.

Some things she will remember very vaguely.Even in severe cases, there will be a state of amnesia.

Only when I see it again, will I gradually remember it.

So this handwriting that she always felt familiar with, she wasn't sure if it was the same as her sister's.

After sitting on the seat for a while, Chu Qingyan's hands trembled slightly.She looked at the paper again, then got up holding the paper, and walked outside the classroom while folding the paper.

After leaving the teaching building, the bell for class just rang.

Chu Qingyan acted as if she didn't hear it, her expression was cold, and she speeded up to the place she often jumped out of.

When she arrived, she easily climbed onto the wall.

But seeing people from the Chu family guarding outside the wall, she didn't delay for almost a tenth of a second, and jumped back to school before the Chu family came to look.

Without stopping for a moment, she walked in the opposite direction again.

Jumped out from the edge of the garbage pond.

Because she knew that her brother would not let anyone guard this place.

Her brother thought she was too delicate, and would never approach a place like a garbage dump.

 Ye Hanzhi: For the sake of calling your wife, I will reward you with a piece of red jadeite.

(End of this chapter)

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