Chapter 280 Back to School

"Little girl, aren't you a little too nice to Chu Qingyan?" Ye Hanzhi sandwiched the dish for her.

Tang Zhixi glanced at him: "I really like little girls."

"You gave her a portrait." Ye Hanzhi said sourly, "I saw it when I was watching the video last night."

Tang Zhixi put a piece of celery in her mouth, swallowed it, and said, "Then you finish watching the video tonight, and then decide how to speak to me."

Ye Hanzhi raised his eyebrows: "Is it for me?"

"Look at my mood."

After dinner, I just bought clothes.

After Tang Zhixi changed her clothes, she sent Ye Hanzhi back to school. On the way, she bought a mobile phone for Duan Nian, and it was Ye Hanzhi's money.

It was past three o'clock when we got to school.

The car stopped at the school gate, Tang Zhixi said "Let's go", unbuckled the seat belt and wanted to get out of the car.But Ye Hanzhi pulled him back.

Ye Hanzhi put his hand on the back of her neck, led her towards him, and kissed her again.

Tang Zhixi let him kiss for a while, then pressed his shoulder and pushed him away: "Record the show."

Ye Hanzhi understood what she was talking about, and kissed her on the lips twice: "It's not swollen, I can't see it."

Tang Zhixi: "."

Ye Hanzhi smiled softly, put his hands on the back of her neck and said, "Don't worry about the outside affairs, I'll take care of them. Enjoy the campus life."



Ye Hanzhi looked at Tang Zhixi's back with a smile on his lips.Apart from tenderness and affection in that smile, there was actually a bit of satisfaction.

After entering the school, Tang Zhixi went back to the dormitory and put on her school uniform before going to the art building to record.

The follow-up director was already waiting at the entrance of the art building. When he saw her coming, he immediately took the microphone and put it on for her.

Then when she saw her hand, she was shocked: "Why is it so serious?"

When Tang Zhixi explained to Director Feng, she said that she accidentally fell and went to the hospital for treatment.

"It's very swollen, it will be fine in two days." Tang Zhixi's tone was calm, her voice was cold, obviously she didn't take it to heart.

The filming director looked at her fingers wrapped like carrots, no matter how you looked at it, it didn't seem to be all right.

"Actually, you can apply for a day off." The director said, "We are recording a variety show, not risking our lives."

"If you hurt your hand, it won't be life-threatening." Tang Zhixi said, "Which floor are they on?"

"Eighth floor."

"Let's go."

The eighth, ninth, and tenth floors are all for music students, probably because Fu Xue can play the pipa, and the eight of them are all on the side of the specialty students who are learning musical instruments.

When Tang Zhixi arrived, the pipa was being played in the classroom.

It shouldn't be Fu Xue who is playing, after all, she can't enter the Palace Orchestra at this level.

She entered the classroom through the back door, and the first person she saw was Chu Qingyan.

She raised her eyebrows, thinking that the little girl would not come to school this afternoon, but she didn't expect to meet her here.

And as soon as she entered, the people who recorded the show all looked at her.

Duan Nian and Yue Guyuan immediately noticed the injury on her hand and frowned.

Wei Xingmian was so heartless that he was so happy to see her come back, his face was full of smiles.

After Fu Xue glanced at her lightly, she withdrew her gaze and touched the pipa she had put aside.Then he raised his chin lightly.

Tang Zhixi glanced at Duan Nian and the others, then sat quietly beside Chu Qingyan: "Why are you here?"

"Otherwise where is it?" Chu Qingyan looked at her hand and said, "How is your hand? Does it hurt?"

"No." Tang Zhixi said, "Skipping class again?"

"The family asked for leave." Chu Qingyan said.

"Then why don't you go home?" Tang Zhixi's eyes twitched slightly when she heard the student playing the pipa in front of her play a wrong note.

Chu Qingyan glanced at her, and that glance clearly said, "What are you talking about!"

Tang Zhixi smiled and said, "Worried about me?"

Chu Qingyan didn't look at her, and ignored her.

"Oh, I remembered. They were waiting to buy me dinner."

"Can you shut up." Chu Qingyan whispered, "There are a lot of words."

Tang Zhixi smiled: "Okay, shut up. Wait for my dinner."

Chu Qingyan snorted softly and did not speak again.

In today's class, the teacher is correcting one student at a time.He was relatively calm at first, but gradually became irritable.

"Hand shape, hand shape! Your left and right small joints are curved, curved!"

"How about your strength? Can you listen to the sound you play? Is the strength in place?"

"Oh! Your pitch is not right. It's about to take the art test. Can't you tell if your pipa is in pitch?"

"I sound quite accurate." The student retorted in a low voice.

"Your ears ran away from home?" The teacher threw her a tuner and said, "Where is the accuracy? You listen to where is the accuracy?"

The student clamped the tuner on and played it.There is a very slight deviation on the tuner: "Just a little bit."

"Not even a little bit." The teacher said.

"Oh." The student corrected his tone.Then I played it and found that I still didn't hear anything.

Seeing his appearance, the teacher almost choked up with anger: "Next, next!"

Tang Zhixi watched from behind, and after a while, raised the corner of her mouth.

"What are you laughing at?" Chu Qingyan rubbed her ears and said, "It's a disaster scene, you can still laugh."

Tang Zhixi didn't speak, and heard the teacher say again: "Oh, the strings are still not fast enough. Practice again."

"Heh, you are fast enough, but what are you playing? I have been in the industry for so many years, and I have never played this piece."

Under the teacher's dislike and attack, each of the twenty or so people was finally corrected.

However, the teacher's nagging didn't end there: "Every day, you feel that you are superior. You are defiant. Listening to the people around you playing similarly to yourself all day long, you feel that your level is good."

There was no one talking in the class, listening quietly, it was a normal state.

"If you don't see the mountains beyond the mountains, you will never know where your level is."

All the special students of Jujia Private School are trained in their own school.The teachers are all hired from outside, and they are paid by the hour.

And never accept foreign training personnel.

The level of teachers is high and the number of students is small.Every student can be fully taken into account.

So the level of the students is not bad, it's just that their level is improving, and the teacher's requirements are also constantly improving.

"You all have to thank the program team for choosing our school. You also have to thank the program team for inviting the students from the palace music workshop." The teacher said, "You also have to thank Fu Xue, who learned the pipa. It's really cheap for you . Free to see the people of the Palace Orchestra."

When the students heard the teacher speak, they became excited instantly.The sound of applause and applause immediately filled the entire classroom.

Everyone also looked back at Fu Xue.

The few recorders behind also applauded.

Tang Zhixi could only move with one hand, and saw Chu Qingyan sitting on the side, she had no intention of moving at all.

He turned her hand over and patted her hand twice.

Chu Qingyan: ". Childish."

(End of this chapter)

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