The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 287 Everyone has changed.

Chapter 287 Everyone has changed.

The four chatted casually in the private room, and because Nan Cheng was there, they didn't drink much.

After a while, Chu Yimo said: "Hanzhi, take Miss Tang on the weekend, let's have a meal together. I'll thank you in person."

Ye Hanzhi looked up at him, paused and said, "No time."

Chu Yimo was stunned for a moment: "It's not that you don't need to record programs on weekends."

"Yeah." Ye Hanzhi said, "But I don't have time."

Before he got the marriage certificate, he would never let Chu Yimo meet the little girl.

Chu Yimo clearly sensed Ye Hanzhi's hostility: "."

Holding the wine glass, He Yuzhe turned his eyes to look at the two of them.In an instant, he understood that it was most likely the last auction. His sister Xi said that he had thought of marrying Chu Yimo.

Ye Hanzhi unilaterally regarded him as a rival in love.

Alas - this man.

"Hiding so deep?" Chu Yimo smiled, "I won't let you see him."

Ye Hanzhi glanced at him, but didn't speak.

He Yuzhe said: "It's hard to say if you want to see it. Sister Xi's drama is very popular. In two days, the new drama will be broadcast again. This period of time must be publicity. You can watch it online."

"Yimo only has two ways of contacting him, phone and SMS, and he doesn't even have social software for chatting." Ye Tingjue complained, "Do you think he can surf the Internet?"

"Ah, I forgot." He Yuzhe said with a smile, "Master Chu is still living an ancient life."

Chu Yimo said: "It's boring to watch on the Internet. If you see it, you have to see a real person."

Ye Hanzhi raised his eyes and looked at him, his long and narrow eyes radiated a chill.

Chu Yimo also looked at him with a smile on his face.

The two looked at each other, as if there was an electric current connected, making a crackling sound.

Ye Tingjue and He Yuzhe had a tacit understanding and didn't get involved with them, they were quietly watching them.

After a while, Nan Cheng pulled Ye Hanzhi's clothes, rubbed his eyes, buried his head on his arm, and whispered: "I'm sleepy."

Ye Hanzhi drooped his eyes, looking at his eyes that could not be opened.I didn't pay attention to trapping everyone like this: "Where are you going back?"

"Uncle Rui." Nan Cheng said with his head buried.

Ye Hanzhi pressed his head: "Get up and take you back."

Nan Cheng didn't move.

"Not going back?" Ye Han said.

Nan Cheng still didn't move, but looked up at him.His eyelids were tired and his eyes were blurred.

"Get down and go by yourself."

Nan Cheng still didn't move: "I'm sleepy."

"Did sleepiness keep you from walking?"



The other three looked at the two of them.

A stern look appeared in Ye Hanzhi's eyes, and he was in a stalemate for a while.Finally picked him up.

Nan Cheng immediately put his arms around his neck, and smiled in a daze.He knew that Ye Hanzhi would definitely hug him.Because he was afraid that he would sue him, saying that he had abused him.

Take it easy.

How could Ye Hanzhi fail to see through his little thoughts.It's just that due to the majesty of the little girl, I can only follow this little brat.

Otherwise, this little brat can make flowers.

There's still a week left anyway.

When he turned right, he stood up.

"Let's go. Let's play." Ye Hanzhi hugged Nan Cheng and said.

Chu Yimo raised his eyebrows.I bumped into it at the entrance of the hotel last year, and I still looked disgusted, but now I hold it in the palm of my hand.

In his lifetime, he could actually see Ye Hanzhi holding a child in his arms.

He Yuzhe also got up and said, "It's just right, I'll go back too. Let's go together."

"Are you going back too?" Chu Yimo looked at him in surprise, "Aren't you staying here all night?"

"There is someone waiting at home." He Yuzhe said.

"That daughter of the Su family?" Chu Yimo had heard about the Su family's coming to the Imperial Capital, after all, there was a lot of movement.

He Yuzhe raised his eyebrows: "Let's go."

Chu Yimo watched the two of them go out, feeling mixed emotions in his heart.

The one who hates children the most is now holding a child.And judging by the proficiency, there must be no lack of hugs.The most promiscuous one started going home before ten o'clock.

Chu Yimo looked at Ye Tingjue again.The one who didn't come out often, accompanied him to the end.

What is it that made these three people become like this.

"Aren't you leaving?" Chu Yimo asked.

Ye Tingjue poured some wine into the glass, shook the glass, and said directly: "The night the Su family came to the Imperial Capital, Qingyan ran out of school with Miss Tang, and went to Yuzhe's place to watch the excitement."

The smile in Chu Yimo's eyes froze for a moment, and his expression became serious for a moment, waiting for him to continue.

"On the way back, Qingyan leaned against Miss Tang and fell asleep." Ye Tingjue looked at him and said, "She dreamed of Qingge."

Chu Yimo suddenly frowned.

Ye Tingjue looked at his expression, and said slowly: "After Qingyan woke up, she cried for a long time."

Chu Yimo's eyes trembled, and his lips moved several times before he said: "She, did she dream of Qingge?"


Chu Yimo was stunned for a while, then poured himself a glass of wine and took a sip.

His sister, he understood.

After Ye Tingjue said this, he probably figured it out.

For so many years, their family has been deceived by her.

It's not that she doesn't want Qingge, she's hiding herself so that they don't have to worry about her.Let everyone feel that she is heartless and does not need any comfort.

She also often pretended to let him go home inadvertently, and also inadvertently competed for favor.

They were all told to him on purpose.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Ye Tingjue said again: "Have you ever wondered why she doesn't learn anything, and doesn't even want to go to school?"

Chu Yimo slowly clenched his fingers tightly, the veins on the back of his hand popped.Things that I couldn't find the answer for a long time suddenly became clear.

She felt that her life was bought by Qingge, and that she didn't deserve what Qingge didn't enjoy.

The private room seemed to be suddenly covered with a layer of dust, as if the dust blocked breathing, making people suffocated.

"She thought there were snipers on the hillside today, so she protected Miss Tang under her body." Ye Tingjue said softly, "That's what caused Miss Tang to be injured."

Chu Yimo's hands were clenched and released, his fingertips were shaking uncontrollably.

Back then, in Continent F, the magnified mirror of the sniper rifle aimed at Chu Qingyan reflected light.

After Chu Qingge found out, he ventured to her side and pushed her away.

Chu Qingyan was pushed to the ground, while Chu Qingge was knocked off the cliff by a motorcycle that suddenly rushed over, and fell into the sea.

It happened so fast and so suddenly that no one saw whether the shot hit Chu Qingge or not.

Chu Yimo closed his eyes.His sister knew everything, and had always lived in guilt, in the shadows.

Even today, he wants to use his own life to make up for what happened back then.

But he made her cry today.

Ye Tingjue looked at him for a while, then drank all the wine in the glass, and left without saying anything.

He has said everything that should be said, and Chu Yimo can understand it.

Chu Yimo sat in the private room until three o'clock in the morning.He didn't drink any alcohol, so he stayed sober all the time, thinking about everything about Chu Qingyan in the past ten years.

Then he unexpectedly discovered that he spent too little time with her, and there were very few things that he could recall and could find clues to.

Sitting in the private room for a long time again.Chu Yimo went to the parking lot of the Doomsday Hotel and asked the driver to take him to Qin City.

 Chu Yimo: "Why have the three of them changed???"

  The author leaned close to his ear and whispered to him: "Because they all have or will have girlfriends, you are still single. Hehehe."

  Thank you for your reward.

  There are also everyone's red beans, recommended tickets, monthly tickets,

  I have seen it all.

  I wanted to have more.Say thank you to everyone.

  But I was busy with a lot of things today, and I woke up too early in the morning.

  I'm so sleepy now.

  I can only sleep first.

  I can only procrastinate and owe.

  It hasn't been patched up since the last update.Ugh--

  Think more every day.I can't come out every day.

  I'm a loser.

  Goodnight everybody
(End of this chapter)

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