Chapter 289
The distance between the playground and the cafeteria is a bit far.

Therefore, the eating time of sports students is relatively early.

When she came out of the playground, Tang Zhixi unzipped her school uniform.

She was so hot and sweated a lot.

But as soon as the zipper was opened, Yue Guyuan said: "Sister Xi, the wind is very cold. Don't take it off, be careful of catching a cold."

Hearing his words, Duan Nian glanced at him.

Tang Zhixi also glanced at him, and said, "Yes."

She was sweating all over, and her clothes were sticking to her body, but she didn't interrupt to take them off.

Coincidentally, several sports students just came out of the playground and passed by.A few people hooked their shoulders and shoulders, and they were all exhausted, but their eyes were very energetic.After reaching Tang Zhixi's side, they all shouted respectfully: "Sister Xi."

Just a way of saying hello to everyone else.

A little smile appeared in Tang Zhixi's eyes, seeing them all raised their eyebrows as a response.

"Sister Xi, are you still coming tomorrow morning?" One of the boys said, "Tomorrow we will have a sprint competition."

"Tomorrow we'll be in the classroom." Tang Zhixi regained her old demeanor, as if she wasn't the one who sprinted around the playground.

"It's a pity."

A few boys chatted with Tang Zhixi casually, and everyone walked towards the cafeteria together.

Fu Xue walked to Wei Xingmian's side, looked at the boys without even looking at her, as if they were like air, her heart felt like a stone was blocked, and she couldn't breathe.

But it has brute force and can run.

What is there to be proud of, and it is not an elegant sport, but it can also be shown off.

Working in the countryside will improve your physical strength and make you a treasure.

Tang Zhixi didn't talk much, but she still answered every question she asked.

And they said things that were more useful and helpful to them.

The boys chatted with Tang Zhixi all the way to the cafeteria, and then they parted ways to eat with some reluctance.

"Tang Zhixi, why do you know everything?" Wei Xingmian said suddenly.

Hearing her words, Fu Xue muttered in her heart.So what.It's all things that don't make it to the table.

"I have a little understanding."

After she finished speaking, the cell phone in her pocket rang.

It was Chu Qingyan's call.

She answered the phone: "what's the matter, little girl?"

Chu Qingyan's voice was limp, as if she hadn't woken up, and said, "Look to the left."

Tang Zhixi turned left and looked over, and saw Chu Qingyan standing at the end of the cafeteria.

"Come here, I brought you breakfast." Chu Qingyan said.


"My brother asked my aunt to do it." After finishing speaking, Chu Qingyan hung up the phone and sat down.

Tang Zhixi put the phone back in her pocket, and said to Duan Nian and the others, "Go and eat. My deskmate brought me food."

In an instant, the other seven people thought of their deskmate.

Then they all went to the window for dinner.

Tang Zhixi went to find Chu Qingyan, walked to the table, looked at the exquisite breakfast on that table, and raised her eyebrows.

I'm afraid that Young Master Chu thinks she has two stomachs.

"My brother said he didn't know what you like to eat, so he asked someone to make a few more." Chu Qingyan said.

Tang Zhixi sat down: "Then convey my thanks to Young Master Chu."

"What are you thankful for?" Chu Qingyan said, "My brother and Ye Hanzhi grew up together and have a very good relationship."

Tang Zhixi smiled, picked up the spoon and took a sip of the soup.The bone broth has a strong aroma.

But Tang Zhixi suddenly paused and frowned.

"What's wrong? Doesn't taste good?" Chu Qingyan asked.

Tang Zhixi looked at the soup, then at Chu Qingyan: "No. It's delicious."

"Then why are you frowning?"

Tang Zhixi took another fried bun, and after taking a bite, her eyes also flickered.

It's just that the reaction was not as big as before, she said softly: "It tastes good."

"That's right, my aunt's cooking is the best." Chu Qingyan said proudly.

"Aunt Wenren?" Tang Zhixi asked casually.

"Yes. Aunt Wenren can do everything."

Tang Zhixi smiled and took another sip of the soup.The taste of this soup is really too familiar, as if I drank it somewhere, but I can't remember it.

But she didn't think much about it.

Maybe she has eaten something with similar taste somewhere before, but she won't pay too much attention to such a small matter.

After drinking a bowl of soup, Tang Zhixi filled another bowl by herself.I scooped it down, didn't care what I scooped up, and put it all in my bowl.

Then Chu Qingyan looked at the two pieces of white radish in her bowl and frowned.

But as soon as she was about to speak, she watched Tang Zhixi eat the radish.

Slowly, without any strange reaction.

Tang Zhixi didn't put on airs and pretend to be elegant when eating.It is very pleasing to the eye, and it can be seen that the education is excellent and the etiquette is excellent.

Chu Qingyan watched her eat a piece of radish, and then asked, "Do you eat radish?"

Tang Zhixi looked at her, and seeing her surprised expression, she paused and said, "Don't I eat carrots?"

"You..." Chu Qingyan's words came to her lips, and she immediately swallowed them back, "It's okay."

She might not have woken up a little bit, and she is still in a daze.

"Why don't you like to eat?" Tang Zhixi said, "It's not good to be picky eaters."

"I want you to take care of it." Chu Qingyan poked the pan fried in front of her twice.

Although there was a lot of breakfast, it was almost eaten in the end.

Chu Qingyan was already full, so she kept looking at Tang Zhixi who seemed to be eating slowly, but she ate a lot of food at a not slow speed.

How does she maintain her figure after eating so much?

In fact, what the two of them didn't know was that early this morning, Chu Yimo and He Yuzhe inquired about Tang Zhixi's favorite food.

As for why he didn't ask Ye Hanzhi, because he felt that he would not tell himself about Ye Hanzhi's inexplicable hostility towards him.

And He Yuzhe was the one among the four of them, except for Ye Hanzhi, who had the most contact with Tang Zhixi.

But He Yuzhe told him that his sister Xi can eat anything, and anything is fine.The only requirement is, just be more prepared.

He was a little surprised, and suddenly felt that He Yuzhe's words were not very reliable.After all, if a girl prepares too much for others, she might be a little impolite.

So he asked Ye Tingjue again.

In the end, Ye Tingjue said, according to the amount of Qingyan, prepare twice as much.

But in the end, the number sent by the family was much more than double.

But Tang Zhixi ate almost all of it, because it was really delicious.

She has eaten each of them, but each of them tastes different from the outside.

And all of this was arranged by Chu Yimo on the road.

It wasn't until after eight o'clock that he arrived in Qin City, where the old man of the Chu family lived.

Because of the terrain, Qin City has a good climate, which is very suitable for retirement.

Mr. Chu even lived in the countryside on purpose, just to slow down his pace of life.

The car stopped in front of the yard.

The yard is so large that you can't see the end at a glance.Open the door and enter, and there are all kinds of fruit trees and flowers inside.

The maids usually take care of it very well and are very elegant.In addition to making the fruit grow well, it also ensures the beauty and artistry of various fruit trees in the yard.

Plus all kinds of flowers, interspersed among them.

As soon as you enter this place, you feel as if you have entered a fairyland outside the world.

Chu Yimo was not in the mood to appreciate the different scenery outside from the last time he came, and went straight to the house.

He didn't sleep all night, his face showed a little tiredness, but his consciousness was very clear.He wanted to see Mr. Chu immediately and talk to him.

(End of this chapter)

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