Chapter 291 Dance Lesson

Tang Zhixi's lunch was still brought by Chu Qingyan, and she brought a lot.

Tang Zhixi admitted that her appetite was not small, but it was really not to this extent.

In line with the principle of not wasting food, she really tried her best to eat.It's just that I ate a lot in the morning and haven't fully digested it yet.Even if it was delicious, she really tried her best.

So much so that when she went to dance class in the afternoon and put on the exercise clothes, she felt her stomach protruded.

Moreover, she saw the electronic scale in the dance studio, stepped on it, and she was four catties heavier than usual.

When Tang Zhixi got off the scale, everyone in the dance classroom felt a chilly wind blowing past them.

However, when he looked at Tang Zhixi, he didn't find anything unusual about her.

Today's dance practice is mainly about basic skills.

The dance teacher is also hired from outside the school, and she has a good temperament.

Moreover, eight of them were specially arranged for an in-school teacher to teach them some skills and basic skills.

Because all eight of them said that they had never learned it.

So the teacher treats them all as beginners, and is very gentle when teaching some basic skills.

And the other teacher with the students was very ruthless.

Apart from being loud, he was really ruthless.

The eight of them pressed their legs on the bar on this side, watching the teacher on the other side open their chests and shoulders.

With one strike, someone passed out directly.

The teacher remained expressionless throughout.

At that moment, Wei Xingmian's face turned pale.

Some boys swear directly.

The teacher in the school comforted: "It's okay, it's all normal."

Then all eight of them experienced their pain while watching the normal phenomenon on the other side.

After the students opened their chests and shoulders, they all pressed their legs on the bar.

Their leg presses are different from those of these eight people.

They all put one leg on the bar, and the other leg retreats, and the two legs are directly 180 degrees.

180 degrees is not enough.They were pressing their legs on the pole, and the teacher pressed them down one by one.

At the end of the press, the students' legs could not be retracted from the rod.

I can't come back to my hips.

Withdraw little by little.

Of course there is no shortage of yelling, but the yelling is in vain, and the teacher can't hear it.Crying is useless, and the teacher can't see, how much force should be used.

So on the floor of the entire dance classroom, apart from sweat, there were also tears.

And this is just the most basic practice before class every day.

Originally, the eight of them were still barking while watching them, but it was their turn to bark after a while.

Because the teachers outside the school took advantage of the students to practice by themselves, so they came.

Except for Tang Zhixi who glanced at the teacher and was very calm, the other seven, watching the teacher walking this way, felt as if some demon had come over.

I even had the urge to run.

Fortunately, before going on the show, the liquidated damages for signing the contract made them stay where they were.

The teacher got a general idea of ​​the situation of the eight of them. After knowing that they had no foundation, she took a look at Tang Zhixi.

Then he asked, "No?"

Tang Zhixi stood behind and did not speak, but several other people responded.

The teacher nodded, indicating that he understood.Then said: "The program team said, don't let me let you off easily."

When the seven people heard this, they all staggered back a step in tacit agreement.

Duan Nian, in particular, took a big step back.If Tang Zhixi hadn't reacted in time, he would have stepped on Tang Zhixi.

Seeing their reaction, the teacher twitched his mouth and said softly, "Then tear your legs."

"Teacher, I think we still have room for discussion."

"Yes, teacher. We are too old to do it."

"Yes, yes. Brother Duan is over 30"

"What's going on?" Duan Nian didn't like to hear it anymore, "Why are you still engaging in age discrimination?"

The teacher didn't care what they said, just said: "Take the mat and lie down."

Eight people can only go to get the mat.

In a group of two, one person is lying on the ground, and the other is holding a leg for him, and he is not allowed to bend.Then the teacher will move the other leg up and keep pressing down.

To challenge the limit of your muscles.

Duan Nian was in a group with Yue Guyuan, Duan Nian lay down, Yue Guyuan pressed his leg, and the teacher moved his leg.

Ninety degrees is already the limit for Duan Nian.

But the teacher was very ruthless and powerful, pressing down very hard.

Duan Nian's handsome face was almost distorted: "Teacher! Please let me go. I'm really old and not suitable."

The teacher ignored him.

The veins on Duan Nian's forehead popped up, his face turned red, and he soon broke out in sweat: "Teacher, I"

The dirty word came to his mouth and he held it back. After holding back for a while, Duan Nian really couldn't do it: "Teacher, this"

Seeing the teacher's face, Duan Nian held back his words.If it weren't for the girls around, the teacher was also a girl.He really wanted to ask if this really wouldn't affect his future life?His family still counts on him to carry on the family line.

Fuck, it's really involved!
"Teacher!" Duan Nian felt like a fish being held down on a chopping board, trying to writhe but couldn't.

"Count to sixty." The teacher said.

"One, two, three" Duan Nian counted immediately, and the speed was extremely fast.

Tang Zhixi stood beside him, looking at him, couldn't hold back, and laughed softly.

"Xi Shen, you laugh at me." Duan Nian saw her laughing, and said, "When you were crying, you still laughed. Your hero is like this, don't you have any compassion?"

"The first day you met me? Do I seem to be a compassionate person?" Tang Zhixi smiled.

Duan Nian was desperate and didn't know where he had counted, so he said, "Teacher, sixty, sixty is here."

"I didn't hear it."

Duan Nian: "???"


Duan Nian: "!!!"

Then the teacher exerted more force, and Duan Nian immediately said: "One, two, three"

After moving this one, there is another one.

Then it's another person's turn.

Tang Zhixi was the sixth turn.

The five in front were all boys, all sweating profusely, slumped on the ground, rubbing their legs.I felt like my legs were useless and I couldn't stand up at all.

"Teacher, be gentle with me, Xishen." Duan Nian looked at Tang Zhixi, hummed and smiled, "It's best to make her cry right away."

"You have the audacity to want Xishen to cry." Another boy said, "Xishen, I have good acting skills and good looks. I really think that the royal male lead can be changed."

"Eh? Why are you openly robbing resources? Can't you order behind my back?" Duan Nian said.

"Being behind your back, it seems that I am not mean enough."

"It's enough to grab it openly." Duan Nian watched the teacher easily move Tang Zhixi to 180 degrees, and suddenly his eyes widened, "What the hell?"

Several people were shocked.

After Yue Guyuan was shocked for a moment, he whispered: "Sister Xi can't do it? Sister Xi is omnipotent."

Hearing these words, Fu Xue's eyes darkened.

Wei Xingmian, who was pressing Tang Zhixi's leg, covered her mouth in surprise, and let go of her leg.

Tang Zhixi realized that she was going to let go, so she exerted strength on her legs, so she didn't move.

Seeing this, the teacher had a smile in his eyes, and looked at Tang Zhixi and raised his eyebrows.

Tang Zhixi naturally understood what she meant, and said, "The tendons are weak."

Seeing that she refused to admit it, the teacher didn't say anything.

If it wasn't for the leg injury back then, Xia Luoqing's only apprentice now would never be Ruan Qianxi's turn.

She was also Xia Luoqing's most valued person back then.

She can tell at a glance who has never learned dance.

Everyone wears the same practice clothes, white tops and black pants.Although they were wearing the same clothes, Tang Zhixi's figure, temperament, appearance, and aura were all the most outstanding when she stood there.

The teacher has seen her since she entered the classroom.

The teacher is sure that she not only knows how to dance, but also has deep dance skills.

It's just that she didn't admit it, and the teacher felt a little regretful that she couldn't see her dance show.

After switching to another leg, the teacher looked at her for a while, then suddenly said: "You are very similar to my junior sister."

Tang Zhixi raised her eyes to look at her, and through those eyes, she saw the sadness and regret in her heart.She didn't say much, just smiled politely in response.

Tang Zhixi's legs were quickly overwhelmed.

She got up and moved a bit, when Duan Nian's gaze followed her in shock.She walked up to Duan Nian, very intentionally, and casually stepped on Duan Nian's hand on the ground.

It's okay to wear dancing shoes, though.

But Tang Zhixi used her strength.Duan Nian shivered in pain: "Xi Shen, my hand. You use the hand of the queen hero, and you strike so hard."

Tang Zhixi looked down at him, and said softly, "Well, I'm taking revenge. Can't you see it?"

Duan Nian shook his hand: "."

 Hahahaha, I don’t know why, but when I wrote Duan Nian, I really wanted to laugh.

  Today's happiness is given by Actor Duan.

(End of this chapter)

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