299 Threat
Although Tang Zhixi didn't want to see that person, but everyone else had already gone to the imperial capital, so they couldn't hide.

So she took Nan Cheng into the villa.

As soon as she reached the entrance, she smelled the smell of stinky tofu.This taste can rush to the top of the sky in one go.She frowned slightly.

Nan Cheng directly covered his mouth and nose with his hands, then leaned closer to Ye Hanzhi: "Why don't you take me away first."

"You want to leave the little girl and run away." Ye Hanzhi asked.

Nan Cheng's big eyes flickered for a moment, and he stopped talking immediately.

As for the person in the living room, when he heard someone talking in the entrance, he immediately yelled: "Who is talking? Who is outside."

Tang Zhixi closed her eyes when she heard the voice, and entered the living room.

As soon as he entered, he saw the strange uncle Nan Cheng mentioned.

The strange uncle was sitting on the sofa, in a well-trimmed three-piece white suit.He has a long-haired wolf-tail hairstyle, the hair in the front is relatively short, and the hair in the back reaches the ribs.

His eye sockets are a bit deep, his pupils are shallow, and his facial features are three-dimensional.It is a mixed race with a slightly oriental appearance.

His appearance is very cold and sharp.Especially the color of the pupil is very light, sitting there looks like an iceberg.

Or that kind of noble wild iceberg.

Of course he kept talking, ignoring the words of the stinky tofu in his hand.

This strange uncle is what Tang Zhixi said, and in her mind, he is the second most beautiful, second only to Ye Hanzhi's Yun Zhan.

He is also one of the heirs of the royal family of state M.

What a noble status, to eat stinky tofu at someone else's house, and even send their children to the yard at night,

After seeing each other, the two groups fell into a silent silence for a while.

This silence dilutes the smell of stinky tofu in the living room.

After Yun Zhan's gaze skipped over Tang Zhixi, it fell on Ye Hanzhi, that undisguised scrutiny that gradually became hostile.

And Ye Hanzhi was also looking at him, his hostility was even more obvious.

For the first time, he saw the word "threat" in a man.At least in the eyes of a visual animal like the little girl, this person is a big threat.

The silence continued, and the smell of gunpowder was everywhere.

Tang Zhixi naturally sensed this subtle atmosphere, so after stopping at the door for a while, she continued to walk in, looked at Yun Zhan and said, "I'll give you a choice, either let your stinky tofu go out, or you go out .”

Hearing her words, Yun Zhan came back to his senses, and slapped the chopsticks in his hand on the coffee table.

Seeing this, Nan Cheng immediately covered his ears again.

Sure enough, the next second, Yun Zhan shouted, "Why are you talking to me!"

The sound was like a thunderclap exploding on the ground.

The voice was so loud that Uncle Rui closed his eyes and moved to the side.

Tang Zhixi looked at him expressionlessly.

"Also! You are late at night, why did you bring a man back!" Yun Zhan stood up and looked at Ye Hanzhi.

Ye Hanzhi also looked at him, the look in his eyes was like a sharp sword, and his voice was cold: "Mr., as a boyfriend, I come here justifiably. But you, nameless and indifferent, what are you going to do here at night?"

"What?! What?! What did you say?! Boyfriend!" Yun Zhan walked directly in front of Tang Zhixi, "Who do you say he is!"

Tang Zhixi felt her eardrums buzzing.

Ye Hanzhi pulled her behind him, and looked at Yun Zhan.

His aura was too strong, Yun Zhan subconsciously fought against him, but he was a few centimeters shorter.The two were so close that they always felt that their aura was suppressed.

"I'm talking to her, get out of the way!"

"I'm his boyfriend, and what she says is the same as what I say." Compared to Yun Zhan's voice, Ye Hanzhi's normal voice is like the most beautiful voice in the world.

But it was so harsh to Yun Zhan's ears.

Yun Zhan took a deep breath, wanting to be pissed off by his boyfriend after mouthful.

While the two of them were confronting each other, Tang Zhixi winked at the servants nearby and asked them to throw out the stinky tofu on the coffee table.

"You, you stinky girl, come here and make it clear!"

Tang Zhixi pretended not to hear.

Seeing that she was silent, Yun Zhan walked around the living room with his hips crossed, suppressed his anger, lowered his voice, and said, "Okay, I want to see what kind of treasure you found. You really know how to act." , I said why don't you go back, it turns out that I was fascinated by the fox spirit here."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Ye Hanzhi and said, "What's the name?"

Ye Hanzhi quietly watched him walk around the living room, and then calmly reported to the house: "Ye Hanzhi."

Yun Zhan frowned: "Emperor Capital Ye Family?"

Ye Hanzhi watched him suddenly become a little excited, and didn't speak.

Yun Zhan nodded, licked his lower lip again, and finally sneered, "Stinky girl, what's the matter? Mrs. Ye is more noble than you as the royal concubine of State M."

Ye Hanzhi narrowed his eyes slightly, then paused and said, "Yun Zhan?"

"It's me, what's wrong! Afraid?"

Ye Hanzhi laughed lightly, his voice was not loud, but his power was infinite: "When you have real power, you are qualified to talk to me about whether you are honored by the Ye family."

Yun Zhan was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect him to dare to poke his pain so blatantly: "Damn it?!"

Ye Hanzhi ignored him, took Tang Zhixi's hand and walked upstairs.

Yun Zhan looked at the hands held by the two, which directly hurt his eyeballs. He followed the two and muttered behind him: "Stinky girl. Is there something wrong with your eyes? Why don't you let someone like me Yan Youyan, if you want a figure, if you want money, if you want power, don't look for someone with power, you look for a libertine."

Tang Zhixi pressed her swollen eyes, and said softly, "Well, I want to see who is scum between us."

Ye Hanzhi slightly raised the corner of his mouth when he heard these words.

Yun Zhan frowned: "No, look at me, look at me. Look at my brother's face, a handsome man who is rare in a thousand years, are you not tempted? How many boys and girls are fighting for my brother."

Tang Zhixi clenched her fists.

Uncle Rui was listening downstairs and coughed lightly.

Nan Cheng's face also twitched.

"Look at my brother's figure again. His shoulders are broad, his waist is thin, his legs are long, and he has eight-pack abs. He feels really good." Yun Zhan continued, "Where are your eyes? You leave me so perfect and don't look for anyone else. Find a veteran in the field of love."

Ye Hanzhi looked at Tang Zhixi. Although he didn't speak, his eyes seemed to be asking: Can I hit him?

Tang Zhixi shook his hand back and comforted him very patiently.

Ye Hanzhi sighed in his heart, quickened his pace, and led Tang Zhixi back to the room.

And entered the room, the moment the door was about to close.Yun Zhan slapped the door, and looked at the two of them in disbelief: "What are you doing! Why are you entering a room? I won't allow it!"

"What position do you not allow?" Ye Hanzhi's voice was extremely cold.If it wasn't for this little girl's face, he would have dealt with him in the living room just now.

"It's just because of me that she is the future princess of my M state."

Ye Hanzhi chuckled: "Yun Zhan, don't take her to the muddy waters of your M state. Don't think I don't know what you think."

Yun Zhan folded his arms and leaned against the door frame, his deep eyes were filled with coldness: "This has nothing to do with you, right?"

"I am her justifiable boyfriend, and I will also be her future legal husband. Everything related to her has something to do with me." Ye Hanzhi said, "If you dare to implicate her, I guarantee that M state will be messed up." Make it into a pot of porridge."

(End of this chapter)

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