Chapter 407 Tang Peihua

Tang Zhixi still didn't have a show at night, and Ye Hanzhi didn't go back either.

The two went back to the hotel together after dinner.

But as soon as they arrived at the hotel, Luo Nanchen called before the two had time to wash up.

Tang Zhixi answered the phone and said, "Has the memory card been cracked?"


"What's inside?" Tang Zhixi asked.

Luo Nanchen hesitated for a moment and said, "I don't quite understand 90.00% of the content. The part I understand is about Tang Peihua's identity. Do you have time? Why don't you come here? The content is too huge to pass on. If you want to watch it now, you have to come to Tianshu. Otherwise, wait."

Tang Zhixi's eyelashes trembled slightly: "I'll go right away."

So Ye Hanzhi took Tang Zhixi to Tianshu.

Ye Hanzhi entered the core area of ​​Tianshu for the first time.

The area is large and the sense of technology is strong.

At the same time, it can also be seen that the people here are usually home.

Clothes and blankets were thrown on the chairs.

"Third Master." Luo Nanchen politely called out, then moved closer to Tang Zhixi and whispered, "He still doesn't know about you and Chu Yimo?"

Tang Zhixi looked at him coldly: "Believe it or not, I will let the lawyer's letter appear on your desk tomorrow."

Luo Nanchen immediately shut up.

Tang Zhixi walked directly to the computer, pulled a chair for Ye Hanzhi, and the two of them sat in front of the computer.

There are thousands of files in the memory card.

Every file is huge except the first one.

So Tang Zhixi opened the first one first.

Inside is a document, the first sentence is: [There is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people.Someone still cracked my memory card. It's a pity that we can't see each other. ]
"Actually, it's not a pity, Xiao Jiu met her before." Luo Nanchen stood behind the two of them, holding a thermos in his hand.

Tang Zhixi ignored him, and Ye Hanzhi didn't speak either.

Both are looking down.

The content in the entire document is Tang Peihua's general self-introduction.

Tang Peihua's English name is Clara.

The name Tang Peihua was only obtained after arriving in China.

More than 60 years ago, Tang Peihua and her husband were staff members of Immortal Laboratory in Fzhou.

Both of them are high-achieving students who graduated from F continent majoring in pharmaceutical preparations.

He joined the Immortal Lab right after graduation.

At the beginning, the two just participated in simple research experiments.

Until three years later, Tang Peihua and her husband came into contact with the core experiment of the laboratory - Immortal.

This experiment mainly revolves around an extremely rare plant that only appears in Continent F - drunken grass.

Drunken grass can extract components that prevent cells from aging and dying.

But drunken grass is extremely rare, and the growth environment is irregular, as if its growth is completely random.

It is also like this, has not been successfully cultivated.

A large number of experiments have led to the continuous reduction of Drunken Grass one by one, and gradually went extinct.

Therefore, Jing Xian, the person in charge of the laboratory at that time, summoned all the talents specialized in pharmaceutical preparations to synthesize a medicine that has the same effect as the ingredients that can be extracted from the drunken grass.

Extracts from Drunkenweed are inherently flawed.

He can keep the cells from aging, but it will have many side effects on the living body.

The most common ones are rapid heartbeat, high blood pressure, and some nerve paralysis throughout the body.

But at that time, the extract from Drunkenweed was the hope of human immortality.

Therefore, the people in the laboratory are very motivated every day.

After nearly six years, Tang Peihua and her husband finally developed a drug that has the same effect as the extract of Drunken Ratio.

That day was the happiest day in the whole laboratory.

However, the side effects of the medicines developed are even greater, so it took another three years of research and experimentation to continuously reduce the side effects of the medicines.

It's just in the process of continuous research and experimentation.

Tang Peihua's husband found that the damage to the human body is inevitable whether it is the medicine developed or the extract of Drunken Grass.

Extracts from drunken grass are more of a thing from the future.

And that future. Humans have not yet evolved to the stage of immortality, but they have evolved to the stage where they can withstand drunken grass.

At this time, drunken grass is a ladder for human beings to live forever.

Tang Peihua and her husband reported the situation to Jing Xian.

Jing Xian also understands that this will be a very long process.

It will be a study of generations and generations.

This is the case with research, there must always be a pioneer, and there will always be beneficiaries.

If you are lucky, the person who opened the way and the beneficiary belong to the same era, otherwise it would be hard to say.

The entire laboratory, including Jing Xian, is ready to dedicate his life to this.

But a year later, Tang Peihua and her husband discovered that Jing Xian was experimenting with human bodies.

Because of this incident, the two sides had a big quarrel.

The reason given by Jing Xian is "survival of the fittest".

Evolution must be persecuted, otherwise how can we evolve.Based on the evolution of thousands of years of history, I am afraid that there will be another few thousand years, and the evolution of human beings will not move a bit.

However, Tang Peihua and her husband believed that what he did was not urging evolution, but urging its demise.

What they study, they know best.

To do so is simply to let mankind go to extinction.

The two sides are constantly quarreling, both defending their respective views.

In the end, Tang Peihua and her husband's research was suspended, but Jing Xian's experiment was not suspended at all.

For another three months, Tang Peihua and her husband kept seeing brain-dead-like conditions in the subjects.

The researched medicine is named after immortal
After being injected into the body, the human body did not show any reaction within half a month.

But... half a month later, a situation similar to brain death will appear.

Such numbers are constantly increasing.Jing Xian is getting more and more crazy.

Even increased the dose, accelerated death.

So in order not to let Jing Xian continue to harm others.

Tang Peihua and her husband blew up the laboratory and destroyed the medicine that had been researched for ten years.

Everything has its own arrangements, and when human beings have evolved to that level, someone will naturally research the same potion as the drunken grass extract.

The laboratory was bombed, and Tang Peihua and her husband were hunted down.

On the way to flee to China, Tang Peihua's husband was killed by Jing Xian's men.

So Tang Peihua fled to the country by himself.

He took Tang Peihua's name, picked up Tang Xueche, and raised her to grow up.

All the contents on the memory card, including several layers of encryption, were recorded when Tang Xueche went to Yancheng to attend university. Tang Peihua bought a computer and recorded all the research results in it based on his own memory.

Then he also left this letter of his own account.

Originally, she wanted to take all the research results with her after she died.

But after all, I still can't bear it.

And it was a joint research between her and her husband.

So it was recorded in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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