The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 409 Touching Porcelain?

Chapter 409 Touching Porcelain?

There are many contents in the storage card, and the records are also very detailed.

At the research institute, Ye Hanzhi and Chu Yimo led a small-scale research on the contents of the memory card.

On the production team, Tang Zhixi also read the above content when she had time, and went to the laboratory of Imperial Capital University when she was free.

After filming resumed from the crew, Tang Zhixi was scolded several times on the trending searches.

Neither the company nor the individual responded.

Moreover, the number of proxy filming on the crew's side has increased significantly, and they can't be stopped.

While Tang Zhixi was resting, she saw the drone flying above for the third time, and felt the urge to shoot it down with a sniper.

"Sister Xi, you've been so busy recently that you've lost weight." Jiang Nian said while sitting next to her.

"You've gained at least five catties." Tang Zhixi looked at the computer without raising her head.

Jiang Nian immediately touched his face, and said listlessly, "I've eaten a lot lately."

"It's better to be fatter." Tang Zhixi glanced at her, "It's better to be fatter."

Jiang Nian immediately laughed: "Brother Ci also said that I am getting better and better."

Tang Zhixi laughed.

Jiang Niandao: "Let's say goodbye to elder brother and say that sister Xi is my noble person. After meeting sister Xi, I have always encountered good things."

"You are your noble person." After Tang Zhixi finished speaking, the director called her to shoot.

Jiang Nian put away her computer, carried it in her hand, and immediately followed her to the shooting location.

After filming the morning scene, it will be the evening scene.

They could rest in the afternoon, so Tang Zhixi and Jiang Nian didn't eat at the crew, and went straight back to the hotel after filming.

The nanny's car drove out of the set and hadn't hit the road yet.

The driver stopped suddenly.

Jiang Nian was scrolling through Weibo to see who was slandering her again today, when suddenly she stopped and looked up at the driver: "What's wrong?"

"An old man stopped the car."

Jiang Nian's eyes widened in an instant, and seeing Tang Zhixi's eyes closed, she whispered, "No way! There are people here!"

Tang Zhixi wanted to sleep for a while, but when she heard her voice, she opened her eyes and looked forward.

Standing on the side of the road was an old man with white hair, wearing a long black down jacket, leaning on a cane in his left hand, and waving a car with his right hand.

It's a little far away, so I can't see clearly.

But it can be seen that the spirit is very good, and the temperament is also very good.

The driver said: "It doesn't look like a pottery."

"Be careful, if something happens, we can't talk about it." Jiang Nian said, "Even if we are right, we will become unreasonable because we are public figures. It will be our fault no matter what."

The driver thought for a while and said, "Otherwise, I'll go down and have a look first. If he drives past, he will back up and go ahead."

"I'm with you." Jiang Nian said, "If something really happens, at such an advanced age, we have to help."

As soon as the two finished speaking, Tang Zhixi opened the car door and got out.

"Sister Xi, don't go down, it's all a proxy shoot." Jiang Nian immediately got out of the car and followed her, "Sister Xi, I'll take care of it, don't go there. Otherwise, there will be another 1 versions of the story on the Internet. gone."

Tang Zhixi didn't listen to what she said, and walked directly towards the old man.

After being able to see her appearance clearly, Tang Zhixi's pace suddenly slowed down.

The old man was leaning on a cane, watching her approach, the hand holding the cane was constantly exerting force, and his lips trembled slightly.

Obviously restraining his emotions.

Tang Zhixi looked at him, and many images kept appearing in his head.

Recently she gradually remembered something.

Although everything is about Ye Hanzhi, and about Ye Hanzhi, it will definitely revolve around his endless "Brother Han".

But it is also because of Ye Hanzhi, so most of them are Ye Hanzhi studying in the Chu family, and there is an elder in these memories.

It is the person in front of you.

Uncle Chu in Ye Hanzhi's mouth.

She. Grandpa.

In fact, anyone who pays a little attention to current affairs will know Mr. Chu.

It's just that the old man retired earlier, and he looked very young in the news before.It's much older now, and you might not recognize it at first glance.

Jiang Nian ran past Tang Zhixi, came to the old man first, and shouted, "Grandpa, what's the matter with you? Is there anything we can do for you?"

As soon as Jiang Nian made a sound, Mr. Chu looked away in a panic, rubbed his crutches with both hands, and calmed down his emotions.

Tang Zhixi also approached, standing beside Jiang Nian, looking at the person in front of her.

Old Master Chu lowered his eyes and took a few breaths, then looked up at Jiang Nian and Tang Zhixi, and said politely and pitifully: "Little girl, I'm sorry. I came here for a walk and got separated from my family. I'm too young at this age It’s too big, I went back and forth here several times and didn’t get out, and I didn’t bring my mobile phone when I came out.”

"It's okay, grandpa." Jiang Nian took out his mobile phone, "Grandpa, do you know your family's mobile phone number? I'll make a call for you."

"I don't know." Mr. Chu said immediately.

Tang Zhixi looked at him quietly.

Mr. Chu noticed that she was looking at him, so he looked at her.Then... the old man, who has been in the political arena for decades, looked away because of a guilty conscience.

Jiang Nian said: "It's okay. Do you know the mobile phone numbers of your other family members?"

"I don't know." Mr. Chu said immediately again.

Tang Zhixi: "."

Jiang Nian thought for a while and said: "Grandpa, let me call the police uncle. Maybe the family can't find you, so they will go to the police uncle too. This way we can find him quickly. It will also save the family from worrying."

Mr. Chu: "." This little girl is quite clever.

Jiang Nian was about to make a phone call.

The old man stopped her: "little girl, don't bother the police. I know the address. Is it convenient for you to call a car for me and take me home? You can leave me your contact information. When I get home, someone will give you my address." Your money. Or... I'll bet you the watch."

He really missed his granddaughter so much, that's why he came here.

As a stranger, it is good to say a few words.It's good to have a look.

Jiang Nian hesitated for a moment, thinking that since he knew the address, it would be better to call the police directly, so that both parties would be safer: "Grandpa, it's not convenient to call a car here. Let's trouble the police uncle."

Mr. Chu: "." How could he bother the police because of his own affairs.

"Uh, that."

"Haven't you had lunch yet?" Tang Zhixi spoke suddenly, interrupting the old man's temporary countermeasures.

The old man was startled for a moment, then said: "Not yet."

Jiang Nian looked at Tang Zhixi: "Sister Xi?"

Tang Zhixi rubbed her fingertips: "Let's eat first. After eating. I'll ask the driver to take you."

Jiang Nian: "?????"

Mr. Chu shook his cane and said, "Okay. Thank you, miss."

Tang Zhixi let the old man get into the car first, but when she wanted to get up, Jiang Nian stopped her.

"Sister Xi, do you know each other?"

Tang Zhixi acquiesced.

Jiang Nian breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, that's good. I just said, my sister Xi can't be cheated. But... maybe she was photographed just now. I'm afraid someone will talk nonsense on the Internet again."

Tang Zhixi looked at Jiang Nian, then patted Jiang Nian's head: "Don't worry."


Jiang Nian didn't understand Tang Zhixi's words, but it wasn't long after getting in the car.She has been observing Mr. Chu.

Observation and observation suddenly recognized the person.

Then she searched it immediately, and found that the news on the Internet was more than 30 years ago, and the photos were also very old.

But if you look closely, you can still compare them.

Jiang Nian felt that he almost passed out at that moment.

She sat in a car with someone.

Just now she thought someone was going to touch porcelain.

She thought whoever was a liar was a bad person!

With this status, who dares to take pictures and put them on the Internet.

 If you encounter someone who can't find a home in your life, or let someone lead the way.

  Call the police if you can.

  Always put your own safety first.

  Of course be kind.

  But protect yourself.

  Today is just one chapter.

  Originally, I wrote a lot, but only one chapter was left after deletions and deletions.

  Goodnight everybody.

(End of this chapter)

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