The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 434 It's Quick to Change Your Words

Chapter 434 It's Quick to Change Your Words

When Mr. Chu and the others arrived at the hospital, Chu Qingyan just woke up for a while.

Ye Tingjue and Aunt Wenren were with her.

After she woke up, she first asked about Chu Yimo's situation, and then she didn't say much.

Ye Tingjue thought she would make trouble and cry, but she didn't react at all, and just lay obediently on the bed.

Tell her something and she either says yes or no.Otherwise, don't say anything.

Until Chu Qingge and Mr. Chu came.

When Chu Qingyan heard the sound of the door opening and the sound of footsteps, she turned her eyes to look at the door, and suddenly sat up from the bed after seeing Chu Qingge.

Afraid that she would get dizzy, Ye Tingjue immediately stood up and helped her up.

"Sister." Chu Qingyan began to cry as soon as she spoke, and she opened her arms to hug Chu Qingge.

Chu Qingge took two steps forward and stood beside the bed.Chu Qingyan immediately threw herself into her arms, tears bursting into tears, "Sister."

Chu Qingge put her hand on her head, didn't dare to use force, touched it lightly and said, "Why are you crying?"

Chu Qingyan cried until her shoulders trembled. After a while, her voice became obviously hoarse: "Brother, brother, he, he..."

"It's okay, it'll be fine."

"Blame me, blame me." Chu Qingyan choked up and said, "Brother, he is protecting me, if he doesn't pick me up."

"I don't blame you." Chu Qingge said, "Someone deliberately designed it, and it has already been dealt with, and no one who should be dealt with will be let go."

Chu Qingyan cried for a long time, and when she finally calmed down, her eyelids disappeared from crying.

Chu Qingge wanted to get a tissue to wipe her tears, but when she turned around, Ye Tingjue handed over a box of tissues.Chu Qingge glanced at him, and took out two tissues to wipe Chu Qingyan's tears.

Ye Tingjue was flustered by her look.

Chu Qingge said: "I'm all crying ugly."

"Are you despising me?" Chu Qingyan looked up at her, letting her wipe her tears.

"How dare I?" Chu Qingge said, "If I make you cry again, I have to ask the doctor to give you a tranquilizer."

Chu Qingyan sniffed: "So ruthless."

Chu Qingge smiled: "Lie down."

"En." Chu Qingyan moved and was about to lie down when she suddenly saw the old man standing behind Chu Qingge.

She was too close to Chu Qingge just now, her sight was blocked, and she didn't see Mr. Chu at all.

And when they entered the door just now, she seemed to only see her sister.

"Grandpa, are you here too?" Chu Qingyan sat up straight in an instant.

The old man took two steps forward and said with a smile, "Finally saw grandpa? I thought you only had your sister in your eyes."

"Grandpa, sit down quickly." Chu Qingyan said, "I, I was too excited just now."

The old man sat on the chair beside the bed, looked at her and said, "How do you feel? Are you dizzy?"

"It's okay." Chu Qingyan paused, "Grandpa, I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry, it's not your fault, this matter has nothing to do with you." Old Master Chu said softly, "Yimo will be fine."

Chu Qingyan lowered her head and did not speak.

"Lie down, you will feel dizzy if you sit all the time," said Old Master Chu.

Mr. Chu stayed in the ward for a while, and then Chu Qingge accompanied him to see Chu Yimo.

Ye Hanzhi and Ye Tingjue did not go there together, the uncle and nephew went to smoke outside the hospital.

"Third Uncle, why didn't you find out at all?"

Ye Hanzhi glanced at him and ignored him.

"I said how I feel that Yimo is very happy during this time." Ye Tingjue said, "I thought he was in love."

"Does he have one?"

"Yeah." Ye Tingjue was more interested in Chu Yimo, after all, he was his future uncle, so he wanted to please him more or less.

And Ye Hanzhi never thought that there would be such a situation today.

"No wonder you two are rumored to be having an affair." Ye Hanzhi had already seen the news on the Internet on the way here.

Ye Tingjue: "."

"Third uncle, I have to thank you."

Ye Hanzhi was smoking a cigarette and didn't want to talk to him.

"With you facing my uncle and father-in-law first, my pressure will be much less." Ye Tingjue said desperately.

"Get out." Ye Hanzhi threw him a word without mercy.

He suddenly remembered what he said to Ye Tingjue.

You dare to marry the daughter of the Chu family.

Ye Hanzhi frowned.

Ye Tingjue didn't dare to speak anymore.

After Ye Hanzhi finished smoking one cigarette, he took another from Ye Tingjue's pocket and lit it up: "Tingjue, no matter what, I'm married. You should first think about how to make that little girl like you."

Head-on crit.

Ye Tingjue was so angry that he didn't want to come out, let alone talk.

He always felt that Chu Qingyan seemed to have been cut off from her marriage.

It's not that she doesn't care about him.According to his long-term observation, she doesn't care about dating.

She has never liked anyone, and she doesn't even want to talk about love.

"Third uncle, how did you chase my aunt?"

Ye Hanzhi ignored him.

"It stands to reason that a girl at Qingyan's age shouldn't have a certain place in her head for love and love?" Ye Tingjue didn't understand, "Why doesn't she have any ideas at all?"

"Do you think she is a late bloomer or a precocious one?"

"Has she lost sight of the world of mortals?"

Ye Tingjue seldom talked, but today he kept chattering, which made Ye Hanzhi tired of hearing it.

After Ye Hanzhi finished smoking, he turned his head and was about to leave: "You'd better be single. Let your parents count on Nan Cheng when it comes to taking care of your grandson."

After saying that, he left.

Ye Tingjue looked at his back and clicked his tongue lightly.

He should have asked how he chased people first.

If you make people anxious, don't care about him.


After Ye Hanzhi returned to the ward, he found that the little girl had been admitted to the hospital for Mr. Chu, and was in the ward next to Chu Qingyan.

"What's wrong?" Ye Hanzhi thought something happened after he left for a while.

"The blood pressure is too high." Chu Qingge said lightly.

"It has to be Missy." The housekeeper relaxed a lot, "Otherwise, the old man would not be willing to be hospitalized."

"Qingge, Qingge." The old man called her from the ward.

Ye Hanzhi and Chu Qingge entered the ward together.

"Qingge, I'm really fine." The old man said, "Just take some medicine. Let's go back. I'm not used to it here."

"Just get used to it." Chu Qingge said mercilessly, "Until the blood pressure drops and stabilizes, I won't be able to hear the word discharge."

Mr. Chu: "."

Ye Hanzhi lowered his head and smiled.

Old Master Chu looked at Ye Hanzhi, and said, "Hanzhi, I'm really fine. Come here and check my pulse. Is it okay? I don't need to be hospitalized."

Chu Qingge turned his head to look at Ye Hanzhi.

Ye Hanzhi felt that half of his body was covered with frost: "Grandpa, do you think I have the right to speak?"

Chu Qingge's eyelashes trembled slightly.

Mr. Chu: "."

After a while, Mr. Chu crawled to the hospital bed as if resigned to his fate, while muttering: "Stinky boy, you can change your words very quickly."

 don't wait.

  too late.

  Goodnight everybody
(End of this chapter)

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