Chapter 437 No Little Prince

Just after the grades came out, Chu Qingyan was going back to school in the afternoon.

She ate at the hospital, talked to Chu Qingge for a while, and was picked up by Ye Tingjue.

Only Chu Qingge and Chu Yimo were left in the ward.

Then, based on the principle of talking to Chu Yimo more, Chu Qingge turned on her mobile phone and found various electronic books that Jiang Nian had shared with her.

Then, she spent 10 minutes deciding to open the search software, and searched for a few bedtime stories for Chu Yimo to read.

What she and Jiang Nian said was to find some easy-to-understand leisure books for her.

Instead, I found a lot for her, all of which were novels.As soon as several books are opened, the opening chapter is the plot on the bed.

Can the level of description pass the review?

It was really open a few years ago.

I'm afraid I can't find it now, but at first glance, they are all Jiang Nian's collector's editions.

Chu Qingge found a few children's bedtime stories for Chu Yimo to read.

Her voice was originally cold, and there was no extra emotion in the story, it was cool and cool, and the tone was sluggish.

Don't forget to comment after reading it.

"If you lie to a child, just listen to it."

"That's how you lied to me when I was a kid? I'm so easy to fool without a kindergarten diploma."

"Although the ugly duckling is born a white swan, everyone can do it by working hard to become beautiful."

"Huh? Snow White was awakened by the prince's kiss? Why did the version I heard when I was a child say that Snow White's good deeds in her previous life touched the heavens, so the heavens gave her a chance to be reborn?"

Then Chu Qingge flipped through several versions, but she didn't see the ending she heard.

She looked at Chu Yimo who was lying down: "Tsk, shouldn't you explain it to me? Others had little princes when they were young, why did I do good deeds when I was young, I'm moved"

Chu Qingge suddenly choked back her words, she watched Chu Yimo's eyelids move, and then opened her eyes to look at her.

Chu Yimo was very weak, his eyelids were bleary, but he still looked at Chu Qingge, and gently pulled the corners of his mouth.

Chu Qingge stood up immediately, pressed the calling bell, then put a hand on his shoulder, and called him softly: "Brother."

Chu Yimo didn't have the strength to speak, so he could only blink his eyes to respond to her.

"Hold on for a while, don't sleep." Chu Qingge pinched his shoulder lightly, her eyes gradually turned red, "The doctor will be here soon."

The doctor came and checked it out.

When a person wakes up, he will recover from his injuries and recuperate properly, and the problem will not be a big problem.

It's just that Chu Yimo was too weak. After the doctor's examination, Chu Qingge said a few words to him, and when he called and told his parents, he fell asleep again.

So when he woke up again, what he saw was the people around the bed.

That battle almost sent him back to hell again.

"Grandpa, Mom and Dad." Chu Yimo called them weakly, because he hadn't spoken for a long time and his voice was hoarse.

And Xia Luoqing and Chu Qingyan cried immediately.

Mr. Chu and Chu Mingjin were unable to speak for a while.

Xia Luoqing held Chu Yimo's hand, crying so hard that she couldn't make a sound.

"Mom, Qingyan. I'm fine, don't cry." Chu Yimo comforted, "There are outsiders here, so don't let them laugh at you."

"Where is there an outsider?" Xia Luoqing choked up.

"The one surnamed Ye and the one surnamed He are both outsiders."

Ye Hanzhi, Ye Tingjue, He Yuzhe: "."

He Yuzhe snorted and said: "Okay. Brother, I will go up the mountain of swords and down the sea of ​​fire for you, pray for you all day long, worship Buddha and chant scriptures for you, and in the end I am an outsider."

He Yuzhe finished talking and said, "Okay, I'm more balanced than Hanzhi."

Ye Hanzhi: "."

Chu Yimo looked at Ye Hanzhi, and then slightly curled the corner of his lower lip.

After Chu Yimo woke up, he used all the medicine from the research institute, and his body recovered quickly.

In Chu Yimo's words, all the things he researched were used by him.

And the research institute just happened to be free, so Chu Qingge came to the hospital a lot.

"Brother, do you think you are biased?" Chu Qingyan peeled the apple with a fruit knife, and the whole apple was about to be peeled off, "I've been here for so many days and you haven't woken up. You wake up."

"Qingge asked me why she didn't have a little prince when she was a child. I think it is necessary to answer her." Chu Yimo leaned against the bed, looked at the apple in her hand and said, "Qingyan, why don't you cut it."

"It's okay, I will."

Chu Qingge sat on the other side, lowering her head and sending messages to someone.Hearing her talk, he looked up and said softly, "Brother means that he doesn't want to eat apple cores."

Chu Qingyan: "'s obviously more than that. It has a nucleus."

"Well, be careful with your hands." Chu Qingge said.

Chu Yimo looked at the two of them and smiled softly.

"So... why don't I have a little prince?" Chu Qingge asked casually.

"Am I not a little prince?" Chu Yimo said, "You are little princesses."

Chu Qingge pursed her lips.

Chu Qingge was speechless.

Chu Qingge didn't want to talk.

Seeing her appearance, Chu Qingyan laughed out loud.

Chu Yimo also smiled, and then asked, "Qingyan, what major do you want to choose?"


Neither Chu Yimo nor Chu Qingge thought that she would choose this major, and they were a little surprised.

Then Chu Yimo asked, "Because of grandpa?"

Chu Qingyan was silent for a while, then shook her head: "It can only be said that it is somewhat influenced by grandpa. But it is more because of my own thinking."

"Why?" Chu Qingge looked at her and asked.

"Something happened at the class reunion yesterday." Seeing the sudden serious expressions of the two of them, Chu Qingyan immediately said, "Don't worry, I'm fine. It's a previous thing. I found out last night that they were covering each other up and didn't deal with it at all. .”

Chu Yimo and Chu Qingge didn't speak.

"I thought about it for a long time last night." The fruit knife in Chu Qingyan's hand pierced the apple one after another, "I don't seem to be able to do anything. The only thing I can do is to get to that position by myself and try to avoid some of these things. matter.."

Chu Qingge raised her eyebrows listening to what she said.

Chu Yimo was silent for a while, then said softly, "Do you know what you will pay?"

Chu Qingyan thought for a while and said, "I seem to know."

After going this way, the Chu family would not be able to protect her like they are now.

In a sense... she can't rely too much on the Chu family.

When Mr. Chu was in power, to what extent did he put the word Qingyu on him.

"I don't know if I can do well." Chu Qingyan said.

"Yes." Chu Qingge said with downcast eyes.

Chu Yimo also said: "Our Qingyan has really grown up."

Chu Qingge and Chu Qingyan accompanied Chu Yimo from afternoon to evening, had dinner together in the hospital, and they left together.

On the way back, Chu Qingge gave Zhao Lanchuan's cell phone number to Chu Qingyan: "The police station's surname is Zhao, if you need something, please call him. Just say it's my sister."

"it is good."

"Sister, are you going home tonight?"

Chu Qingge suddenly remembered Ye Hanzhi's pitiful appearance before he came today: "Come back tomorrow night."

"Okay." Chu Qingyan was silent for a while and then said, "Sister, do you think brother Tingjue has taken a fancy to me? Why does he chat with me every day?"

Chu Qingge: ". If so? What are you going to do?"

"Of course, stay far away." Chu Qingyan said, "He is scary. He is rigid and serious. I am very afraid of him."

Chu Qingge smiled.How Ye Tingjue chased people left such an impression on people.

 Today is also a chapter.

  It might be a bit busy these days.

  The update may be unstable tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

  Everyone can save and watch again.

  I write when I have time.

  Sorry everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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