The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 449 The real cause of death

Chapter 449 The real cause of death
At seven o'clock, Chu Qingge's biological clock woke up.

She opened her heavy eyelids, and when she raised her head slightly, she saw Ye Hanzhi's Adam's apple.

She stared at it for a while, and her eyelids kept drooping.

After failing to open her eyes for an unknown number of times, Chu Qingge stretched her legs and kicked Ye Hanzhi off the bed.

But because Ye Hanzhi slept with her in his arms, the quilt was still covered by the two of them.

After Ye Hanzhi fell, Chu Qingge was also taken down.

It's just that Ye Hanzhi fell on the ground, and Chu Qingge fell on him.

Ye Hanzhi just woke up, his sleepy eyes were full of surprise, especially when he was hit by Chu Qingge.

He took a deep breath, put his hands on Chu Qingge's waist, looked at her, and said with a smile, "What are you doing? Murder your husband?"

Chu Qingge glanced at him, ignored him, pulled his hand away and walked to the bathroom.

Ye Hanzhi also knew that he had gone too far last night, so he didn't have any temper, so he got up and followed her to the bathroom.

But Chu Qingge locked him outside the bathroom.

Ye Hanzhi twisted the doorknob twice and said, "Little girl, I'll ask you for leave, go to sleep for a while."

No one cares about him.

Ye Hanzhi twisted the door handle twice more.

Then there were a few more water marks on the frosted glass.Chu Qingge's cold voice came from inside: "Shut up."

After Ye Hanzhi became quiet, Chu Qingge brushed his teeth while looking at the news on his phone.

Only then did I realize that I cheated on a big name and became a hot search again.

What the whistleblower said was so true, she believed it herself.

But what attracts her more than this is that many stars who have filmed together are clarifying for her.

On this cusp, if one thing is true, she will be ruined and banned.

She didn't expect so many people to speak up for her.

Duan Nian and Wei Xingmian were the first to start.And the directors of those two plays.

After that, there are those boys who recorded variety shows together.

Later, many people who filmed those two dramas together also clarified for her.

They didn't mention anything else, they just uttered rumors about her playing big names on the set.

Only Duan Nian was more ruthless, not only talking about her playing big names, but also about her cheating.

[She hit someone?Who did you hit?hit you?I hit you when you went to urge the play.There are only a few staff members who urge the play, I know them all, which one are you?The urging people rushed to the assistants of the actors. May I ask how Jiuxi hit you? Did she hit you with an enlarged plantain fan?I have put down the crew list of the two dramas and one movie, come and tell me, which one are you? ]
Duan Nian deliberately hit the whistleblower.

After posting this, Duan Nian followed up with another post.

[What do you think about the rumor that she cheated?What is the structure of your brain?Jiuxi will cheat.Ye Sanye's monster can make Jiuxi cheat.Let's put it this way, Jiuxi is good in everything, but he is lustful.And Ye Sanye grew up on her aesthetic point, so she was just like him alone. ]
Chu Qingge looked at his Weibo, and then clicked into the comment area.

[I rely on this to be the most serious murder of Jiuxi Dashen Fengping in so many days.Hahahahahaha, lecherous.Will I still be able to see the old movies in the future? ]
[Master Ye is a monster.Duan, you are so brave. ]
[Although idol behavior, please do not raise fans.All the statements made by idols are his personal remarks and have nothing to do with fans. ]
[Upstairs is really too much.With the title of a fan for five years, you said such things.I couldn't find Ye Hanzhi's personal Weibo, so I helped Duan Nian'ite check out Ye's group. ]
[Duan Duan flies bravely, and bears the accident by himself. ]
[U1S1, Ye Hanzhi has also grown in my aesthetic point of view, he really looks like a fairy.Monster and masculinity go hand in hand, who wouldn't love it? ]
[Let's just say, who can be dissatisfied with someone like Ye Hanzhi? ]
Chu Qingge put the phone aside, rinsed her mouth, and washed her face.

After washing up, she went out with her mobile phone, and swiped her mobile phone again while opening the door.

Suddenly, an entry of [Tang Xueche's real cause of death] became the fifth most searched item.

She stopped at the door of the bathroom and clicked on the trending search.

Inside is a video.

The woman in the video looks to be in her 80s or [-]s, with gray hair, sitting on a hospital bed with a haggard face.

"Hi everyone, my name is Fang Zhilan. I was the former nanny of the Song family. It was Tang Xueche who took care of her when she was in the Song family. Recently, I saw a lot of news on the Internet."

Fang Zhilan struggled to speak, and had to pause and pant for a while after speaking: "I don't know much about the marriage between Mr. Song Zhengde and Tang Xueche, and I don't know who cheated. I just know that Tang Xueche liked Mr. Song very much back then."

"Nearly a year before Miss Tang became pregnant, Mr. Song didn't come home very often. Miss Tang was always waiting for him to come home."

After Fang Zhilan finished speaking, she paused for a while before saying: "I'm not in good health, and I can't sit for too long. I won't say anything unnecessary. The main reason why I made the video today is because I made something that made me feel guilty for more than 20 years. matter."

"Tang Xueche, Ms. Tang didn't commit suicide at all. At that time, she had already moved out of the Song family with her newborn child. And I put a lot of crushed sleeping pills in her food that day under the guise of visiting her. "

Chu Qingge's hand holding the phone lightly tightened, just as Ye Hanzhi came back from washing up next door.

"What are you looking at?" Ye Hanzhi stood beside her, looking at her phone.

Fang Zhilan's voice appeared weakly again: "The medicine was given to me by the old man of the Song family. She asked me to take the medicine. He also said that he asked me to poison that child as well, and then pretended that Tang Xueche was depressed and committed suicide and wanted to kill him." The child. But the child is so young, I can't do it."

"Later, the old man sent me abroad. I suspect that he bought someone to assassinate me, but I have no evidence." Fang Zhilan touched the scar on the left side of her neck that was at least four centimeters long, "God has mercy, I picked up a scar I have lived in anonymity abroad for these years.”

Fang Zhilan wiped away tears: "I have kept this matter in my heart for more than 20 years. I have been guilty, and I dare not say it, because I was the one who poisoned me, and I don't want to go to jail. But now my life It's coming to an end, and I don't have any worries. Before I die, I must tell this matter. I have already called the police. If I can return to China with my life, I will surrender myself."

Fang Zhilan took out a cassette: "Here is the recording when the old man of the Song family found me. Although the sound quality is not good, I heard that the current technology can identify whether it is that person's voice. You don't have to worry too much about it." I thoughtfully asked someone to take this recording away. When this video of mine was released, the recording had already reached the domestic police station.”

After the video was played, Chu Qingge was silent for two seconds, called Luo Nanchen, and said softly: "Now even the gods can't save the Song family."

When Luo Nanchen connected, Chu Qingge said, "Did the police station go to Song's house?"

"Go." Luo Nanchen said, "I also arranged for the media. As long as the Song family is taken away, it will be on the trending searches immediately. Xiaojiu, have you watched the video posted by the aunt on the Internet? This time it will be you If you want to be merciful, you can't do it. Mr. Song involves human life."

"Give me mercy?" Chu Qingge squeezed her fingertips.

These four words have nothing to do with her in the future.

She gave the Song family enough opportunities, but they didn't want
 Is it true that some children have never seen tapes.

  that tape.

  Put it in the tape recorder, and press a certain key, it can clear the songs in the original tape, and then press that key again, you can record.

  I don't remember much either.

  When I was in the third grade, seventeen or eighteen years ago, I used it to record English listening comprehension.


(End of this chapter)

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