Chapter 463 Conversation
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Ye Hanzhi and Chu Mingjin sat opposite each other.

Both of them were silent for a while before Chu Mingjin said, "Do you know what I want from you?"

"I can think of a little." Ye Hanzhi said truthfully.

Chu Mingjin was silent for a while, and then said: "Ye Hanzhi, I really admire you."

Ye Hanzhi stroked his fingertips, waiting for his "but".

"But appreciation is appreciation. I have never thought of marrying my daughter to you like my father did." Chu Mingjin said, "You have too many thoughts, too complicated. And you are cruel enough. To be honest, I don't trust you .”

Ye Hanzhi didn't speak.

Chu Mingjin didn't need him to talk: "Of course. My understanding of you is relatively one-sided. Because we don't spend much time together. In the past, we would meet once a year on Qingge's birthday. So... I It takes time to get to know you."

"I understand." Ye Han said.

"However... I'm still willing to believe in Qingge's vision." Chu Mingjin said, "I always take her home, it's true that my selfishness is more serious. Sometimes I even deliberately don't think that she is married This matter. It's not that I love her to the point where I want to control her, I just can't accept the fact that she got married as soon as she came back. "

Ye Hanzhi couldn't fully empathize with a father's love for his daughter.

But he thought of how cute and smart Chu Qingge was when he was a child.

In fact, I didn't think it was too cute before.It's just that she was so clingy back then that he had to hug her.

But now thinking of the time when she was a little girl, Ye Hanzhi felt that she was really cute before.

So. He can understand the Chu family's reluctance to marry their daughter.

Anyone would be reluctant.

"Ye Hanzhi, Qingge, have you really thought about her physical problems?" Chu Mingjin talked a lot, and finally talked about the main thing today.

"Yeah." Ye Hanzhi responded, "Uncle Chu, no matter how much I tell you, it's not as good as how much I will do in the future. Time will prove the little girl's vision."

Chu Mingjin looked at him and smiled: "A person's life is too long. As people grow older, people's desires and needs will continue to change. You don't like children now, and you don't care if you have them, but maybe you will in the future." Don't think so."

Ye Hanzhi remained silent.But he is very magnanimous, and in this magnanimity, there is his persistent feeling for Chu Qingge.

Chu Yimo looked at him and said: "No one can say for sure what will happen in the future. So... we don't talk about the future, but only the present. We only talk about the present with countless futures. Whatever you sow, you will get what you want."

Ye Hanzhi listened to him.

"I know you like Qingge very much now. What we all want to see in the future is that you will always love each other." Chu Mingjin said, "But there may be unsatisfactory futures. If... there is a day, we all Be decent. If Luoqing and I are still alive, come and tell us that we will take our daughter home. If we are gone, tell Yimo that Yimo will take her home."

Ye Hanzhi frowned slightly.

Chu Mingjin continued: "But if you dare to use this matter to hurt her. I won't think about whether I take it for granted or feel guilty. I will kill you."

Ye Hanzhi looked at him, listened to his words, and said in silence for a while: "Uncle Chu, although none of us know what will happen in the future. But don't we all work hard towards the future we want? ?"

Chu Mingjin looked at him.

"What I want in the future is to be with the little girl for the rest of my life." Ye Hanzhi said, "You also said that what you plant will reap the fruit. The fruit I want is the fruit of always having the little girl in the future. So. All the reasons are only for her."

Chu Mingjin was still looking at him.

"What I said is just a promise." Ye Hanzhi said, "I will put this promise into action. I will use my whole life to verify it."

Chu Mingjin looked at him for a long time, then curled his lips.

Just talking about Ye Hanzhi, he really admired him.

Especially his approach to Chu Qingge's matter, as a man, Chu Mingjin really admires him.

This incident even changed his understanding of Ye Hanzhi directly.

But as a father, he was afraid that his daughter would be wronged at her husband's family because of this incident, or that Chu Qingge felt ashamed of Ye Hanzhi.

So he had to come here today to support his daughter.

He can't let anyone bully his daughter about it.

If this matter in the marriage is really a hurdle, the two can separate peacefully, but they cannot bully his daughter.

"Okay." Chu Mingjin said, "Remember what you said today."


When Ye Hanzhi returned to the research institute, both Chu Qingge and Chu Yimo were sitting on the steps at the entrance of his laboratory building.

The two brothers and sisters looked up at him when they heard the footsteps.

For a moment, Ye Hanzhi felt that the two were a bit alike.

"Why are you here?" Ye Hanzhi approached and pulled Chu Qingge up.

Chu Qingge said nonsense seriously: "Passing by."

Ye Hanzhi smiled: "You want to see if I'm still healthy?"

"You can think so." Seeing that he was fine, Chu Qingge said, "I'm going back to the laboratory."

Ye Hanzhi held her back: "You've been waiting for me here, don't you want to comfort me?"

"Do you need comfort?" Chu Qingge looked into his eyes and asked.

Having been seen through, Ye Hanzhi still said cheekily: "Need."

Chu Yimo rolled his eyes while sitting on the steps: "."

Chu Qingge looked at him for a while, then pulled Ye Hanzhi by the collar and turned in a different direction, and she also walked down a step.It happened that Ye Hanzhi blocked Chu Yimo's sight.Then she kissed Ye Hanzhi on the lips.

After kissing, he turned around and left, leaving Ye Hanzhi behind.

She looks like a scumbag who puts on her clothes and refuses to recognize her flirtatiousness last night.

Ye Hanzhi looked at her back and smiled for a moment.

Chu Yimo, who was blocked from seeing and could only see Ye Hanzhi's back, but also guessed what the two of them were doing, clicked his tongue lightly.

"Any opinion?" Ye Hanzhi turned to look at him.

"Can you be a little self-conscious. That's my sister, don't you try to please me?" Chu Yimo said.

"Does it count?" Ye Hanzhi said, "You can't be her master even if the little girl is three years old."

Chu Yimo: "."

"Did the little girl tell you something?" Ye Hanzhi asked.

"Yes." Chu Yimo stretched his legs, "Less our hindrance to you."

"Did it decrease?" Ye Han asked.

"No." Chu Yimo said.

"It just so happens that I don't need it either." Ye Hanzhi said, "You'd better make things difficult for me, so that the little girl will love me more and treat me better."

"Do you want to be ashamed?"

Ye Hanzhi raised his eyebrows and ignored him.

Chu Yimo was also quiet for a while, and said in a low voice, "Tell me why Qingge has suffered so much."

Ye Hanzhi's eyelashes trembled slightly, and he said in a moment: "It won't happen in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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