The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 484: It's Always You

Chapter 484 It's always been you
Chen Zheng's laughter kept ringing in his ears like a loud and harsh noise.

Chu Qingge couldn't take it anymore, got up, and kicked him.

Chen Zheng immediately lost his voice, and rolled around on the ground, lying on the ground a bit unable to recover.

Ye Hanzhi shook Chu Qingge's hand: "Take a break first."

Chu Qingge took a step back, and Ye Hanzhi squatted on the ground.

Chen Zheng turned his eyes to look at Ye Hanzhi, looked at him for a while, closed his eyes again, and murmured: "Height is 1.9 meters, with a thin waist and long legs. Fair complexion and good-looking temperament. Unique temperament. The family has Jinshan, and I have Career. She has a nice voice and can sing Peking Opera.”

Although his voice was not loud, Ye Hanzhi could still hear him clearly.He raised his eyebrows a little suspiciously.

"Ye Hanzhi, is this you?" Chen Zheng asked with his eyes closed.

"The conditions are quite satisfactory, what's the matter?" Ye Hanzhi's voice slowed down on purpose.

"Two years ago, Tang Zhixi told me about the criteria for choosing a mate." Chen Zheng suddenly coughed twice, "It turns out that it has always been, always, you."

Ye Hanzhi blinked his eyelashes slightly.

They were together in the spring of a year ago.

two years ago.
Ye Hanzhi suddenly turned his head to look at Chu Qingge.

Chu Qingge lowered her eyes and met his gaze, watching the smudged smile in his eyes.She paused, then turned and left.

"Little girl."

Chu Qingge couldn't hear, and walked faster.

Ye Hanzhi looked at her back and smiled softly.

Chu Qingge went to see them ransack the house, searched for the Parker family, and took the members of the Parker family out one by one.

As soon as she arrived at the entrance of the living room, she saw Song Anrou being helped out of the courtyard.

Song Anrou was supported by someone, so walking was not a big problem.

After a while, it slowed down a bit.

The wound was also treated briefly.

She was cut with splinters in many places, and her clothes were stained red with blood.

But now she has changed into clean clothes, and her broken arm has been treated, wrapped in gauze and hung around her neck.

I also applied some medicine to the wound on my face.

It's just that the wound on the face was too deep and too long, and the medicine only stopped the bleeding.

Now it is very swollen, half of the face is swollen, and the nose, mouth, and eyes are all crooked.The other half of the face is a little better, but it is also obvious that there is a red handprint and a split corner of the mouth.

Song Anrou was supported by someone, and she walked limply with her head tilted.But when he saw Chu Qingge suddenly, his neck straightened instantly.

The whole face was so unrecognizable that it was distorted, and the vicious and hateful eyes were about to overflow.

"Tang Zhixi!" Song Anrou's voice was hoarse and vague.

Because of the pain in her face and the corner of her mouth, she couldn't speak clearly.

Chu Qingge and the Yindian at her feet stopped.

Song Anrou struggled to walk to Chu Qingge's side, but was held down by the shoulder again: "Tang Zhixi! You will die! You will die! I curse you that everything goes wrong for the rest of your life! It's not what you want!"

Listening to her scolding, Chu Qingge slowly walked in front of her.

The person supporting her was from the Hundred Ghosts Pavilion. Seeing her approaching, he lowered his head slightly.

"Tang Zhixi! You will go to hell! All your crimes will be punished by those around you. Your mother and grandma will end up, they are all sluts! Damn it! You are all going to die. Ugh!!!!"

Chu Qingge's hand covered her mouth, just where the tiger's mouth was holding her mouth, and her thumb pressed the wound on her face.

Not only did she press on it, she even pressed the nail of her thumb against the wound that had stopped bleeding.

Song Anrou's mouth was covered and she couldn't speak, she just uttered a few syllables.

The whole body was twitching in pain.

Sweat broke out instantly on his forehead.

"Song Anrou, I don't know if there is any retribution for me." Chu Qingge said softly, "But this is your retribution. Do you dare to recall what you have done?"

Song Anrou looked at her.

Chu Qingge said: "Mo Changhuan went in because of your instigation. Yang Qing took the blame for you. Your cousin's family was also pushed by you. And together with Meng Lanyi, he framed Tang Zhixi. Is there still life? How old was it at that time? Let your uncle help to deal with it."

Chu Yimo happened to come to look for her, and when he got here, he saw this scene.

Chu Qingge was ruthless, decisive, tough, cold-blooded, and even a little crazy.

These were all things he had never seen before.

There is a huge contrast with the naughty and cute sister in his memory.

Chu Qingge pressed her wound hard again, and Song Anrou rolled her eyes in pain: "Every time someone protects you from disasters, what about this time? Who else do you want to replace you? Who else can replace you? You are the disaster Star, whoever meets you will be unlucky."

Song Anrou couldn't stand at all, she had to rely on the people on the side to support her.

"This wound will slowly pus and rot." Chu Qingge looked at her wound and said, "The rotten area will also slowly expand. To your mouth, your nose, eyes. You will see yourself Bones of rotting flesh hanging from the face. Fun, isn't it?"

Song Anrou suddenly struggled.

Like a fish in a frying pan, it jumped up and down, but quickly wilted.

Seeing her like this, Chu Qingge let go of her, shook off the blood on her hand, and let the people around her take her down.

Chu Qingge didn't look at Song Anrou again, but lowered her head and wiped the blood on her hands with the gauze she was wearing.

Until Chu Yimo came over and handed her a pack of wet wipes.

She took it, relaxed her movements, and wiped the blood from her hands.

"elder brother."


"See?" Chu Qingge said.

Chu Yimo knew what she was talking about just now, so he said, "Yes."

After he finished answering, both of them were silent for a while.

After a while, Chu Qingge looked at him.The determination in his eyes has not dissipated, and there is still a feeling of smashing and tearing up the peaceful situation in the past, and said softly: "I may not be able to return to the way I was before."

Chu Yimo looked at her appearance without any emotional fluctuations, paused and said: "But you will always be the most beloved granddaughter of grandpa, the beloved daughter of parents, the beloved sister of brother, and the best sister of Qingyan. .”

Chu Qingge listened to his words, the emotions in his eyes dissipated little by little, and after a while, he raised the corners of his mouth: "Aren't I your best sister?"

Seeing that she finally smiled, Chu Yimo followed her and smiled: "You are all my best sisters."

"Young Master Chu is a Duan Shui master." Chu Qingge leaned against the back wall.

"Fortunately, I'm trying to keep my balance." After Chu Yimo finished speaking, he looked at Yin Dian who was lying at her feet and said, "Why does it listen to you so much?"

"Don't you have an answer in your heart?" Chu Qingge asked back.

Chu Yimo looked at her, as if her whole body had been frozen in place by a freeze technique.

Guessing is one thing, guessing right is another.

Yin Dian followed her like this, he really became suspicious.

Moreover, she has a high force value, and she cooperates well with Xianyue Huiyue.

One look and you know what to do next.

The most important thing is after Ye Han came to Shanhaizhou last time.There was no follow-up to the matter of chasing and killing Shuo Yue.

His younger sister is Shuo Yue.

The first of the four major assassins under Hui Yao.

Sentenced to be hunted down
(End of this chapter)

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