Chapter 486 Returning to Huiyao

Chu Qingge didn't say much along the way, and when they arrived at Huiyao, Ye Tingjue and Chu Qingyan were waiting for them outside.

The news was given to them on the way back.

But Chu Qingyan still insisted on waiting for them outside.

Seeing Chu Qingge get off the car, he immediately ran over to hug her.But Chu Qingge pressed his shoulder with one hand: "Don't hug me, I'm dirty, I'm fine."

Chu Qingyan took a look at her and saw that there was nothing wrong, so she stood beside her.

"It's so hot outside, why didn't you wait inside." Chu Qingge said.

"You sweat even more inside." Chu Qingyan said in a low voice.

"Brother stay over there to finish, come back later." Chu Qingge said.

Chu Qingyan nodded.

A group of people chatted while walking towards the living room.

After arriving in the living room, Chu Qingge didn't sit down: "I'm going to catch up on sleep."

Chu Qingyan said: "Do you want to eat something first?"

"Eat after waking up." Chu Qingge looked at Ye Hanzhi, "Go take a bath, and come down to eat after taking a bath."

"it is good."

Ye Hanzhi went upstairs with her.

Chu Qingge took a bath in the bedroom.

Ye Hanzhi went to the next room.When he came back from the shower, Chu Qingge had already washed.Sitting on the edge of the bed, he was brushing his hair mechanically.

Ye Hanzhi walked up to her with a hair dryer in his hand.

Chu Qingge kept her eyes down, and after seeing Ye Hanzhi's legs, she looked up at him.

The steam from the shower made his eyes even redder.

"When I first went to the next door, Chu Qingyan asked Ting Jue to bring me something." Ye Hanzhi plugged in the hair dryer.

Chu Qingge didn't make a sound, waiting for him to continue.

"She said. If I lose contact again, she will find someone to kill me." Ye Hanzhi said slowly.

Chu Qingge raised the corner of her mouth: "Before killing you, I have to find you."

"So. I didn't know the quality of this sentence for a while." After Ye Hanzhi finished speaking, he turned on the hair dryer and wanted to blow dry her hair.

But Chu Qingge held his hand again and turned off the hair dryer.

"What's wrong?" Ye Hanzhi asked.

Chu Qingge didn't speak, just hugged his waist and put her head on him.

Ye Hanzhi put the hair dryer aside, hugged her, and stroked her head: "My little girl is worried."

Chu Qingge didn't speak, but hugged him a little harder.

"Little girl, don't worry about me." Ye Hanzhi said warmly, "I know you are waiting for me, I will come back safely."

"Ye Hanzhi"

"Well, I'm here."

Chu Qingge was silent for a while before saying: "The person who intercepted you should have a device that shields and interferes with the signal. I can't locate you."

"En." Ye Hanzhi responded.

"I wanted to find you, but Yunji was attacked again."

"I know. Yuzhe told me." Ye Hanzhi touched her head, feeling that she was uncomfortable, but tried to divert his emotions, so he kept talking to calm his emotions, "It's hard work." Madame."

"How do you know that person is Qianye?" Chu Qingge talked off topic.

"Her figure is very similar to what I saw in Chiya Village." Ye Hanzhi said, "I also heard someone call her Lord Qianye."

"'s Jing Yanbai again." Chu Qingge whispered.

Ye Hanzhi touched her earlobe: "So this trip was not in vain. We not only solved Song Anrou and Chen Zheng, but also Qianye, didn't we? An unexpected harvest."

Chu Qingge rubbed her eyes in his arms, and responded after a while.

Then she was quiet for a while, and said, "Ye Hanzhi, don't lose contact in the future, okay?"

Ye Hanzhi looked down at the top of her hair.Although the little girl didn't have any emotional fluctuations, she was calm and calm, but he could clearly feel her fear."Okay," he promised.

The air conditioner was turned on in the room, and Chu Qingge's hair was dried again.

Dries a little fast.

The two hugged in the room for a while, and Chu Qingge asked Ye Han to go downstairs for dinner.

Ye Hanzhi also took her down.

The two ate something together.

After eating and going upstairs, Chu Qingge rubbed some medicine on Ye Hanzhi's wound.

They were minor injuries, fighting or scratching in the woods.There are some slightly broken skin and some bruises.

By the time the medicine was applied, her hair was already dry.

So the two fell asleep directly.

The two slept directly from the morning until more than nine o'clock in the evening.

Chu Qingge kept touching the scar on Ye Hanzhi's ribs, as if she could only feel at ease when she touched him.

After nine o'clock, Ye Han went downstairs and brought the dinner upstairs.

After Chu Qingge finished eating, he strolled to see Yindian.

She stayed with Yindian for more than an hour, and if Ye Hanzhi hadn't gone looking for her, she still had no plans to go back.

After returning to the room, he and Nan Cheng sent back messages and fell asleep again.

This feeling went straight to the next day.

When she woke up, Chu Yimo and the others had all returned, and Gu Xia had followed her here.

The combination lock of the Park family secret room was opened.

Chu Yimo personally led people into the secret room.

Only bloodstains were found in the secret room, and no one else was found.

And following the blood, another code was cracked inside, and then followed the secret room to the sewer.

The sewer runs north and south.

People were sent in both directions.

People on the ground were also sent to investigate, but no one was found.

There was a very shallow layer of sewage in the sewer, and it was smelly and dark inside. They turned on the lights and found no blood at all.The blood-stained area may also have been treated.

Moreover, there are too many passages above, and there are also many sewer wells in remote places.

The location of the Platinum family is already remote, and the surrounding area is even worse.

This secret room was originally used to escape, so the arrangement above the sewer was also very appropriate.Where there are manhole covers, either there is no monitoring, or the monitoring is fake.

For the time being, it has not been found out where they left and where they went.

When Chu Qingge went downstairs, Chu Yimo was taking a bath upstairs.

Then Chu Qingyan complained to Chu Qingge: "Sister, brother is now a smelly brother."

"So that's why you look disgusted?"

"No." Chu Qingyan pointed at Gu Xia and said, "He! He called my sister when he came in. And his hair is colorful!"

"The colorful ones are so pretty." Gu Xia slumped on the single sofa in a very awkward manner, and stroked her hair, "Isn't it good? Sister, isn't it good-looking?"

Chu Qingyan folded her arms and looked at Gu Xia.

Gu Xia bent her peach blossom eyes and waited for Chu Qingge to respond.

Chu Qingge saw his colorful hair yesterday, but she wasn't in the mood to appreciate it yesterday, but today...she couldn't appreciate it.

"Won't the yellow shirt hit you?"

As soon as the yellow shirt was mentioned, Gu Xia suddenly sat up straight, and the expression on his face froze: "Sister, you, how do you know?"

Chu Qingyan immediately stretched out her ears to listen to the gossip.

Although she didn't know Huang Shan, it didn't affect her gossip.

Chu Qingge raised his eyebrows, but did not speak.

"Yes, she did it first." Gu Xia suddenly acted like a primary school student complaining, "She kissed me first and slept well. The hickey on my neck was done by her!"

(End of this chapter)

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