The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 488 Intervening in Your Feelings

Chapter 488 Intervening in Your Feelings

After dinner, Chu Qingge went to see the Silver Palace again.

Ye Hanzhi and Ye Tingjue explained some things, but when they turned around, they couldn't find her.

Only after asking Li Huo did she find out that she went to find Yindian.

When he looked for it, Chu Qingge was sitting cross-legged on the ground holding Yindian in a daze.

Chu Qingge heard his footsteps and did not move, but Yindian looked up at him vigilantly.

Ye Hanzhi deciphered the unfriendly meaning from Yin Dian's eyes.But he just looked at him and didn't make any aggressive moves.

Anyway, during the years that this wolf had been in Huiyao, he was used to his attitude towards him.

Ye Hanzhi ignored its gaze, walked behind Chu Qingge and patted her head: "What are you thinking? The ground is cold."

Chu Qingge's eyelashes trembled slightly: "It's not cold."

When she couldn't get up, Ye Hanzhi squatted down, turned Yin Dian's head to one side, and kissed Chu Qingge's side face: "What are you thinking?"

"I was thinking about how to persuade you to let me sleep with Yindian tonight." Chu Qingge looked at him and said softly.

"Impossible." Ye Hanzhi resolutely refused, "I can't convince you no matter what."

"Stingy." Chu Qingge said, "It's just a wolf."

"But he's a male." Ye Hanzhi held her chin, squeezed her face, and said harshly, "It's too generous for me to let you hold it."

After Ye Hanzhi finished speaking, he stood up and pulled her up directly: "Let's go, go back."

Yindian suddenly stood on the ground, did not stand firmly, and staggered.

Then he looked at Ye Hanzhi even more fiercely.

Ye Hanzhi glared at it, took Chu Qingge's hand and left.

After walking more than ten meters, he slowed down.

"Third Uncle."

"To shut up."

Chu Qingge laughed.

Ye Hanzhi squeezed her hand lightly: "Still laughing."

Chu Qingge poked his side waist with the other hand: "Are all 30-year-old men like this?"

Ye Hanzhi suddenly stopped in place, let go of her hand, and looked at her sideways.

He felt that the little girl was very polite and didn't add the word "old" in front of the man.

Chu Qingge looked at Ye Hanzhi.

The warm yellow street lamp came down from behind him, a little bright and a little shadowy.

The evil in his eyes seemed to merge with the night, revealing an unknown danger.

"little girl"

Chu Qingge raised his eyebrows, waiting for the next sentence.

But after waiting for a while, Ye Hanzhi suddenly picked her up and made her sit on the fence beside her.

He stood between her legs, held her waist, and looked up at her slightly: "little girl, what's the relationship between us?"

Chu Qingge looked down at him, thought for a while and said, "Uncle"

Before the word "nephew" was spoken, Ye Hanzhi immediately interrupted her: "They are husband and wife."

"Oh." Chu Qingge said lightly.

Ye Hanzhi put his other hand on the back of her neck, pressed her down a little, kissed her lips, then let go of her and said, "So don't pretend to be in front of me. If you are unhappy, you can tell me , you can talk to me if you have anything to say."

He knew that there were two types of skin for a little girl, one was pure skin.

The other is to divert one's emotions, fearing that one's emotions will affect the emotions of those around him, so the mouth will be particularly poisonous and irritating.

Chu Qingge looked at him, and said after a while: "I just said it."

Ye Hanzhi immediately said: "I didn't discuss the matter of sleeping with Yindian in my arms, don't talk about it."

Chu Qingge: "."

"Everyone's pursuits are different, and their beliefs are also different." Ye Hanzhi held her hand and said, "Everyone will have their own choices, and we can't change other people's choices. For him, that is His life, we can only accept his choice."

After listening to him, Chu Qingge was silent for a while and said, "I don't want to doubt him."

"Little girl, it's like I said." Ye Hanzhi said, "Actually, each of us has suspicions. You don't have to feel guilty about suspecting someone."

Chu Qingge didn't speak.

"Don't always burden yourself so much."

Chu Qingge was silent for a while, and then responded in a moment.

Chu Qingge went to bed late at night, so she woke up a little late the next day.

After washing up, she went downstairs, and saw Ye Tingjue and Chu Qingyan playing backgammon in the living room.

She watched Chu Qingyan regret the game, but Ye Tingjue pretended not to see it.

"Sister, are you awake?"

"Hmm." Chu Qingge looked around the living room and asked. "What about the rest?"

"Some are on missions, and some are going to practice in the martial arts field." Chu Qingyan took away Ye Tingjue's chess piece and replaced it with one of her own. After winning, she stood up and said, "Third Uncle and Brother seem to be going to a meeting. It's time for the room. Sister, there is porridge in the kitchen, which is very delicious."

Chu Qingyan followed Chu Qingge to the restaurant.I ate another half a bowl with her.

After eating, Chu Qingge played with Chu Qingyan for a while, and then went to find Ye Hanzhi and the others.

She reached the door of the conference room, knocked twice, and opened the door directly.

Then she saw Ye Hanzhi and Chu Yimo who were "embracing" each other.

Ye Hanzhi pressed Chu Yimo's hand on Chu Yimo's chest, and Chu Yimo grabbed Ye Hanzhi's shirt with his other hand.Ye Hanzhi's other hand grabbed his wrist that was holding his shirt.

The two are very close.

And the conference room is a mess.

The chairs fell over and over, and the conference table was crooked.Several paintings on the wall also fell to the floor.

It must have been playing for a while.

The two of them didn't seem to be hurt very much, and they didn't use all their strength, but this conference room was a bit miserable.

When they heard the sound of the door opening, they both looked towards the door, and then stared at Chu Qingge in this posture, stunned for a moment.

Chu Qingge paused for a few seconds, took a step back, and said while preparing to close the door: "Excuse me, you continue."

Ye Hanzhi and Chu Yimo looked at the door that was about to be closed, they pushed each other tacitly, and then walked towards the door.

"Little girl."

"Sing lightly."

The two opened the closed door again, and pulled Chu Qingge, who was still outside the door, into the conference room.

The door was closed again.

The three of them stood in the door and fell into an eerie silence.

After a while, Chu Qingge was the first to speak, and said softly: "It's my fault that meddled in your feelings."

Chu Yimo: "."

Ye Hanzhi flicked her forehead lightly: "Nonsense again."

Chu Qingge raised his eyebrows, walked into the conference room, lifted the chair up and sat down, looked at the two of them and said, "Are you done? Do you need me to adjust it?"

"How do you want to adjust it?" Ye Hanzhi asked with interest.

"You guys fight again."

Chu Yimo and Ye Hanzhi both smiled.

Chu Qingge didn't want to care about their affairs.She guessed that it might be because of her, but... she didn't need to get involved in the level of fighting between the two of them, so she said, "I want to go back to the Hundred Ghosts Pavilion. What kind of grievances do you have, I will settle them before I come back."

"I'll see you off." Ye Hanzhi said. ,

"No, Gu Xia is driving, let him go back by the way."

(End of this chapter)

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