Chapter 490

Things on Shanhaizhou are almost settled.

Dijing still had things to do, so Chu Yimo, Ye Tingjue and Chu Qingyan went back first.

Because Chu Qingge accepted a task from the Baigui Pavilion, Ye Hanzhi and her returned a few days late.

And He Yuzhe originally wanted to be with Chu Yimo and the others, but Su Qian came to Shanhaizhou, so he and Su Qian went to Su's house.

Ye Hanzhi accompanied Chu Qingge to the Baigui Pavilion, planning to go to M state with her in the afternoon and go on missions together in the evening.

They came yesterday after Chu Yimo and the others left, and stayed here for one night.

Early in the morning, while Chu Qingge was still asleep, Ye Hanzhi and the black ghost strolled around the Baigui Pavilion.

When they came back, Chu Qingge had already had breakfast in the restaurant.

"Are you awake?" Ye Hanzhi walked to her side, stroked her hair and sat down.

Chu Qingge was eating while looking at her mobile phone+-, when they both sat down, she raised her eyes to look at Ye Hanzhi, and said lightly, "Tell me, what do you want to do to survey the terrain early in the morning?"

Sitting opposite the two of them, the black ghost looked at Chu Qingge and smiled.

"Look at Madam's world." Ye Hanzhi said warmly, "Make plans for yourself to eat soft food in the future."

"Okay." Chu Qingge lowered his head to eat the porridge, "I'll welcome you through the door after I knock down Hui Yao."

Ye Hanzhi smiled: "There's no need to fight, it's yours."

Chu Qingge raised his eyebrows.

The nigger sipped his soup and suddenly felt like he was a bit redundant.

Ye Hanzhi also served himself a bowl of soup. Seeing that she was looking at her phone all the time, he discussed, "What are you looking at? Eat first?"

Chu Qingge turned off her mobile phone to eat.

The nigga looked at himself as such an obedient boss.

Haven't seen it yet, check it out again.

"My brother and the others were photographed at the airport when they returned to Dijing yesterday." Chu Qingge said.


"It's nothing serious, just that my brother and Ye Tingjue went on their honeymoon and just came back." Chu Qingge said softly.

Ye Hanzhi just took a bite of the egg and suddenly found it hard to swallow: "."

"It's not that my sister is still present." The black ghost said.

"Well, my sister was dropped by P, only Ye Tingjue and my brother." Chu Qingge said with a smile, "Now it's on the hot search."

"It's a pity." Ye Hanzhi said suddenly.

"What a pity?" asked the nigger.

"It's a pity that I'm not in China now." Chu Qingge said, "I can't watch the jokes between my brother and Ye Tingjue on the spot."

"Yes." Ye Hanzhi replied with a smile.

"Boss, that's your own brother." The nigger said.

"Did Li Gui stop seeing your jokes?" Chu Qingge asked back.

Nigga: "." It's not that she watched less, but she made all the jokes.

In the afternoon, Ye Hanzhi and Chu Qingge went to M state.

The two were very low-key, staying in a hotel like a couple traveling.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the two quietly went out from the hotel.

Before midnight, the two returned to the hotel without anyone noticing.

In the room, while taking off her coat, Chu Qingge said, "It's their honor to let the bosses of Baiguige and Huiyao do it."

Ye Hanzhi looked at her and smiled, then suddenly said, "Ma'am, let's take a bath together?"

Chu Qingge turned to look at him.

Ye Hanzhi looked at the word "Shu Yue" on her tattoo, then looked into her eyes and said, "We haven't tried it in the hotel yet. Don't rush back tomorrow."

"Isn't it the first time in a hotel?"

"That belongs to being at home." Ye Hanzhi said, "And I remember that the Doomsday Hotel in the Imperial Capital has always been under your name."

Ye Hanzhi paused and said, "If you put it this way, I really look like a softie."

"But. We experienced it as a hotel." Chu Qingge said ruthlessly, "I didn't think of the past at that time."

Ye Hanzhi choked for a moment and remained silent.

Chu Qingge raised her eyebrows, walked up to him, got very close to him, looked up into his eyes: "Third Master, in fact, you can just say it directly, without detours."

Ye Hanzhi looked at her with lowered eyes, and the expression in his eyes became more and more fierce, danger enveloped her.

Even though this little girl didn't change anything from her expression to her voice, he still felt his heart was hooked.

He swallowed his throat lightly, and said in a low voice, "Actually, I can do it directly."

After speaking, he pinched her chin and kissed her.

After coming out of the bathroom, Chu Qingge fell asleep.

Ye Hanzhi lay beside her, hugged her, and slowly patted her back with one hand.

Still a little excited for the time being, can't sleep.

After finally falling asleep, not long after, a gunshot suddenly rang out in the dark night.

Ye Hanzhi and Chu Qingge immediately opened their eyes.

"There are gunshots." Chu Qingge said hoarsely.

"Yeah." Ye Hanzhi rubbed her head and immediately got out of bed and went to the window, looked out, "There are police cars outside, and the hotel is surrounded."

Chu Qingge also took a look. With so many police cars, there must be something wrong with this hotel, and a shot was fired just now.

The two looked at each other, Chu Qingge's eyes were a little red, and said, "Continue to sleep?"

Ye Hanzhi raised his eyebrows and kissed her: "That's a good proposal."

That's what they said, but the two of them still went to change their clothes, just in case.

And he didn't change his combat uniform, but his regular uniform.

They don't know what happened.

I don't know if it will affect them, so to avoid attracting attention, it is better for the two to keep a low profile.

And just as the two of them changed their clothes, the door of the hotel was swiped open from the outside.

Ye Hanzhi pulled Chu Qingge behind him.

The people outside kicked the door open and turned on all the lights while shouting "No one moves, we have guns in our hands".

"People! Come out! Cooperate well, we won't kill you!" As he spoke, he fired a shot.

With a bang, the window facing the door was shattered.

Ye Hanzhi and Chu Qingge looked at each other. With just one look, they knew that they wanted to go together.

Just as the two people outside walked into the cloakroom, two guns were aimed directly at them.

"Don't move!"

Ye Hanzhi and Chu Qingge cooperated very well without moving or speaking.

Seeing that they were so calm, the other two were a little defensive, so they shouted again: "Hands up!"

The two raised their hands cooperatively again, but in a perfunctory manner.

"Get out your cell phones! Get out all your electronic devices!"

The two threw down their mobile phones, and then showed them in their pockets. It was clean and there was nothing.

The two men holding the guns were wearing masks. Seeing that they were so calm and cooperative, they were silent for two seconds.

But the two of them did nothing.

So they thought it was the two of them who were frightened, so they didn't think much about it.

Walking behind the two of them, pointed a gun at their backs, and said, "Go out!"

The two went out.

"Stay away! Don't get so close!"

Ye Hanzhi and Chu Qingge were led out of the room by them.

When I got outside, I happened to meet two couples walking from the corridor.Like both of them, someone behind him pointed a gun.

It's just that the other two couples were not as calm as they were, they were all frightened, and some were directly dragged over.

Ye Hanzhi and Chu Qingge looked at each other.

Ye Hanzhi's eyes passed: Shouldn't we also pretend just now?

Chu Qingge: It's too late now.

There should only be three pairs of them on this floor.

They got into two elevators and went down.
(End of this chapter)

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