Chapter 500 Discovered

State M.

In the backyard room.

Jing Yanbai stood by the table, his pale blue eyes seemed to be bloodthirsty, and his whole body was surrounded by a terrifying murderous aura.

Qianye knelt on the ground with a pale face, beads of sweat covered his forehead, and blood oozed from the corner of his mouth.

She had been lying in the hospital for more than 40 years before she recovered her life. She was just discharged from the hospital today, knowing that Jing Yanbai was here, so she hurried over here.

It was fine at first, and Jing Yanbai even cared for her a few words.

But after resting in this room in the backyard for a while, Jing Yanbai went out for more than an hour, and when he came back, he touched her.

The person who went to Shanhaizhou with her must have said something to Jing Yanbai.

The man kept fighting with her secretly, and didn't even want to bring her back.Someone else brought her back, and now seeing her come back to life, he wants to target her again.

Jing Yanbai took off his coat, and he was wearing a neat white shirt and a gray suit vest inside.He looked down at Qianye, his chest rising and falling, "How did I tell you?"

Qianye knelt on the ground and fell silent for a while.

"Speak!" Jing Yanbai said.

"Let me, let me bring Yingzhuo back." Qianye said with a trembling voice.

"How did you do it?" Jing Yanbai raised his foot and kicked her on the left chest, "You wanted to kill Xiao Yinghuo, but you dared to kill her!"

Qianye lay on the ground, but couldn't get up when he thought about it.The place where it was kicked was exactly where it was injured.Although all the special medicines sent by Jing Yanbai were used, the wound healed quickly.

But after being hit like this, it still made her hurt so much that she couldn't use any strength.

"Qianye, did I treat you too tolerantly, so I made you think that I was just talking to Yinghuo?" Jing Yanbai said softly.

Qianye struggled to get up, and knelt on the ground with his hands on the ground: "Young Master Jing, it's because you are too kind to her. So good, so good that you know she wants to kill you, and you still want to take her by your side."

She coughed after she said this.

Jing Yanbai kicked too hard, Qianye coughed for a while, and finally coughed up a little blood.

"So now you're in charge of my affairs?" Jing Yanbai looked coldly at the blood in her palm, "My orders are deaf to your ears?"


"No?" Jing Yanbai squatted in front of her and looked at her, "I usually don't want to speak loudly with her, but you actually want her life. Isn't this violating my order? Didn't I take what I said Is it windy in your ears? I trust you in vain."

"Jing Shao, I don't, I won't, I will only be loyal to you alone, only to you alone." Qianye suddenly became anxious.

Jing Yanbai looked at her and didn't speak.

Qianye looked at his appearance, looked at his strange eyes, and trembled in his heart: "Jing Shao, I never thought of betraying you. I was just worried about your safety. Yinghuo is no longer Yinghuo before, she wants to kill a People are too simple."

Qianye had never seen Jing Yanbai look like this before, she felt that he didn't want her anymore.

It was already a little difficult to breathe, and suddenly it became even more uncomfortable.Her throat seemed to be clogged with blood. She breathed desperately and spoke forcefully, so her voice was a little loud and laborious: "Jing Shao, I'm really worried about you. I never thought of betraying you. Ying Huo We have been chasing 319, we are the source. Even if she doesn't care about the past, she will not let the 319 matter go away."

Ruan Qianxi outside the yard suddenly opened her eyes wide when she heard the three numbers 319, covered her mouth, and immediately hid behind the tree next to the Moon Gate.

The yard is not that big, Jing Yanbai and Qianye are still in the room in the yard.There is still a distance of two or three meters between Ruan Qianxi and the Moon Gate.

However, it may be because the sound insulation of the room is not good, or it may be because Qianye's voice is a bit loud, Ruan Qianxi heard Qianye's words very clearly.

She also vaguely heard some Jing Yanbai's words.

Although what I heard was intermittent, I could piece it together after a little thought.

Qianye's words shocked her so much that she couldn't digest them for a while.He could only hide subconsciously according to the instinct of the body.

inside the room.

Jing Yanbai looked at the tears falling from Qianye, his expression didn't relax at all.It's even a little strange.

The person in front of him would also cry.

"Jing Shao, I will never betray you, I will never." Qianye looked at him and said forcefully, "I just think it is too dangerous to seduce her. Jing Shao, she has already affected your judgment .I'm just worried about you."

Jing Yanbai looked at her for a while, then reached out and grabbed her neck suddenly.

Qianye couldn't breathe for a moment, and raised his hand to grab his hand, but raised it and put it down again, letting him pinch.

"Where did you hurt her?" Jing Yanbai exerted a little force on his hand.

Qianye's lips trembled slightly, his eyes closed and opened again, and his pupils gradually rolled up.

She couldn't say anything, but shook her head slightly.

Jing Yanbai pinched her neck with his left hand, and a switchblade appeared in his right hand at some point.

He put his hand on Qianye's collarbone, and moved it down bit by bit: "Qianye, besides Jing Qi, you are the only woman around me who grew up with me. You should know that my father chooses killers, Never a woman."

Qianye constantly wanted to breathe fresh air, and his body began to twitch slowly.

"You know very well that my father kept you as a research subject in the first place. Because your heart is very interesting." Jing Yanbai stopped the switchblade on her left heart, "It's not there Here, a very special example, my father was interested in keeping you."

As Jing Yanbai spoke, he stabbed the switchblade in, and blood spurted out instantly, splashing on his face.

"But keeping you is not for me to make decisions for me. I'm still alive this time, so I won't drive you away."

After speaking, he let her go, stood up, took a handkerchief from his pocket, and slowly wiped the blood on his hands.

Qianye lay on the ground with his eyes closed, without any breath of life.

And just when Jing Yanbai wanted to go out, someone outside suddenly knocked on the door: "Jing Shao."

Jing Yanbai opened the door directly, and there were two servants standing outside the door, one of them was holding Ruan Qianxi's arm.

Ruan Qianxi was struggling all the time, but when she saw the blood on Jing Yanbai's face and collar, she was so frightened that she immediately forgot to struggle, and her legs even trembled a little.

"What's wrong?" Jing Yanbai looked at Ruan Qianxi and asked.

"Jing Shao, she is sneaking around outside the yard, as if she is eavesdropping."

Jing Yanbai looked at her: "Really?"

Ruan Qianxi shook her head: "I, I don't. I don't."

"Aren't you afraid of anything?" Jing Yanbai took a step outside and said to the other person, "Send the one inside to the hospital."


Qianye was beaten and carried out.

Ruan Qianxi glanced at the blood on Qianye's body and trembled even more.

Jing Yanbai walked a little closer to her, grabbed her other arm, and motioned for the other person to go down.

Ruan Qianxi couldn't stand on her own at all, especially after Jing Yanbai met her.

Now she is completely relying on Jing Yanbai to support her.

"When did you come?" Jing Yanbai's voice was as gentle as usual.

But Ruan Qianxi was only afraid: "Just now, just here."

"What did you hear? I'm afraid of becoming like this." Jing Yanbai said with a smile.

"I, I didn't hear anything."

"Qian Xi, it's not good to lie." Jing Yanbai touched the side of her neck with his other hand, and a little blood stained her fair neck.Jing Yanbai's indifferent eyes deepened.

"I, I really just came here." Ruan Qianxi closed her eyes tightly, feeling the coldness of Jing Yanbai's fingertips, "I didn't hear anything, I didn't even enter the courtyard."

Jing Yanbai smiled gently: "Little girl, if you lie, you will lose your life."

(End of this chapter)

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