Chapter 503 Counterattack
"What's wrong?" Ye Hanzhi saw that something was wrong with Chu Qingge's expression.

Chu Qingge talked to the black ghost, hung up the phone first, and looked at Ye Hanzhi.

"Is something wrong with the Pavilion of Hundred Ghosts?" Ye Hanzhi asked again.

Chu Qingge squeezed her fingertips and said, "Are you looking for Jing Yanbai?"

Perhaps her question was not accurate enough.

They have been looking for Jing Yanbai.

It's just that Ye Hanzhi seems to have found it.

The place where the 319 transaction was made seemed to force Jing Yanbai to flee.

Ye Hanzhi felt relieved a little, then held her hand and said, "Well, I'm still looking for it."

Chu Qingge was a little surprised: "How did you find it?"

"I made a summary of the entertainment venues, boxing rings, casinos... and other places in each continent. Then... I repeatedly deduced Jing Yanbai's possible psychology, and finally came up with some locations." Ye Hanzhi said, "I got it I tried some methods again, and then pushed back, scattered countless points from a few points, and thought it was feasible, so I started."

What Ye Hanzhi said is simple, but no matter whether it is pushing forward or backward, it is a process of constant trial and error.

He even imitated Jing Yanbai's criminal psychology.

Moreover, many methods have been used, ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign, heaven and earth.I even looked at the direction with Feng Shui.

A combination of two methods, or a combination of three.

Because there are so many places, Ye Hanzhi felt that except for some places that Jing Yanbai wanted to be there subjectively, there must be rules to follow for other places.

It's just that the rules are a little hard to find.

Ye Hanzhi spent a lot of time and energy.

The most important thing is that he has never met Jing Yanbai, but based on some words from others and some recordings, he simulated his psychology.

And it was right!
Chu Qingge looked at Ye Hanzhi.

He was able to imitate Jing Yanbai's psychology.

Jing Yanbai is so perverted.

He even simulated his psychology.

Moreover, Jing Yanbai was forced to flee, breaking 319's transaction chain.

It can be said that they have taken the initiative and started to fight back.

"Little girl, I don't want to hide it from you." Ye Hanzhi said warmly, "I just want to wait until there is some real progress before I tell you."

Chu Qingge digested the matter as quickly as possible, and then asked: "The black ghost said that someone was escorted and escaped during the fight."

Ye Hanzhi was a little surprised why the black ghost knew so many things.



"A house in M ​​State." Ye Hanzhi said, "I'm not sure if it's Jing Yanbai, the fight was fierce at the time, but someone caught a quick glimpse."

"Do you have information about that house?"

"Well, it's on the computer in the study."

"I want to see." Chu Qingge said.

"it is good."

The two went to the study.

Ye Hanzhi sat on the chair, grabbed Chu Qingge's waist and let her sit on his lap.

He found out the information photos about the house that they had sent over from state M.

The photos are taken very carefully, and almost every place is taken into account.

You can piece together a complete house in your head.

Chu Qingge flipped through the pages, and soon saw the peach blossom tree in the yard.Her eyes stayed on the tree for two seconds, and then looked at other photos.

"It really looks like a place where Jing Yanbai would live."

Ye Hanzhi hugged her from behind, put his chin on her shoulder, and said after a pause, "Little girl, I'm a little jealous."

Chu Qingge's thoughts drifted to the sky, overlooking the continents.Suddenly he was dragged down by his words: "What?"

"I'm jealous."

Chu Qingge glanced at the photos on the computer and understood.She raised her hand to touch Ye Hanzhi's face, without turning her head, she said, "I still know you best."

Ye Hanzhi: "."

Thank you, madam, for giving me a word of perfunctory.

Chu Qingge looked at the information on the computer again.Ye Hanzhi hugged her silently.

In this folder, there is more than one place in the mansion in M ​​state.

There are also some photos from other places.

It doesn't look like a trading place, but some residences.

And there's something about her everywhere.

For example, there is a pipa in a room, an easel in a certain room, or a swing under a tree, or a mural dancing on a wall.

After she finished reading all the materials, she was silent for a while before realizing that Ye Hanzhi was a little too silent in holding her.

Chu Qingge regained his senses.

Ye Hanzhi must have seen all these photos, and he must have known all these details.

She paused, and opened a drawing tool.

A simple layout of the room was quickly drawn.

"Do I know you best?" Chu Qingge moved her shoulder.

Ye Hanzhi looked at the picture, and it was indeed the room layout he was used to.

"Do you only know about my room?" Ye Hanzhi's voice was very low, right next to Chu Qingge's ear.

Listening to his deliberately pretending pitiful voice, Chu Qingge slowly curled up her fingertips, took a light breath, and said, "Not only."

"Then what else do you know?" Ye Hanzhi asked.

"People who understand you understand your thoughts." Chu Qingge said lightly.

Ye Hanzhi smiled, raised his head, and pinched Chu Qingge's head, making her look at him, and asked with great interest, "What do you understand about me?"

Chu Qingge looked at him, paused, and placed his hand precisely on his belt buckle, and then the belt was loosened for him.

Ye Hanzhi: "."

"Understood?" Chu Qingge asked.

Ye Hanzhi suddenly didn't speak,
If he said he understood, then he admitted that there was a thought in his head that he needed to turn on the light every day.

He can't go against his will if he doesn't understand.

"I asked Baigui Pavilion to transfer some people to you. The people in Baigui Pavilion on all continents will also cooperate with Hui Yao." Chu Qingge said suddenly.

Ye Hanzhi's thoughts came to a screeching halt: "Okay."

"Continue?" Chu Qingge asked again.

Ye Hanzhi's thoughts once again ushered in a sharp turn: "."

He paused, pressed the back of her head, and kissed her.

A kiss that wasn't gentle, but a bit harsh.

After letting her go, Ye Hanzhi kissed the corner of her mouth twice.

Of course he wanted to continue, but the little girl was too tired these days and hadn't slept well.

He was reluctant.

"Next day off, I have a reservation. Don't go home."

Chu Qingge laughed, lowering his eyes and tightening his belt back again.

The veins on Ye Hanzhi's forehead bulged: "..."

He suspects she did it on purpose.

 Goodnight everybody

(End of this chapter)

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