Chapter 510 The New Dean

Three days later, a meeting was held within the institute.

Everyone is staring at the position of the dean, and everyone is really concerned about this matter.Not only at home, but also abroad, all are staring at the research institute.

So the sooner a new dean is confirmed, the better.

On the day of the meeting, all twelve families from the institute were present.

Moreover, not only one person came from each family, so a large conference hall was specially used.

The Chu family couple and Chu Yimo were all present.

Ye Tingjue from the Ye family came here as a representative.

The He family's family of three were dispatched.

Chu Qingge could have been spared.

But she was a little worried about Yue Guyuan, so she asked Ye Hanzhi to accompany her here early in the morning.

Tables are placed in all four directions of the conference hall, surrounded by one another, and left empty in the middle.The field of vision is very wide, and you can see the person sitting opposite you just by looking up.

Everyone arrived early, sat in their seats, and seldom talked.Everyone looked serious, preparing for the bloodless tough battle for a while.

The Yue family came at the time when the meeting started.

The three members of Yue Guyuan's family and Yue Sinuo brought Mu Fan into the conference hall, and everyone immediately looked over.

But the Yue family just greeted the Ye family and the Chu family with eyes from a distance, and sat down nearby.

After Mu Fan sat down next to Yue Guyuan, he raised his eyebrows and greeted Chu Qingge who was diagonally opposite.

Chu Qingge: "."

When all the people arrived, the conference hall was suddenly quiet for a while.

The endless smell of gunpowder spread in the silence.

It seems that with a little spark, the explosion can reach the sky.

Ye Tingjue waited for someone to speak with a cold face.

There will always be people who can't hold their breath and expose their desires.

He waited for a while, then inadvertently lowered his eyes, and saw Ye Hanzhi sitting next to him playing with the diamond ring on his aunt's hand under the table.

Ye Tingjue: "." He lowered his eyes for nothing.

No one spoke for more than a minute.

Finally, Meng Ying spoke first.

"Now that everyone is here, let's start the meeting."

Ye Hanzhi continued to play with the ring without even raising his eyes.

Chu Qingge's expression also seemed a little wandering.

And those who agree with Meng Ying are also from Meng Ying's camp.

If someone responds, the conversation will continue.

So Meng Ying continued: "President Yue has passed away, and we are all very sad. But the post of director of the research institute cannot be vacant."

"That's right. The new director must be decided at once."

"Yes, this is the most important thing for the institute at the moment."

Everyone looked at Meng Ying.

Meng Ying nodded and looked towards the Yue family: "I don't know if the dean has appointed a new dean before his death."

Yue Guyuan's father looked at Meng Ying, paused and said, "Of course there is."

Meng Ying knew: "That's good. Then our meeting will be much simpler. Since the dean has appointed a candidate, let's vote and see the number of votes."

Everyone agrees.

But Meng Ying quickly said another sentence: "Although the dean has appointed a new dean, I still want to say something. The dean of our research institute has always valued ability the most. The ability to lead the institute and the academic aspects Ability is indispensable.”

Chu Qingge's eyes focused on Meng Ying.

Meng Ying continued: "Everyone here, we all have the same wish, that is, we hope that the research institute will get better and better and prosper forever. So I hope everyone will be more cautious, don't follow blindly, and think carefully. Professor Yue, what I said right?"

Yue Guyuan's father nodded: "Of course. We are sitting here for the good of the research institute. At this time, the research institute will unite and make a concerted effort to speak out. We put the research institute first, and there are some petty grievances and personal interests. , should also be let go. Mr. Meng, what I said is correct, right?"

Meng Ying smiled with the corners of his mouth pulled, but did not speak.

Seeing the smirk on his face, He Yuzhe relieved his boredom and said, "Since the dean has chosen someone himself, he must be worthy of the position of dean. Let's stop talking useless nonsense That's it. Just announce the candidate appointed by the dean."

Meng Ying listened to He Yuzhe's words and glanced at him, not intending to argue with him.

Sitting in his seat, he seemed to be [-]% sure of the outcome of today's meeting, and said relaxedly, "Lawyer Mu, let's announce it."

Mu Fan pushed his glasses, smiled gently, and opened the file in his hand.

"This is Dean Yue's will." Mu Fan sorted it out, then took out his phone and said, "There are also audio and video recordings."

Yue Guyuan looked down at the table, holding a pen in his hand, turning it slowly.

And everyone in the conference hall was either looking at Mu Fan or Yue Guyuan.

Some people even look like they are ready to oppose.

Meng Ying exchanged glances with the Qi family sitting opposite him.

"According to Dean Yue's last wish." Mu Fan looked at everyone in the conference hall and said, "The designated new dean will be Nan Chu."

Mu Fan's voice was not very loud, but after he said it, it sounded like a boulder had been thrown into the sea, stirring up thousands of waves.

Except for the three members of Yue's family and Yue Sinuo, everyone else was shocked.

Whether it is for support, opposition, or neutrality, they all froze suddenly.

No matter what their attitude was, they were all heading towards Yue Guyuan today.

But no one thought it would be Nan Chu.

Chu Qingge was used to being calm, but when she heard those two words, she was taken aback for a moment.

Ye Hanzhi touched the ring on her hand, and then slowly wrapped her hand in his palm.

Compared to others, Ye Hanzhi was calm.

He vaguely guessed it, and even... when Chu Qingge felt that something was wrong, he deliberately guided her.

Chu Qingge was stunned for a while, then looked at Yue Guyuan.

Yue Guyuan smiled at her when she looked over.

Chu Qingge immediately figured things out.

From the very beginning, Dean Yue did not let Yue Guyuan take over the research institute.

He just let Yue Guyuan bear the risk for her.

Those who are capable of becoming candidates in the research institute are nothing more than those few.

The younger ones include her, Ye Hanzhi, Chu Yimo, and some older ones.

She is the qualification granted by Dean Yue to enter the research institute.It was also approved by Dean Yue to enter the research institute.

And whether it is the new method she proposed to suppress 319, or the solution proposed for the later study of 319, and so on.

They're all too pretentious, too conspicuous.

She has not been in the research institute for a long time, but the results she has made are higher than those made by others in a few years.

There is the Ye family behind him, and the dean's favorite, it can even be said to be a preference.

All these will make her a thorn in the side.

Dean Yue didn't explicitly train a successor, so she would be the one most likely to become the next dean.

And with a clear successor, no matter how high her achievements are, everyone's attention to her will be weakened.

That's why Dean Yue raised Yue Guyuan in such a high-profile way, in order to protect her.

Chu Qingge's eyes gradually became wet.

Dean Yue's phrase "make her obedient" does not mean that she should protect Yue Guyuan to succeed him.

Instead let her listen to him and take over as dean.
(End of this chapter)

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