Chapter 539
Ye Hanzhi talked about going back to Ye's house, but they got into Chu Yimo's car directly at the hospital gate.

Then everyone's cars followed Chu Yimo's car back to Chu's house.

Ye Hanzhi was distracted while grabbing Chu Qingge's hand all the way, and the most frequent thing he said was to make Chu Yimo slow down.

Finally, Chu Yimo couldn't bear it anymore, and said, "Why don't you drive. Look outside, the one pushing the baby carriage is faster than us."

"I can't drive." Ye Hanzhi didn't look out, but said, "Slow down."

Chu Yimo took a deep breath: "How did you speak so confidently?"

"Concentrate on driving your car and don't talk."

"That's my own sister." Chu Yimo said, "Be careful if I don't know?"

"If it weren't for the fact that you are a real brother, do you think we would get in your car?" Ye Hanzhi said.

Chu Yimo: "."

Chu Qingge closed her eyes, heard the two of them quarreling, and didn't want to talk to them at all.

The car finally stopped, Chu Qingge opened the door and got out of the car.

After Ye Han got out of the car, he looked at the gate of the Chu family: "Why are you here?"

"What do you think?" Chu Yimo said, "You didn't know where to go all the way. Qingge knew that the route was going to Chu's house even when she fell asleep."

Ye Hanzhi looked at Chu Qingge.

Chu Qingge raised her hand and patted Ye Hanzhi's shoulder: "Third Master, you are a little too anxious."

Ye Hanzhi opened his mouth: "I'm adjusting."

Chu Qingge nodded, and said without emotion: "Come on."

Originally, Chu Qingge wanted to wait for everyone to arrive before going in, but Ye Hanzhi took her back to the living room first.

Let Chu Yimo wait outside.

When everyone arrived, Ye Hanzhi had already warmed up a cup of milk for Chu Qingge and was drinking it.

Chu Qingsinger held the cup in his hand and stood aside when he saw them coming in.

Then she looked at the people who entered one after another, and asked, "Why did you all follow?"

"I don't know." Su Qian looked at her neck with flickering eyes and said, "Everyone drove over by coincidence."

After Chu Qingge came in, she took off her coat and scarf, revealing the tooth marks on her neck, and she looked at the black ghost again.

The nigger's eyes couldn't help but glanced at her neck, then immediately moved away and said, "I haven't been to the boss's house yet, so I'll stop by to have a look."

"I'm different. I'm here to see my future nephew." Gu Xia said.

"You came early enough." Chu Qingge said.

"Come and see her early to enhance your relationship." Gu Xia suddenly saw the tooth marks on her neck, and was taken aback suddenly, and everyone took a step back.

Seeing Ye Hanzhi's murderous eyes, the black ghost quickly pulled Gu Xia behind him to block him.

Gu Xia also reacted and coughed lightly.

He always thought that his sister was very cold in this regard.

I didn't expect it to be so violent.

Also, he was about to have a new nephew.

Because it was at the Chu family, Chu Mingjin and Xia Luoqing kept entertaining everyone.

Arranging another call, Chu Mingjin and Xia Luoqing came here to greet them.Mu Fei and Luo Nanchen are all in the Imperial Capital. They have dealt with each other and know each other.

But these few people here have never seen it.

"Qingge, these few."

Chu Qingge introduced: "Su Qian."

"Hello, Uncle and Auntie." Su Qian was suddenly very well-behaved, and her voice became even sweeter.

Chu Qingge looked at her: "Can you be normal?"

"I'm always like this." Su Qian said.

Chu Qingge narrowed his eyes, and Ye Hanzhi felt a murderous aura for a moment, but it disappeared soon.

Chu Mingjin immediately remembered: "Oh, Su Qi's daughter."


Chu Qingge introduces the nigga, "he"

Chu Qingge looked at the black ghost, but couldn't remember what his real name was, so he paused and said, "His name is **."

Suddenly, the black ghost with a Chinese name smiled and said, "Hello, Uncle and Auntie."

"Hello, hello." Xia Luoqing said with a smile.

Then Chu Qingge looked at Gu Xia, and just about to introduce her, Gu Xia took a step ahead of her and said, "Mom and Dad, my name is Gu Xia. I'm my sister's younger brother."

Chu Qingge: "??????"

Ye Hanzhi: "."

Su Qian was stunned for a moment, and stood behind Chu Qingge, holding back her laughter until her shoulders shook.

Chu Yimo and Chu Qingyan, who were standing not far away, all looked over.

Both Chu Mingjin and Xia Luoqing were stunned for a moment, then looked at Chu Qingge.

Chu Qingge pursed her lower lip and said, "Just treat it as a son."

Chu Mingjin came to his senses first: "Okay, okay. Gu Xia is destined to be with Luo Qing."

"Yes." Xia Luoqing said, "There is a mother-child relationship."

Gu Xia bent her peach blossom eyes and laughed
Everyone also mainly focused on caring about Chu Qingge. They probably asked about her body and cared about her. After knowing that she was fine, they didn't stay for long.

Fearing that Chu Qingge would be tired from being with them all the time, they left.

Only the Chu family and the Ye family were left.

The two families are discussing where Chu Qingge lives.

The Chu family wanted to put Chu Qingge under their noses, but Ye Hanzhi insisted on letting her go back to Ye's house.

With Lin Nai around, he can observe Chu Qingge's situation at any time.Ye Zhai has all kinds of medicinal herbs and nourishing things.

Listening to their discussion, Chu Qingge suddenly said: "I'll live in the dormitory of the research institute. It's convenient."

Both families looked at her.

Ye Hanzhi frowned.

"What nonsense?" Xia Luoqing said.

Chu Yimo said: "It's best not to enter the laboratory in the future. Many reagents in it are irritating, which is very bad for you."

Chu Qingge: "."

Lin Nai said together: "Are you tired or not? If you are tired, go upstairs. You don't have to stay with us here, and there are no outsiders."

Yan Tong echoed from the side.

"Not tired." Chu Qingge said, "I'll take Nan Cheng out for a stroll."

They knew she had something to say to Nan Cheng, and Lin Nai said together: "Go. Both of you should dress warmly."


Chu Qingge glanced at Nan Cheng who had been sitting next to Ye Hanbei.

Nan Cheng immediately got up and walked quickly to her side.

She stood up, and Ye Hanzhi also stood up.

Chu Qingge glanced at him and said three words: "Don't follow."

Ye Hanzhi paused and looked at Nan Cheng.

Nan Cheng looked at him with unusually firm eyes.The men exchanged a look with each other, it was the look of protecting a woman together.

It was the look of a little man about to rise up.

But only Nan Cheng's eyes were firm, while Ye Hanzhi's eyes were still a little flustered.That is distrust of a little man.

There is also anxiety about not being able to settle down.

Chu Qingge and Nan Cheng got dressed at the entrance, and they strolled from the front yard to the back yard.

Chu Qingge took Nan Cheng's hand, walked for a while and said, "Do you like younger sister or younger brother?"

"Didn't you mean twins?" Nan Cheng looked up at her, "Grandma said there is a possibility of twins. Can't it be a younger brother and a younger sister?"

"Suppose it's a brother and a sister, who do you like?" Chu Qingge asked again.

"Can't you like them all?"

"Yes." After Chu Qingge finished speaking, he asked again, "Are you unhappy?"

"No." Nan Cheng shook his head, "I like younger siblings. I'm just a little scared."

"Don't be afraid." Chu Qingge said, "I assure you, nothing will happen."

Nan Cheng squeezed some of her hands: "Okay."

"Have you decided on a name?" Chu Qingge asked while holding Nan Cheng's hand for a while.

"Think it over." Nan Chengdao, "I want to use the word Heng, next to the word Wang, the one that goes one by one. Ye Tingheng."

Chu Qingge raised his eyebrows: "Then let your fathers do it quickly. After finishing it, go to school."

Nan Cheng paused: "I don't want to go."

"You must go."

Nan Cheng frowned: "Didn't you say you want to discuss it?"

"The prerequisite for the discussion is that you have to go to school first. If you are really not used to it, we can discuss it later." Chu Qingge looked down at him and said.

Seeing her firm attitude, Nan Cheng said, "Then what grade do I want to go to?"

"Then it depends on what grade you want." Chu Qingge said lightly.

Nan Cheng: ".Why so casual."

Chu Qingge didn't speak, just took his hand and continued walking.

"Are you tired? Do you want to go back?" Nan Cheng said, "Papa Ye will be worried."

"Not tired." Chu Qingge said, "Go around here and go back."

"Oh." Nan Cheng quietly followed her for a while.

Seeing his hesitant appearance, Chu Qingge said: "If you want to see Uncle Rui, let your second brother take you there. You don't need to tell me specifically."

The rumored Nan Cheng didn't hide it anymore: "I want to go and see it a year ago."


 Just one chapter.

  There was originally one more chapter, but I want to change the next chapter and post it tomorrow.

  Goodnight everybody
(End of this chapter)

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