Chapter 547

After Ye Hanzhi came back, he took off his coat at the entrance, and his hair was on his shirt.He had no idea when it was on him.

He heard Chu Qingge calling his name lightly, and broke out in a cold sweat at that moment.

"Little girl. Me, I don't know." Ye Hanzhi seemed to be afraid of Chu Qingge leaving, so he held her other hand first, "I have been in the office today, and I saw no one except Zhenlei. Really. If you don’t believe me, go and watch Yunji’s surveillance.”

Chu Qingge looked at him and said nothing.

"I really don't have any. I don't know how I have hair." Ye Hanzhi vividly interpreted the three words of helplessness, nervousness and fear at this moment.

There was a roar in his ears, and the vision in front of him was not narrowed, and in the end he could only see Chu Qingge alone.

The bathroom has a lot of space, but he feels that the space is squeezed, and the surrounding air is getting thinner little by little, making it difficult for him to breathe.

"Don't be angry, don't get excited. Your body is important." Ye Hanzhi said nervously, "Why don't you beat me up first to vent your anger."

Chu Qingge looked at him for a while, then threw the hair in the trash can aside, and washed his hands again.

Ye Hanzhi stood beside her, not daring to vent his breath, his palms were sweating all the time, and his head was short-circuited.

He just stared blankly at her washing her hands.

After Chu Qingge washed and dried her hands, she looked at him again: "Ye Hanzhi, if you dare to do anything wrong to me, I will turn you into the chief eunuch of Ye Zhai."

"I won't." Ye Hanzhi looked at her seriously and said.

Chu Qingge slightly raised her eyebrows, looked at him and said, "I believe it."

The muscles of Ye Hanzhi's whole body relaxed a little, and then his fingertips began to tremble as if his strength was drained: "I'm sorry."

Chu Qingge shook his hand: "Go and eat."

Ye Hanzhi didn't eat much for dinner, and he had to go back to the North Courtyard after dinner.

Chu Qingge was not with him, she and Lin Naiyi chatted for a while in the front yard.So Ye Hanzhi went back first by himself.

On the way back, Ye Hanzhi was only wearing a shirt, with his coat in his hand.He called Zhen Lei and asked who he met when he took his clothes.

Zhenlei thought for a while and said, "Miss Cen Weiwei, we have an elevator. She left from the first floor, and I went to the parking lot."

"Why is she in the company?" Ye Hanzhi asked.

"Personnel recruitment came in." Zhen Lei said.

It's not an important position, and Ye Hanzhi won't bother with recruiting personnel.There is also a manager in charge of operations in the Imperial Capital branch.

Ye Hanzhi was only in charge of the technical part most of the time.

He will only deal with major incidents.

"Did she dye her hair?" Ye Hanzhi asked.

He hadn't seen Cen Weiwei in Ye Zhai for a long time, he didn't know if she moved out or she was still in Ye Zhai but he didn't see her again.

"Yes, red." Zhenlei was confused when asked, "Third Master, what's wrong?"

"Let her resign tomorrow." Ye Hanzhi said directly.


Ye Hanzhi hung up the phone directly.

Back in the north courtyard, Ye Hanzhi threw away his coat and shirt, and went to take a shower.

After taking a shower, he changed his clothes and planned to go to the front yard to find Chu Qingge
As a result, as soon as he opened the door, he saw Chu Qingge standing outside the door, holding a plate in his hand, about to open the door and come in.

Ye Hanzhi took the plate first.

"Have you taken a bath?" Chu Qingge raised her eyebrows.

"Why didn't someone else take it?" Ye Hanzhi said.

"I'm pregnant, not disabled." Chu Qingge entered the bedroom, "As for it? I don't even have dinner."

"I don't have much appetite." Ye Hanzhi took her hand and sat down at the tea table on the balcony.

Chu Qingge sat down and said, "I brought it up from downstairs myself, do you have an appetite?"

"There is."

Chu Qingge smiled: "You are not a few years older than Nan Cheng."

Ye Hanzhi also smiled, picked up his chopsticks to eat.

"If I say I believe you, I really believe you." Chu Qingge said.

"I know." Ye Hanzhi said, "Otherwise I might not have a chance to catch my breath now."

Chu Qingge didn't speak any more, sitting on a chair and admiring Ye Zhai from the floor-to-ceiling windows.It wasn't until Ye Hanzhi finished eating that she looked outside and said, "It smells so good."

"What?" Ye Hanzhi asked.

He ate everything, even the two cilantro in the soup that seemed to be placed very deliberately.

"You." Chu Qingge looked at him and said.

Ye Han was taken aback.

Chu Qingge's eyes were stained with a smile: "Time flies too slowly."

"What are you thinking about?" Ye Hanzhi pinched her chin and shook it.

"What do you think?" Chu Qingge said.

"Don't even think about it." Ye Hanzhi said, "I won't cooperate."

Chu Qingge grabbed his wrist, bit his tiger's mouth, then threw it away, looked outside, and said coldly: "It doesn't taste good at all."

Ye Hanzhi was amused by her, and reached out to stroke her head.

Regarding the matter of hair, Chu Qingge didn't ask about it afterwards.

Even gradually forgotten.

In April, Chu Qingge had a prenatal checkup and found out a little problem.

Then he was ordered to rest at home for a few days.

Because Yunji has been busy during this time, Ye Hanzhi couldn't leave.

In order to protect Chu Qingge conveniently, Ye Hanzhi transferred Xunfeng from Mzhou over.Xunfeng usually stays with her at home.

Going out is Xunfeng and Lihuo protecting her together.

After the afternoon nap, Chu Qingge was really bored.Just strolled around Ye Zhai with Xunfeng.

The two walked onto the arch bridge, and Chu Qingge saw Nan Cheng running over.

She pulled him back, looked at him and said, "What day is it today?"

Nan Cheng glanced at her and said, "Tuesday."

"So. Why are you at home at this time?"

Nan Cheng touched her belly with his small hand, and then said with a smile: "Speaking out may not be good for prenatal education."

"Skipping class. Nan Cheng, you're doing well." Chu Qingge said softly.

"Shh." Nan Cheng put his index finger on his lips, "Don't let your siblings hear it. Just this time, I won't dare next time. I have something urgent."

As Nan Cheng said, he gently pulled Chu Qingge's hand away, and then ran away: "There will be no next time!"

Chu Qingge looked at his back and sneered.He called Ye Hanbei directly and asked him to block people.

While she was on the phone, she watched Nan Cheng running along the river bank under the bridge, telling Ye Hanbei where he might go.

Looking at it, a figure entered her line of sight.

It was Cen Weiwei whom I hadn't seen for a long time.

Dyed red hair.

Seeing her red face, Chu Qingge narrowed her eyes.

In the next second, Nan Cheng and Cen Weiwei who ran away in a hurry collided with each other.

Nan Cheng immediately fell over to the river.

Xun Feng saw Cen Weiwei bumping into Nan Cheng on purpose, and even pushed him.

Although she did it very covertly, she still saw it.

Seeing that Nan Cheng was about to fall, Chu Qingge shrank her pupils and immediately walked towards him.

"Sister-in-law, slow down." Xun Feng followed her.

 There is one more chapter, but I want to update it tomorrow.

  Goodnight everybody
(End of this chapter)

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