Worried that Chu Qingge would be tired just after giving birth, everyone stayed in the ward for a while and then left one after another.

The Ye family and the Chu family didn't stay in the ward for too long, they all went out after being with Chu Qingge for a while.

Only Chu Qingge, Ye Hanzhi, the two little guys and Aunt Wenren who took care of them were left in the room.

Ye Hanzhi moved closer and kissed her forehead, and said softly, "Go to sleep."

"Go and see them." Chu Qingge said.

Ye Hanzhi's lips finally returned to blood color, and his thin red lips lifted, "Okay."

He got up and went to see the child.

Chu Qingge looked at his back, and pulled a tissue from the bedside, trying to wipe the sweat from her palms.

The two of them kept holding each other's hands, sweating a lot and not letting go.

She wiped her palms, and when she was about to throw the tissue away, she caught a glimpse of blood on the tissue from the corner of her eye.

Chu Qingge's hands paused, and she unfolded the kneaded paper towel again, there was a lot of blood on it.

She raised her hand to look at her hand again. It was fine, but there were bloodstains on it.

Then he looked at Ye Hanzhi.

She's fine, but Ye Hanzhi is the one with the problem.

Ye Hanzhi walked to the side of the crib and looked at the two little ones.It's really ugly at first glance, like two little aliens.But the moment Ye Hanzhi saw the two of them, he suddenly had an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

I can't help but want to get close to the two of them.

The softness in his heart continued, and the eyes that looked at the two of them became more and more gentle.

The connection between the blood is really amazing. Even though it was only the first time they met, Ye Hanzhi felt that he could do anything for them.

He reached out and touched the faces of the little ones lightly with his fingertips.

This is his and the little girl's child.

Ye Hanzhi looked at them and asked, "Which one is the daughter?"

"This." Aunt Wenren said.

"Who is older?"

"Tingjun is 6 minutes older than Chuno," said Aunt Wenren.

Ye Hanzhi smiled, looked at it for a while and said, "Can I give you a hug?"

"Of course." Aunt Wenren hugged Ye Hanzhi carefully, and then gave Ye Hanzhi, "Hold here with your hands, be gentle. Her body is still too soft. This hand is here, yes, slow down."

Ye Hanzhi hugged him stiffly, and after placing it in the crook of his arms, he dared not move.He hugged and looked at it for a while, then slowly walked to Chu Qingge's side, and showed it to Chu Qingge as if holding a baby: "Look."

Chu Qingge glanced at his hand before looking at the little guy.

"Look, how beautiful is my daughter, why is she so ugly?" Ye Hanzhi's tone was not only serious, but also very proud.

It gave people a feeling that my daughter is just beautiful, and people who say ugly are blind.

Chu Qingge glanced at him.

Ye Hanzhi hugged it for a while, then put it back and carefully hugged the other one to show Chu Qingge: "My son is also pretty."

Chu Qingge endured it and couldn't hold it back anymore, she turned her head and looked to the other side: "You go to the ophthalmology department in the outpatient building."

Aunt Wenren laughed.

Ye Hanzhi also smiled, hugged the child for a while, then put it back, and sat next to Chu Qingge again.

"Go to sleep."

Chu Qingge looked at him again: "Stretch out your hand and let me have a look."

Ye Hanzhi was puzzled, but he did as he did, and stretched out his hand in front of her eyes.

Only then did he realize that he was wounded on his hand.

There is a small wound on the palm of the hand that was pinched by four nails.

The hand holding Chu Qingge's singer was sweaty and dry, blood was everywhere on the palm.

The blood of the other hand had clotted where it had been broken.

Ye Hanzhi didn't feel it at all. Seeing that his hand was hurt, he immediately retracted it.

Only then did he faintly feel the pain.

Chu Qingge looked at him.

Ye Hanzhi coughed lightly: "It's okay, it doesn't hurt."

"Apply medicine." Chu Qingge didn't say much.

"it is good."

After three days in the hospital, Chu Qingge was discharged and went to a senior confinement center.

Ye Hanzhi was accompanied by Aunt Wenren and two confinement wives.

When these two little guys were born, they weighed more than ten catties. Chu Qingge's body suddenly became lighter, and he felt like he was going to float when he walked.

The freedom from the shackles gave her the urge to wander around the continents.

But in the end, he was locked up in the confinement center, listening to the two ancestors crying every day.

Cry when you're hungry, cry when you're sleepy, cry when you wake up, cry when you pee.
And it's double.

As long as one cries, the other will definitely follow suit.

Chu Qingge thought that Nan Cheng was already at the ceiling level back then, but now it seems that she is still too lacking in knowledge.

These two gave her a taste of what it means to be someone beyond others.

Fortunately, the facial features of the two little guys slowly opened up and became cute.This made Chu Qingge's patience rise to a level.

Of course, the main reason why this patience rose to a higher level was that Ye Hanzhi didn't need her to worry about anything.

There is Ye Hanzhi, Aunt Wenren, and Yuesao, but she is not needed for many things.

Most of the time, she looks like an outsider, watching them busy.

After a week in the confinement center, Chu Qingge began to deal with some research institute matters online, as well as some documents sent by Yue Sinuo.

On this day, just after Yue Sinuo delivered the documents and left, Chu Qingge received a strange message.

[Miss Chu, I'm Fu Zhu.I'm going to perform in three days, thank you for your guidance. ]
Some sudden news.

He seemed to have something to say, but he didn't say anything, and in the end he just thanked him.

Chu Qingge read the message for a while and replied: [Aren't you inviting me to see it? ]
[Of course I want to.I left you tickets for the concert, but the time for the concert is a little tight. ]
Fu Zhu's message came back quickly, and he even made a typo when he was excited.

Then a correct message came quickly.

The whole network knew about Chu Qingge's production, and they were still guessing whether it was a boy or a girl.

But in order not to expose the two children to the camera.

Chu Qingge just posted on Jiuxi's Weibo: [Everything is safe, everyone can rest assured. ]
Everything else is not disclosed.

Without revealing, everyone knows that she must be in confinement at this time.

So Fu Zhu also knew that it was inconvenient for her.

Chu Qingge saw Ye Hanzhi approaching from the corner of his eye, and replied: [Do you know Chu Qingyan?Vote for Chu Qingyan. ]
Fu Zhu was studying at the Imperial Capital University, and Chu Qingyan knew almost everyone who was a man of influence in Beijing.

Fu Zhu replied: [OK, I will send her to the dormitory at noon. ]
He even knew where her dormitory was.

"What are you doing?" Ye Hanzhi walked over and looked at her.

"Fu Zhu wants to give me tickets to the concert." Chu Qingge sent a message to Chu Qingyan telling her, "I can't go anymore, so let Master Mei go and see."

Ye Hanzhi raised his eyebrows: "Find Master Mei a successor?"

"Look at Fu Zhu's strength." Chu Qingge said.

As for Fu Zhu's pipa, the first time I heard it, I was really not very good at it, but Chu Qingge liked the way she played it very much, so I gave her some guidance.

As for the current strength?Whether she can enter her master's eyes or not depends on herself.

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