The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 565 Extra Story 5: Ink Spot Plum Fragrance

back to the room.

Cheng Nanzhi closed the door and leaned against the door. In the dark room, he could feel his throbbing heartbeat and his warm skin.

The dark night can hide everything best, and only in the dark night can she be her true self.

Only then did he dare to cut himself open and face his own heart.

At five o'clock the next day, the door of the guest room was opened, and Cheng Nanzhi's head came out from inside. He looked left and right, but no one was there.

He squatted down quickly, came out of the room squatting, closed the door quietly, then walked to the railing, and secretly looked downstairs into the living room.


Cheng Nanzhi got up immediately and ran downstairs quickly.

When I arrived at the entrance to change my shoes, the back collar was caught.

Cheng Nanzhi froze and didn't dare to move.

"What are you going for? Want to run?" Chu Yimo asked.

Cheng Nanzhi turned around with a smile on his face: "How is it possible? I just have early skills, so I want to go there early."

"It started at seven o'clock earlier, and it's five o'clock now." Chu Yimo looked at her, observing her reaction.

"I... work harder." Cheng Nanzhi took a step back.

"Since you work so hard, don't go to work in the future." Chu Yimo said, "Concentrate on practicing your dance."

The corner of Cheng Nanzhi's mouth twitched: "If I don't work, I have to drink the northwest wind."

Xia Luoqing liked her very much and was willing to take her with her during performances, but she still had to go to school and didn't have that much time and energy, so the performances were much less.

When the dance association is not performing, the monthly salary is only enough for her to rent a one-bedroom, one-living room of more than 50 square meters near the Imperial Capital.

Food and clothing costs, but also to pay tuition.Everything costs money, and if she doesn't work, she will have to drink up the Northwest Wind one day.

Chu Yimo looked at her.

Cheng Nanzhi understood what he meant: "I don't want your money. I have hands and feet, so I can earn money. After I graduate, I can make a lot of money when I have time to perform."

"I'll send you to study abroad." Chu Yimo said, "I'll accompany you."

"I don't want it." Cheng Nanzhi retorted immediately, "I will fight for what I want. And I don't like foreign countries. I feel safe in my own country."

Regarding this matter, Chu Yimo really has nothing to do with her.

"I, I won't go to the cafe anymore." Cheng Nanzhi said, "I'm looking for a new job by myself. I don't need your help, I can find it myself."

"So you don't like asking me to help?" Chu Yimo asked.

Cheng Nanzhi pursed his lips and said in a low voice, "I don't like it."

"Then I'll lend you money at the interest rate." Chu Yimo took a step back and said, "I will pay you back when I graduate and work in a year, okay?"

"Is there any interest?"

Chu Yimo: " interest."

"No." Cheng Nanzhi shook his head.

"Cheng Nanzhi." Chu Yimo was about to die of anger at her.

Cheng Nanzhi shrank his neck.

Chu Yimo sighed: "Forget it, let's eat first."

"Oh. Did you cook so early?" Cheng Nanzhi said, "Auntie got up so early?"

"I made it."

"You did it?" Cheng Nanzhi stopped walking, a little worried that he might get food poisoning, "That, that, I don't seem to be very hungry either. You, you can eat by yourself."

Chu Yimo ignored her and put an arm around her waist.

In an instant, Cheng Nanzhi's feet were brought to the dining room by Chu Yimo with one arm, and thrown on the chair.


Cheng Nanzhi pouted, and picked up the chopsticks submissively.

All the gentleness and warmth are disguised by that face.

Bad temper than anyone else.

After Cheng Nanzhi stopped going to the cafe, he didn't go to work for a long time.

Because I have to train in the Dance Association, and because I am a self-taught Teikyo Institute of Technology, I can only take classes on weekends, and occasionally have classes at night, so I haven't found a suitable part-time job for the time being.

And Chu Yimo still told her in advance to pick her up every night whenever he had time.

Cheng Nanzhi refused once, and Chu Yimo came to pick him up after being rejected once.

Another night, Chu Yimo returned to Chu's company to deal with some matters after finishing his work in the research institute.Seeing that it was almost time, he went to school to pick up Cheng Nanzhi who was taking evening class.

When approaching the school gate, Chu Yimo saw Cheng Nanzhi talking with a boy at the gate.

He parked the car not far away and didn't go there.

At the school gate, Cheng Nanzhi looked at the boy who was a head taller than himself in front of him, and asked after a while, "Isn't it early for school to start? Why are you here so early?"

"Well. Come to work during the summer vacation." The boy is very similar to Cheng Nanzhi, but he looks more aggressive than her, "I have a rest today, so I will stop by to see you. Don't worry, Dad. He doesn't know. I asked my eldest sister." came."

"You are not yet of age." Cheng Nanzhi said.

"I am an adult on my ID card."

His brother is three years younger than her, 17 years old.But I made a mistake when registering, so I was one year older than my actual age.

Cheng Nanzhi: "Are you tired?"

The boy shook his head, then took out an envelope from his pocket, "Sister, this is my salary from last month, here it is."

Cheng Nanzhi looked at the envelope and found a little bandage on his wrist.

She frowned and grabbed his wrist: "How?"

"It's okay." The boy pulled down his sleeve to cover it, "I accidentally touched it while working, it has been dealt with, it's okay, don't worry."

Cheng Nanzhi pulled up his sleeve to have a look.

The bandage was wrapped very thickly, but no injury could be seen: "Is it really all right?"

"It's okay." The boy said, "It's almost fine."

Cheng Nanzhi frowned, and looked at the envelope in his hand again. With this thickness, there must be at least [-] money inside: "What do you do? You earn so much a month?"

"A construction site." The boy handed the envelope forward again, "Sister, take it."

"No, you can keep it." Cheng Nanzhi let go of his wrist, "There are a lot of things to buy when school starts, and there are many places to spend money. The consumption in the Imperial Capital is very high."


"Jiayou, he is him, you are you. He took the money, even if I repay his debt, it has nothing to do with you." Cheng Nanzhi said, "There is no need to wrong yourself for anyone else."


"Okay. Have you eaten yet?" Cheng Nanzhi pulled his clothes and stuffed the money into his pocket.


"Where do you live?" Cheng Nanzhi has been working and earning money in the town of his hometown since he was 14 years old, and has not lived with them for many years.Although familiar, but more unfamiliar.

"Go back to the dormitory at the construction site." Cheng Jiayou said.

"Is it far? I'll call a car for you."

"No need, a friend is nearby, I'll go find him and go back with him," Cheng Jiayou said.


Cheng Jiayou stood for a while, and then said, "Sister, I'm leaving."

"Yeah." Cheng Nanzhi finished speaking, and then said, "Jiayou, pay attention to your safety and your health. School will start soon, and focus on studies."

"I know, sister." Cheng Jiayou smiled, "Don't worry."

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