The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 567 Extra Story 7: Ink Spot Plum Fragrance

Chapter 567 Extra Story [-]: Ink Spot Plum Fragrance ([-])

At the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau, as soon as the car stopped, Cheng Nanzhi wanted to run, but Chu Yimo locked the car door and failed.

Cheng Nanzhi couldn't open the car door, and looked at Chu Yimo while clutching his seat belt: "I won't go. If you drag me in, I'll yell at the people inside that you forced me. Then, call the police and arrest you."

Chu Yimo smiled: "Okay, try it."

Cheng Nanzhi frowned, and pursed his lower lip: "Master Chu, what do you like about me? I want family background without family background, education without education, ability without ability."

Cheng Nanzhi's voice became smaller and smaller.

Chu Yimo said without any ups and downs, "I like your face."

Cheng Nanzhi was startled: "Why are you so superficial?"

"Can't you?" Chu Yimo said confidently.

"I, I..." Cheng Nanzhi was speechless.

Chu Yimo said: "Then tell me why you don't like me?"

Cheng Nanzhi clenched the seat belt in front of him tightly and didn't speak for a while.

"Why aren't you talking?" Chu Yimo asked again.

Cheng Nanzhi lowered his eyes, what to say.Say you are too good to be worthy of yourself.

"Cheng Nanzhi..." Chu Yimo called her again.

Cheng Nanzhi suddenly said, "You are old."

Chu Yimo felt that he had been poked into a lung duct.

Cheng Nanzhi glanced at him secretly, then immediately lowered his eyes and dared not speak.

The car was suddenly quiet for a while, Cheng Nanzhi lowered his head, and from the corner of his eye, he saw Chu Yimo chatting with someone with his mobile phone.

After more than a minute, Chu Yimo handed the phone to her.

Cheng Nanzhi didn't know what he was doing with his phone, but he picked it up anyway.

As a result, when I got it in my hand, I saw the photo above.

It's a picture of his brother.Although the photo is not very clear, as if it was cut from a surveillance camera, it can still be seen that the face is full of injuries.

The person curled up on the ground, his clothes were black and nothing could be seen, but there was blood on his neck and hands.

The moment Cheng Nanzhi saw it, his whole body trembled.

"There will be more in the future." Chu Yimo felt that he was extremely bad, but he continued this badness.

Cheng Nanzhi's fingertips trembled and slid back.

There are different angles in the back, which are even worse than the first one.

Cheng Nanzhi couldn't stand it anymore, turned off the phone, and looked at Chu Yimo: "What did you do to him? What did you do to him!"

Chu Yimo looked at her pale lips and red eyes, took a breath and said, "It wasn't me what happened to him? It was he who went with someone yesterday and ruined my place. Of course, this last The purpose is to want my life."

Cheng Nanzhi's long eyelashes trembled a lot: "How is that possible?"

"That's the truth." Chu Yimo swallowed his dry and sore throat, and said softly, "He was the only one left in the group he was with last night."

"What do you mean?" Cheng Nanzhi showed fear for the first time in front of Chu Yimo.

"That's what you think." Chu Yimo wiped away her tears, and said, "Nanzhi. I need a reason to keep him alive."

"Chu Yimo, you..." Cheng Nanzhi looked at him in disbelief.

"Half an hour, think about it carefully. Do you want to leave here, or go find me inside." Chu Yimo rubbed her head gently, and then took her ID away, "I can also decide on Cheng Jiayou how to do things."

When the car door closed, Cheng Nanzhi's tears fell directly on Chu Yimo's cell phone.

Standing outside the car, Chu Yimo took a deep breath, scolded himself for being useless, and entered the Civil Affairs Bureau.

In less than half an hour, Cheng Nanzhi got out of the car and entered the Civil Affairs Bureau.

His eyes were bloodshot from crying.

Chu Yimo looked at the little girl standing in front of him.

Cheng Nanzhi said in a low voice, "I want to go see him."

"Yeah." Chu Yimo looked at her and said, "Go after finishing."

With Cheng Nanzhi's eyes red from crying, the staff asked him several times if he married voluntarily.

Cheng Nanzhi just nodded mechanically.

In the end, Chu Yimo said that something happened to her family, and the two got their marriage certificate.

The moment Cheng Nanzhi got the marriage certificate, holding the red book in his hand, the first thought in his head was that if he wanted to get married again in the future, it would be a second marriage.

However, as soon as this idea came to mind, the marriage certificate was taken away.

Chu Yimo put both marriage certificates in his pocket.

With nothing in his hand, Cheng Nanzhi looked at Chu Yimo and said, "I want to see Jiayou."

Chu Yimo motioned for her to get in the car.

Cheng Nanzhi thought that Chu Yimo was going to take her to some place where people were locked up.

Did not expect to bring her to the hospital.

When he arrived at the ward, Cheng Jiayou was receiving an infusion on the hospital bed, his head was wrapped in gauze, and the wound on his face was swollen with medicine.

I also had a plaster cast on my left arm, but I don't know what happened to other parts.

As soon as the door of the ward opened, Cheng Jiayou opened his eyes and looked towards the door.

Chu Yimo raised his eyebrows when he saw the cruelty and murderous look in his eyes.

But the moment Cheng Jiayou saw Cheng Nanzhi, the murderous look in his eyes was even thicker and filled with fear.

Regardless of the pain in his body, he got up and got out of bed directly.Because of too much movement, the infusion needle in his hand was pulled out directly.The back of the hand was scratched, the infusion patch was immediately stained red, and blood dripped on the floor.


Cheng Nanzhi immediately entered the room and supported him.

Cheng Jiayou had an abdominal injury and couldn't stand upright when he was bent over, but he still pulled Cheng Nanzhi behind him first.

He didn't know Chu Yimo, and he didn't know who owned the boxing ring last night.

But the person who can easily enter and leave here, and the person who has been watching him is so respectful to the person in front of him, must be the person related to last night.

He stared at Chu Yimo: "Something is coming to me, and it has nothing to do with her."

Chu Yimo smiled.

Cheng Nanzhi supported him: "Jiayou, I'm fine. You sit down first."


"Sit down first." Cheng Nanzhi asked him to sit on the bed.

Cheng Jiayou looked at Chu Yimo and sat on the bed: "Sister, are you okay? What happened to him? Did he bully you?"

"If I bully her, what are you going to do?" Chu Yimo said softly.

Cheng Jiayou was about to get up, and he looked like he was going to beat Chu Yimo.

But was held down by Cheng Nanzhi: "Don't move. Sit down. I'm fine."

When Cheng Jiayou heard that his sister was about to get angry, he didn't dare to move.

Cheng Nanzhi turned his head and glanced at Chu Yimo.

Chu Yimo smiled: "You talk, I'll go outside."

As soon as he left, Cheng Jiayou grabbed Cheng Nanzhi's hand, looked at her nervously and said, "Sister, did you make a deal with him to let him let me go? What did he do to you?"

Cheng Nanzhi looked at the blood dripping from the back of his hand: "No. We have known each other for a long time. He helped to change my name. But you, what's wrong with you? What the hell are you doing? Make yourself like this."

Cheng Jiayou lowered his head and stopped talking.

"I said before, he is him, and you are you." Cheng Nanzhi was very angry, "If he doesn't take the money, I will give it to him one day."

"But all the money is to support me." Cheng Jiayou lowered his head and said in a low voice, "The elder sister and the second sister were forced to marry in order to exchange money for me. And you, you were not allowed to go to school a long time ago. You can earn some by yourself The money was taken away."

"So?" Cheng Nanzhi said, "You are like this? You use your life to make money? Everyone supports you, and you use your life to joke! Don't talk about others, are you worthy of yourself?"

"Sister." Cheng Jiayou pulled her clothes, "I was wrong, don't be angry."

Cheng Nanzhi pulled his hand away.

Cheng Jiayou put his hands on his legs and buttoned his pants, not daring to speak.
(End of this chapter)

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