The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 576 Extra Story 6: Ink Spot Plum Fragrance

Chapter 576 Fanwai Sixteen: Ink Spot Plum Fragrance ([-])

Coming out of the hotel, Chu Tian threw Cheng Li in the car.

"Miss Cheng, take the co-pilot."

Cheng Nanzhi shook his head and didn't get in the car: "The corridor is monitored."

"It's okay, I'll let someone handle it," Chu Tian said.

"Then can you check for me if my mother has come?" Cheng Nanzhi said.

"Okay. I'll have someone check right away."

"Tell me after checking, I'll walk around here." Cheng Nanzhi said, "Go back."

Chu Tian sent someone to check. After sending the message, he glanced at her and saw that she was in a bad state. He paused and said, "I'll send Miss Cheng back."

"I'm fine. Don't worry." Cheng Nanzhi said.

"Okay." Chu Tian answered, got into the car and drove away.

Cheng Nanzhi watched him leave, then she went into the hotel again and borrowed the bathroom.

Once in, I vomited.

Stomach spasms, churning raw pain.After a while, Cheng Nanzhi turned on the tap until he couldn't spit out anything.I washed my face.

After washing her face, she looked up at herself in the mirror.

His face was so pale that he didn't look like a living person, and his eyes were red.There are drops of water on the face.

When Cheng Li called her over, she became suspicious.

After all, he had done something like this before.

Moreover, when he saw himself, most of them also asked for money.

Just in case, she asked Chu Tian to send her there.

But in the elevator, Cheng Li lied.

Cheng Jiayou's arm is still not healed, so he didn't go to work at all.

Cheng Nanzhi lowered his gaze, and after a while, raised his hand to cover his eyes again.

The bloodless lips were tightly pressed, and all the voices were stubbornly muffled in the throat
Chutian didn't go very far there.

He stopped to call Chu Yimo and briefly told him what happened.

Then he kept looking at Cheng Nanzhi's position.

Cheng Nanzhi stayed in the bathroom for a long time, and then wandered around.

Based on her location, Chu Tian didn't dare to drive the car closer and followed her not far away.

Subordinate investigation results come out.Cheng Nanzhi's mother did come to the Imperial Capital, and went to the hospital for a checkup, and is now waiting for the ward in the hotel just now.

Chu Tian told her.

Cheng Nanzhi just replied "Thank you", but did not return to the hotel.

Half an hour later, Cheng Nanzhi arrived at a bus stop.

There was no movement for more than five minutes.

Chu Tian thought she was waiting for the bus where she wanted to go, or wanted to sit on the seat at the bus stop for a while.

Until Chu Yimo called to say that Cheng Nanzhi was missing.

Chu Tian looked at the still unmoved position, and drove to the bus stop immediately.

It took only 1 minute to drive, and when Chu Tian arrived, Chu Yimo was already at the bus stop.

He also found it according to the location on Cheng Nanzhi's phone.

It's just that there was no one there, but Cheng Nanzhi's cell phone was found in the trash can.

Chu Tian looked at Chu Yimo's cold and gloomy expression, and said, "Master, it's my fault."

Chu Yimo glanced at him: "Find someone first."


Chu Yimo contacted Chu Qingge and asked her to help find a nearby surveillance camera.

Then mobilize the Chu family and their own people to go out and search.

Chu Qingge acted very quickly, and blacked out all the nearby surveillance cameras when he received the call, but there was no useful information at all.

The other party deliberately avoided the surveillance very skillfully.

Even the surveillance next to the trash can at the bus station didn't capture any useful information.

While Chu Qingge was expanding his scope, Luo Nanchen's phone call came in.

"Xiao Jiu, the Yan Wan you asked me to monitor took Cheng Nanzhi away."

Chu Qingge's expression became serious: "Where did you take it?"

"Still in the car. It seems that we are leaving the Imperial Capital, and our people are still following."

"Give me a seat." Chu Qingge said after finishing speaking, "Don't keep Yan Wan."

"it is good."

Chu Qingge immediately synchronized the position to Chu Yimo.

After her brother and Cheng Nanzhi received the certificate, Chu Qingge had already warned Yan Wan to let her leave the capital.Originally thinking that this person is smart, knowledgeable about current affairs, and did not pose any danger to her, so he wanted to let her go and let her leave the imperial capital.

But now her mind is on her family.

This man really thought he could handle Cheng Nanzhi quietly without telling them.

Too much self-confidence is not a good thing.

Cheng Nanzhi was thrown on the back seat with his hands and feet tied.

She moved for a long time before sitting up, looking at the tightly wrapped person in the driver's seat, not even showing a finger.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?"

The person in the driver's seat was wearing sunglasses, a mask, and a hat. He seemed to glance at her in the rearview mirror, and then said, "My name is Yan Wan, and I want to kill you."

Cheng Nanzhi's pupils shrank slightly, and his heart beat faster, but after a while he asked, "Do I know you? Do we have any hatred?"

"I know you. As for enmity, there is no enmity." Yan Wan said, "It's just that Chu Yimo likes you so much, I need to make you disappear and make him forget you."

Cheng Nanzhi frowned, and the hand tied behind him moved. The tie was too tight, his wrist hurt, and his palms were sweating a lot from the tension.She looked out the car window: "Where are you taking me?"

"The moat." Yan Wan said, "When you are discovered, you will be a corpse at the bottom of the river."

Cheng Nanzhi didn't know how she put it down so lightly.

But she doesn't care about anything else right now.

She didn't want to die, she had to find a way to save herself.

Yan Wan quickly saw her intentions, and chuckled: "Don't bother. Just you? You can't carry your shoulders, you can't carry it, you don't need anything. Except for that face. I don't know why Chu Yimo I fell in love with you. Still so obsessed."

Cheng Nanzhi stared at her, twisting his hands constantly, trying to break free from the rope.

"Do you know why I didn't persuade you to leave him, but wanted your life?" Yan Wan said.

Cheng Nanzhi ignored her.

Yan Wan said: "Because you disappear Chu Yimo will forget you faster. And you and I don't think you will listen to persuasion and give up Chu Yimo. After all, if you grasp Chu Yimo's conditions, you won't let go."

Cheng Nanzhi's wrist was quickly worn out by the rope and bled: "Even without me, Chu Yimo would never like you. Do you think you did it quietly and no one would find out? It's just a joke, self-righteous. The young master of the Chu family It's not my turn to be the lady, but it will never be yours either."

Yan Wan grinned grimly, and then accelerated the speed of the car.

With a sudden increase in speed, Cheng Nanzhi was unsteady and knocked his head on the car window.
She looked at the vehicles that kept falling behind one after another outside, and leaned against the window without moving.

Without her mobile phone with her, the woman seemed to be fully prepared again.

Cheng Nanzhi didn't even know if they knew that he was kidnapped.

The moat is just outside the imperial capital, and at this speed, it won't take long to get there.

Because of Cheng Nanzhi's nervousness and fear of death, her legs and feet were constantly weakening and her heart was beating fast, making her feel that the air had become thinner.

She was tense and exhausted.

She closed her eyes, trying to calm down and find a way to escape, but her mind was full of Chu Yimo.

All she thinks about every day is independence, not clinging to Chu Yimo.

Let yourself think decently in this disparate relationship.

But in the end, at the critical moment, Chu Yimo will always appear by his side.

When she encounters any difficulties, she only thinks of Chu Yimo.

From the moment she changed her name, she was attached to Chu Yimo.

She wanted to wake herself up, for fear that one day Chu Yimo would leave her and she would collapse.But I still couldn't help myself to sink in greedily.

 Still a chapter.

  I have a cold and a headache.

  These days can be unstable.

  Goodnight everybody
(End of this chapter)

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