The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 581 Extra Story 21: Ink Spot Plum Fragrance

Cheng Nanzhi went to see Zeng Li, but Chu Yimo did not follow in, but waited for her outside.

Cheng Jiayou left, but came back after a while, looked at Chu Yimo who was sitting at the door, and said, "Let's talk."

Chu Yimo looked up at him, feeling that the kid was really interesting: "What are you talking about?"

"Talk about you and my sister." Cheng Jiayou said.

"What if I don't talk to you?" Chu Yimo said.

Cheng Jiayou's expression sank.

Chu Yimo smiled and said, "Go over there and don't disturb your sister."

Cheng Jiayou followed behind him.

In the ward, Cheng Nanzhi sat on the chair beside the bed.

Seeing her coming, Zeng Li was very happy sitting on the bed: "Wangdi, your brother said that it was you who asked me to stay in the ward."

"Yeah." Cheng Nanzhi hasn't been home for two or three years, but he transfers some money to Zeng Li every two months.

Zeng Li was much older than she remembered, probably because of the torment of illness, or because of Cheng Li's prodigal family, she aged very quickly.

He is obviously two or three years younger than Cheng Li, but now it looks like he is a few years older than Cheng Li.

"How do you feel?" Cheng Nanzhi asked.

"The doctor gave me a new type of medicine, which is very effective." Zeng Li said, "He said that although the cure is difficult, but if you take good care of it and cooperate with the medicine, it won't have much impact on your body."

"Yes." Cheng Nanzhi said, "Take good care of your body from now on."

"it is good."

It's been a long time since they saw each other, and something from the past is still between them.

After a few words, neither of them knew what to say.

After a moment of silence, Zeng Li asked, "Wangdi, do you know what Jiayou is doing in the Imperial Capital?"

Cheng Nanzhi looked at her, paused and said, "I don't know. We have very little contact."

"He's your younger brother, you guys." Zeng Li met Cheng Nanzhi's eyes and said silently, "You should keep in touch more often. I'll help you if you need anything in the future."

"Okay." Cheng Nanzhi responded.

Zeng Li sat on the bed and remained silent for a while and said, "Then do you know how his arm was injured? There is also the injury on his face. The arm was covered with plaster, so it must be broken. Why did it hurt so badly?" He ran out after the college entrance examination, and I asked him what he was doing outside, but he didn't tell me. In less than two months, when I saw him again, he was hurt like that."

"Where is the injury on his face?" Cheng Nanzhi asked, "I saw him when I first came here, and there is no injury."

"That's already fixed, it's hard to see it." Zeng Li worried, "Others can't see it, but how can a mother not see it. The skin on his forehead and cheekbones, look carefully, Obviously different from other places, it must have been injured.”

Zeng Li suddenly lost her voice as she spoke.

Because she finally noticed the wound on Cheng Nanzhi's face.

Abrasions on the forehead, on the cheekbones.

Chu Yimo didn't know what medicine he gave her, but he applied it every morning and evening, and the wound healed quickly.

But it is not difficult to see that there are still small holes and a little redness.

Cheng Nanzhi knew that Cheng Jiayou had also seen the wound on his face, so he had been staring at the wound on his face.

It's just that the gauze wrapped around his arm worried him even more. Later, she told about her marriage, but Cheng Jiayou didn't ask about it.

But she was sure her mother didn't see it at first.

The sentence "How can a mother not see it" suddenly became a bit ironic.

"Wangdi, I...what's the matter with the injury on your face?" Zeng Li panicked and stumbled while speaking.

Cheng Nanzhi smiled and said: "Cheng Jiayou got into a fight with someone, and he was injured when he fought."

"Fight?" Zeng Li immediately forgot what happened to Cheng Nanzhi's injury, "Why are you still fighting? Why are you fighting? The injury is so serious, didn't the other party give an explanation?"

Cheng Nanzhi looked at her.

Seeing Cheng Nanzhi's calm face with a worried expression, Zeng Li panicked again: "I, I..."

She sat forward and took Cheng Nanzhi's hand.

Cheng Nanzhi's right hand was pulled forward by her, and the gauze around the arm was exposed from the sleeve: "Wangdi, what's wrong with your arm? Is it injured? Why are you also injured? What did you two do? "

"I'm fine." Cheng Nanzhi withdrew his hand and put it on his lap, "You can live in peace in the hospital, and I'll pay for the medical expenses. Don't be reluctant to take the medicine you should take. These medicines are covered by the medical insurance. Quite a few, and I will take care of them.”

"Wangdi." Zeng Li looked at her and said, "You, what do you mean?"

"Mom..." Cheng Nanzhi swallowed, trying to make his voice sound normal, "You and Cheng Li gave birth to me, no matter what, they have raised me for 13 years. I will repay this kindness."

"Wangdi, what are you talking about?" Zeng Li's expression became more and more painful.

Cheng Nanzhi lowered his eyes and said softly, "When I was 14, Cheng Li wanted to sell me, and you knew it."

"I knew it, but I stopped it, I really stopped it." Zeng Li said, "You were born by me, the flesh that fell from my body, how could I do such a thing."

"But in the end you acquiesced." Cheng Nanzhi's voice trembled, "I heard all your conversations that night, otherwise how do you think I ran away the next day?"

"Wangdi, me, me."

"I can actually understand your partiality." Cheng Nanzhi said, "You like your son, for us, especially for me. The third daughter, who was born with disappointment to a certain extent, is naturally unpopular. But..."

Cheng Nanzhi raised his hand and gently wiped the tears on his face: "I was only 14 years old that year, you sold me to that man, do you know what will happen to me? Even our neighbors, watching me grow up, are not willing to give up. Do this to me."

Zeng Li suddenly covered her face and began to cry.

"This time you came to the Imperial Capital, Cheng Li called me to your hotel." Cheng Nanzhi said.

Zeng Li put down her hand and looked at her: "I don't know this time, I really don't know. Wangdi, believe me, I really don't know."

"I believe it." Cheng Nanzhi said.

"Then, what about Cheng Liren?"

"You will see him." Cheng Nanzhi looked at Zeng Li for a while, and then wrote a number to her with a pen and paper next to the bed, "You should cooperate with the doctor in the hospital. If you need anything, you can call me."

After speaking, Cheng Nanzhi stood up.

Zeng Li seemed to realize that Cheng Nanzhi might never see them again, so she immediately grabbed Cheng Nanzhi's arm.

Just caught on the wound, Cheng Nanzhi frowned in pain.

"Wangdi! I was wrong, I was really wrong." Zeng Li used some strength in her hand, "I will make it up to you, and I will make it up to you in the future."

Cheng Nanzhi's face turned pale, and he turned to look at her: "I have passed the time to make up for it. I have grown up so much, and there are too many times when I need my father's love and mother's love, but you all ignore me. The only thing I have for you The memory is when I was young, you hugged me and taught me to engrave things. I am very happy, every time I dream, I will dream of that time. My mind is distorted, I only remember that scene, and yearn for that scene. But behind this What is the purpose? I am seven years old, and you let me carve things day and night, because I can sell money, and I can sell money to buy new clothes for Cheng Jiayou to wear. He is four years old, and there are piles of new clothes. I am seven years old, All clothes are worn by my elder sister and my second sister.”

Zeng Li's tears kept falling, and the hand holding Cheng Nanzhi's arm slowly let go.

"If it weren't for Grandma Qi from the neighbor's house, you wouldn't even let me go to school." Cheng Nanzhi suddenly felt that it was meaningless to say this, and took a light breath and said, "Our relationship can only be like this. I don't expect you, you Don't expect me either. The best I can do is give as much money as I can, and nothing else."

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