The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 600 Extra Story 41 Chen Nian: What's so interesting about children?

Chapter 600 Extra Story 41 Chen Nian: What's so interesting about children?

"Hanzhi, what are you doing? Hurry up, I'm going to be late." Lin Naiyi called him downstairs.

Ye Hanzhi, who was only six years old, came down the stairs unhurriedly in a suit vest and white shirt.

Ye Lin sat downstairs and wanted to urge him, but when he looked up and saw his handsome appearance, he was reluctant to urge him.

The youngest of his three sons looks the most like his wife.

Although she is not a daughter, when facing him, he really can't express his violent temper.

When he got downstairs, Lin Nai helped him tidy up his clothes: "Today is my little niece's full moon banquet, we have to go there early, and play with my little niece for a while while there are few people."

Six-year-old Ye Hanzhi's eyes are still very big, and because of his young age, his skin is too tender, the end of his eyes is always powdery, and his lips are also ruddy.

"Is Mo's younger sister?"

"That's right." Lin Nai rubbed his little face, "Uncle Chu sent a photo, the little niece is so pretty. Don't Han Zhi want to see it?"

Ye Hanzhi touched his rubbed face expressionlessly, and said dryly, "What's so interesting about children."

"The child is beautiful."

"No matter how beautiful she is, she will never be more beautiful than Chutong." Ye Hanzhi said.

Lin Nai smiled: "It's my niece after all, I know how to protect her."

"Let's go." Ye Lin said, "If you don't go, you will be late."

"Okay." Lin Naiyi took Ye Hanzhi to the entrance, helped him put on his coat, and took him out with Ye Hanxiu's family.

Arriving at the Doomsday Hotel, after getting off the car, Lin Nai said, "Han Zhi, hold hands with Ting Jue, there are many people today, so don't get lost, both of you."

Six-year-old Ye Hanzhi and eight-year-old Ye Tingjue glanced at each other.

Then at the same time put the hands next to each other behind their backs.

Lin Naiyi and Yan Tong: "."

After entering the venue, the Ye family went upstairs to watch the children.

After the adults watched the children chatting, the children gathered around the smaller children in the crib.

The little girl's hair was very black, and she was just full moon. She was lying on the bed, staring back and forth with her two calves, and her arms were also moving back and forth.

The eyes are large, with single eyelids, and the eyes seem to be looking at a place curiously, but they seem to be staring at a single point.

The first time Ye Hanzhi saw it, a voice came out of his head: Tsk, this kid is prettier than Chutong.It actually allowed Chu Yimo to win in matters like looks.

"This is my sister, Chu Qingge." Chu Yimo introduced from the side.

The tone was blatantly showing off.

Ye Tingjue stood aside and did not speak.

Ye Hanzhi said: "Your sister is prettier than you."

Chu Yimo: ".Better looking than you."

Ye Tingjue said, "Why does she keep looking at Third Uncle?"

Ye Hanzhi looked at Chu Qingge, and after a while, moved his position.

The child in the crib kicked his calf, paused for two seconds, and cried loudly.

Ye Hanzhi, Chu Yimo, Ye Tingjue: "!!!!!!!"

Mr. Chu and Chu Mingjin came over immediately, and Mr. Chu immediately picked up his granddaughter.

Chu Mingjin took a step back, and paused for a moment with his hand stretched towards the crib. He felt regretful in his heart, and made up his mind that he must move faster next time.

He immediately got up and touched Chu Qingge's back, coaxing gently: "Okay, okay, don't cry, don't cry."

Mr. Chu also gently hugged and comforted him slowly.

Xia Luoqing looked at them, and then at the three little ones.

The three small ones stood in a row, and when Xia Luoqing and Lin Nai looked at them, they shook their heads at the same time.

Xia Luoqing smiled and said: "It scared the three of you. It's okay, my sister is still young, so it's normal to cry easily."

Xiao Qingge, one month old, cries loudly and is difficult to coax. The whole family surrounds her to coax her.

This was Ye Hanzhi's first impression of Chu Qingge.

Ye Hanzhi and Chu Yimo have been learning some knowledge from Mr. Chu since he was four years old. In the past two years, he came to Chu's house very diligently.

Occasionally, he still lives in Mr. Chu's yard.

When the daughter of the Chu family was three months old, Mr. Chu took her with him to teach Ye Hanzhi and Chu Yimo.

He specially made a crib beside him and put her beside him.

The child seldom cried in class, but only whimpered softly, especially when Ye Hanzhi and Chu Yimo were reading, as if she wanted to read together.

And when Chu Mingjin was at home, they would see Chu Mingjin come to steal the child.

Ye Hanzhi has always disliked children, not since he can remember.

For children, he gave his limited tenderness and patience to his little niece.

For other people's children, he will hide as far away as possible, and he doesn't want to get along with him for a minute.

But Chu Qingge suddenly broke into his world, appearing in front of him every day, and he couldn't escape.

He didn't understand how old master Chu and Chu Mingjin were rushing to take care of the child.

He also doesn't understand Chu Yimo's desire to hug his sister, give her a baby bottle, coax her to sleep and so on every day.

What shocked him even more was that at the kid's first birthday party, the kid gnawed on himself.

On the day of the birthday party, Ye Hanzhi followed his mother all the time.

Lin Naiyi and Ye Lin have also been with Mr. Chu all the time.

And Mr. Chu will not be one meter away from Chu Qingge.

At this time, Xiao Qingge is about to be able to walk. She has long hair, big eyes, pink lips, and a milky white face. She is very beautiful and cute.

Chu Yimo accompanied her by her side, teasing her with toys, which made her giggle all the time.

But...after Ye Hanzhi came, stood beside her and took a look at her, Chu Qingge stopped playing with Chu Yimo, and kept looking at Ye Hanzhi.

"Qingge, look here, look here." Chu Yimo teased her with a toy.

Chu Qingge took a look, smiled perfunctorily, and then went to look at Ye Hanzhi again.

Ye Hanzhi could feel that she was looking at him all the time, afraid that she would want to hug him again.After a while, he moved, allowing Lin Naiyi to block himself.

Then three seconds later, Chu Qingge cried.

Old Master Chu hugged her one step ahead of Chu Mingjin: "What's the matter? What's the matter?"

Lin Naiyi also brought Ye Hanzhi over.

Chu Qingge, who didn't squeeze out a single tear, immediately became less crying, looked at Ye Hanzhi, and reached out to him after a while.

Grandpa Chu smiled: "What are you doing? Don't let Grandpa hug you?"

Xiao Qingge was able to say some simple words, creaking and mumbled: "Hug."

"Let Uncle Han hug him?" Old Master Chu asked again.

Xiao Qingge stretched out her hand towards him.

Ye Hanzhi didn't move.

Xiao Qingge was about to cry.

Chu Yimo stretched out his hand towards her: "Brother hug."

Chu Qingge looked at him, then immediately looked away, still looking at Ye Hanzhi.

Chu Yimo pursed her lips, her face puffed up with anger, and she didn't want to play with Ye Hanzhi anymore.

Lin Nai smiled and took Ye Hanzhi's hand: "Go and hug the little niece."

(End of this chapter)

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