The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 602 Extra Story 43 Aging: Little Vinegar Essence

Chapter 602 Extra Story 43 Aging: Little Vinegar Essence
In July, the lotus in Ye Zhai is in full bloom.

At this time, the lotus house in Ye's house was only three mu of land, so it already felt very spacious and beautiful.

The house in the north courtyard has not yet been built, and there are more exotic flowers and plants, as well as some herbs cultivated by Lin Naiyi, and some scenery.

Mr. Chu came to Ye's house to play with Chu Qingge in his arms.

Ye Lin, Lin Naiyi and Ye Hanzhi accompanied them to admire the lotus flowers on the lotus pond.Chu Qingge kept holding Ye Hanzhi's hand.

"Brother Han, there are goldfish!" Xiao Qingge, who was not as high as the railing, could only look at the fish in the pond from the gap in the railing.

"En." Ye Hanzhi responded, and when he looked down, he happened to see the goldfish wagging its tail and ran away because of her voice.

"Ah! I ran away." Chu Qingge's voice was milky and milky, with a sense of loss.

"It will run when it hears the sound," Ye Hanzhi said.

"Then I will keep my voice down." Xiao Qingge waited quietly for a while, but no fish came.She curled her mouth, looked at Ye Hanzhi pitifully, took his hand and said, "Brother Han."

Ye Hanzhi pursed his lips lightly, and then looked at the Ye family who were standing not far away holding fish food.

The Ye family quickly came over with fish food, and Ye Hanzhi took it and sprinkled some into the fish pond.

Soon, a group of goldfish rushed over, eating fish food with their mouths open.

"Wow, so many, so many goldfish." Chu Qingge shook Ye Hanzhi's hand, "Brother Hanzhi is really amazing."

Ye Hanzhi stood by the lotus pond and did not speak.

The fish food was sprinkled very little, and it didn't take long for the fish to disperse.

Chu Qingge watched the last goldfish swim away, then shook Ye Hanzhi's hand again.

Ye Hanzhi then sprinkled a little more in it.

In this way, Mr. Chu chatted with Ye Lin and his wife by the lotus pond for half an hour, and Ye Hanzhi sprinkled fish food by the lotus pond for half an hour.

Chu Qingge couldn't be happier, she would scare the fish that came to eat fish food when she was having fun.

Only the next day, the Ye family fished out a bunch of overturned fish from the pond.

After watching the lotus flowers on the lotus pond, everyone went back.

Mr. Chu has a good relationship with Ye Lin and his wife, and it is not the first time for Chu Qingge to come to Ye's house.

But every time I come, I haven't finished shopping.

Every time I come, I am very happy, running here and looking there.

Several people walked back together, as usual, the little girl's hand was always tightly holding Ye Hanzhi's fingers, for fear that Ye Hanzhi would run away if he loosened his strength.

But today Ye Hanzhi let go.

Ye Chutong followed Yan Tong back to her mother's house for a few days, and happened to run into them when she returned to Ye's house.

"What's the matter?" Lin Nai's eyes turned red from crying when he saw Ye Chutong, and big teardrops were still hanging on his eyelashes.

And Lin Nai said one by one, she was more likely to cry.

Yan Tong touched her little head: "A little boy in my mother's neighbor pushed her somersault. She fell on her butt and cried all the way."

"It hurts." Ye Chutong complained in a low voice, "I don't like him, and he even robbed me of my doll."

Ye Hanzhi's expression immediately turned cold after hearing what she said.

Although the nine-year-old boy is taller than his peers, he is still childish.

But this look has cooled down, and there is still a threatening trend.

He let go of Chu Qingge's hand and walked in front of Ye Chutong, raised his hand to wipe her tears: "Don't cry, third uncle is going to avenge you and fight back for you."

Chu Qingge looked at her let go hand, and immediately walked a few steps to Ye Hanzhi's side, wanting to hold his hand.

But Ye Hanzhi held Ye Chutong's small face with both hands to wipe her tears, but she couldn't pull it off, so she grabbed the corner of his clothes and looked up at the two of them.

"Thank you third uncle." Ye Chutong cried and did not forget to thank him, "But that person is very fat."

"I can beat fat too." Ye Hanzhi said.

Both Lin Naiyi and Yan Tong smiled.

"But I still hurt a lot." Ye Chutong cried again as she spoke.

"Brother Han." Seeing that he kept wiping Ye Chutong's tears, Chu Qingge felt upset and wanted to hold his hand.

Her voice was low, and Ye Chutong was crying a little louder, but Ye Hanzhi didn't hear him. After wiping Ye Chutong's tears, he patted her head again: "I'll let your grandma rub some medicine for it to stop the pain."

"En." Ye Chutong nodded.

"Go and apply the medicine, I'll go find him now."

Seeing him ignoring her, seeing him wiping Ye Chutong's tears and rubbing her hair, Chu Qingge immediately became angry.

When Ye Hanzhi was about to leave with a pursed mouth, he pushed him and ran away.

"Qingge, where are you going?" Mr. Chu chased after him.

Ye Hanzhi staggered when pushed by her, and looked at her back in a daze.

Lin Nai stepped forward and hugged Ye Chutong: "Okay, don't cry, grandma will apply the medicine in a while."


"Hanzhi, don't go out." Lin Naiyi said again.

"He hit Chutong." Ye Hanzhi frowned, paused and said, "I'll go and see Qingge first."


Mr. Chu injured his leg when he worked at the grassroots level in his early years. It is fine to walk, but he can't run.

Xiao Qingge ran very fast, and Mr. Chu didn't even call her after calling her.

Fortunately, there are people everywhere in Ye Zhai, so he won't be too worried.

Ye Hanzhi caught up with him in a while, talked to him a few words, and then went after Chu Qingge first.

Chu Qingge ran casually when she saw the road, and it was easy to get lost in the twists and turns of Ye's house. She ran indiscriminately, and when she was on an arch bridge, she accidentally tripped and fell directly to the ground.


She fell to the ground, yelled softly, got up quickly, patted the dirt on her hands, and wanted to continue on the bridge.

Seeing her fall, the people in Ye's house came over immediately, squatted in front of her and said, "Miss Chu, where did you fall? Does it hurt?"

Chu Qingge was still angry, and the people who saw Ye Zhai just shook their heads and walked on the bridge.

At this moment, Ye Hanzhi ran over: "Qingge."

She was only three years old and couldn't run very fast. Ye Hanzhi quickly caught up with her and saw her fall.

Chu Qingge stopped, and then looked at Ye Hanzhi.

Ye Hanzhi walked up to her and looked down at her: "Why are you running? Uncle Chu can't even keep up with you."

Chu Qingge raised her head, pouted her small mouth, and stared at him with big eyes, so angry that the little milk fat was puffed up.

"Angry?" Ye Hanzhi knelt down and checked her hands.

It wasn't broken, but Bai Nen's little hands were also red.

He frowned slightly.

"You ignore me and don't hold my hand."

"When did I ignore you?" Ye Hanzhi rolled up her pants again, and looked at her knees, which were also red.

"I called you just now, but you ignored me." Chu Qingge said aggrievedly, "I don't like you like this."

Ye Hanzhi glanced at her, thought for a while and said, "Sorry, I didn't hear."

Chu Qingge blinked her big eyes and said nothing.

"Does it hurt?"

"It hurts." Chu Qingge paused for a moment, and began to pretend to cry, as if to compare with Ye Chutong, "Brother Han, it hurts so much."

Ye Hanzhi: "."

While crying, Chu Qingge put her arms around his neck and said softly: "Hug"

Ye Hanzhi didn't move.

Xiao Qingge was dissatisfied, so she raised her voice again, with a babyish and crying sound: "Hug."

Ye Hanzhi put his arms around her stiffly, and patted her on the back
 A chapter

  Next update pending.

  I am preparing a new article.

(End of this chapter)

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